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Items removed from game when giving to other character

Guest Madolite


Guest Madolite

I just started playing this game, and my first fight was with the initial group that hunts that alleged killer. After I helped her flee town, I fought the hunters and I picked up their loot. But when I moved the dropped scale armor from my main to the BB Fighter (dwarf) (his portrait, not his inventory), the item disappeared from the game. I thought it might drop on the ground, but I wasn't able to find it at all.


I tried it again with a leather armor and this time I put in in the BB Fighter's first inventory slot (far left). It disappeared too.


I'm gonna reload the game and do the fight again to see if it persists.

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3 answers to this question

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Hey Madolite,


I have not come across this before. There is a bug where a Inventory slot wacks out and will start eating items. Maybe the slot the items were being assigned to had this issue. I was unable to reproduce the issue with just your steps. If this happens again let me know any more information you can give me.


Keep the bugs coming.

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Hey Madolite,


I have not come across this before. There is a bug where a Inventory slot wacks out and will start eating items. Maybe the slot the items were being assigned to had this issue. I was unable to reproduce the issue with just your steps. If this happens again let me know any more information you can give me.


Keep the bugs coming.

There was some people mentioning it in this thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66832-disappearing-gear/page-4


I´ll re-post what I said:


Just gonna add my 2cents to this.


1-Item Loss on Reload:

The only time Ive experienced an equiped item suddenly vanishing after a reload was with the BB Rouge´s melee weapons in the wurm nest area after picking up the bandit´s gear and then saving and reloading.


2-Item loss on Moving Inventory items

This is the one that happens most often for me.

What usualy happens is I:

        1) Open inventory.

        2) Drag an item from the selectec character´s inventory to another character´s inventory.

        3) The item disapears.

This is not limited to weapons but also happens with armor, books, gems, enchanted gear, and ropes.

This does not seem to happen with items sent to the stash.



-I should add that Im always alt-tabbing and quicksaving every so often.

-Also, my characters are sometimes listed as "FULL" when picking up items despite there being empty slots in their inventory. This happened in the cultist area beneath the town, in which several items disapeared as I tried to pass them between characters (which were all relatively close together). I had also closed and re-started the game at elats twice by then.

Edited by Fiebras
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Hey Madolite,


I have not come across this before. There is a bug where a Inventory slot wacks out and will start eating items. Maybe the slot the items were being assigned to had this issue. I was unable to reproduce the issue with just your steps. If this happens again let me know any more information you can give me.


Keep the bugs coming.



 I just tried the following:


 Do the item replication bug (double click, mess around with equipping the duplicated weapons etc.).


 Keep doing it and fill one character's inventory completely with replicated items. Sell the replicated item to a merchant (selling one makes them all go away).


 Drop more items into that character's inventory. Some of them will go away. 

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