I completed PoE Becker Beta and this project have many many many bugs compared to Wasteland 2 update beta 51166.
-weaponsthat I boughtin the storeorfoundafter loadingthe gamedisappear
-One of thepriestlyspellsinsteadhelp mekilled threemembers of myteam. That's not allthengot upandfell down, and soall the time
-After the battleoftenone ofmy characterscontinuebeating.
-Windowcharacter statsisbugged
-Level UP is bugged many many crash and black screen.
-Often,I do not seeweaponswhich I assume
-Optimizingthe gameis rubbishcompared to theWasteland2. Wasteland 2beta in my comp 2120 i3 [4gb ram] have 30 fps medium resolution and details. Pillars of Eternity have 8-12 fps in my comp - I do not knowwhy, maybe becauseyou can not adjustgraphics options.
Hi this is my first post.
I completed PoE Becker Beta and this project have many many many bugs compared to Wasteland 2 update beta 51166.
-weapons that I bought in the store or found after loading the game disappear
-One of the priestly spells instead help me killed three members of my team.
That's not all then got up and fell down, and so all the time
-After the battle often one of my characters continue beating.
-Window character stats is bugged
-Level UP is bugged many many crash and black screen.
-Often, I do not see weapons which I assume
-Optimizing the game is rubbish compared to the Wasteland 2. Wasteland 2beta in my comp 2120 i3 [4gb ram] have 30 fps medium resolution and details. Pillars of Eternity have 8-12 fps in my comp - I do not know why, maybe because you can not adjust graphics options.
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