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[Description of the issue]

Found enemy model rotated sideways as seen in the spoiler below.


It was patroling one moment and the next it was sideways. It did not resume patrol.

Re-loading did not solve the issue.

Engaging it in combat makes it resume upright position.


I know not how to recreate this but its the first time ive experienced this bug.


[Expected behaviour]

Model not being rotated sideways and patroling as normal.


[Other remarks / Comments]

This savefile has been loaded and re-loaded several times and keeps some repeating visual bugs such as the "[Character Name] Attack" icons above character portraits (the bb Fighter has three rows of these).

[!] It also has a mechanical bug of two abilities being stuck in "Already Activated" state and being unusable even during combat. Saving and reloading does not seem to work. One of them is the PC Ranger´s Wounding Shot, the other is the BB Rouge´s Cripling strike as seen in the spolered screenshot below.
















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