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[Bug] PC is unselectable and doesn't respond



I was fighting the giant beatles south-east in Dyrwood Crossing. One of them went underground and came out on my PC. This rendered my PC unable to fight, be selected or given any order. Reloading my game fixed it.

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I have encountered this issue with three different characters so far, not just the player character:


1. My PC (a chanter), chanting while fighting Medreth, had taken no other actions.

2. The BB Priest character, engaging a beetle in melee combat at Dyrford Crossing.

3. A newly recruited level one adventurer at the Dyrford Inn, who had not yet done anything at all.


In each case, reloading the game fixed the problem; however, in each case I immediately encountered the disappearing quests glitch (http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66855-disappearing-quests/).


Not sure if uploading a save game is useful in this case, but I have two of them if required.

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