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The Pit & SOTS2


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A new indie project by Kerberos. A light rouge-like action RPG. Check it out.




B.t.w. - SOTS2 is given the all clear signal!!!



Chuck Norris was wrong once - He thought HE made a mistake!


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Rogue dammit, rogue! >_

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Rogue dammit, rogue! >_<



My evil truly knows no bounds. Now for my next step in my master plan I'll leave you toilet seat down.


Chuck Norris was wrong once - He thought HE made a mistake!


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  • 1 month later...

I liked the first but the second terrified me.


Anyone here verify it's worth the time <.<


I bought the game last night and have only spent half an hour in game to check out the settings and UI, but my first impressions don't have me rushing back to it. When I picked up the first SOTS, within minutes of starting the game I was comfortable with the UI. It was simple and intuitive and my initial quick look turned into 3 hours of gaming. My half hour in SOTS2 was spent trying to figure out how to move my ships and trying to figure out the research screen.


As I said, only had a quick look but to me it seems a step backwards from the first game as far as UI goes. This seems cluttered, overly complicated and unintuitive. I'll read the manual and then have another look, but first impressions mean that second look will be low priority. I'm sure there's a decent game buried beneath that UI, but I'm not in any hurry to find it.

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Well, I still haven't read the manual yet but I did spend another couple of hours in the game. It seems that they have changed the feel of the game entirely. It no longer has the sandbox feel to it. As far as I can tell you can still do everything from the first game plus much more, but instead of the freedom of the first, everything now seems 'mission' based. You now have Admiral characters and you don't select individual ships, or even fleets, to issue orders. You now right click a system which brings up a menu of available actions you can perform in that particular system. For example, you right click an unexplored system and then click on "Survey". That brings up a screen where you choose which system to survey and which fleet to do it. The chosen fleet will then automatically travel to the selected system, perform it's mission and then automatically travel back to it's system of origin.


You then need to right click the system again, select "Colonize", which again brings up a screen to select which planet and which fleet. The same for building space stations, patrolling, interdiction, assault or any other action I have tried so far.


The ship design screen seems much less elegant. As with everything I've seen so far, you can do much more than in the first game but it is less intuitive and the information it presents is, in my opinion, much less accessible.


Overall they have added a great deal to the game, but it seems very detached. The UI seems to unnecessarily complicate each and every action you take. I can't get into this game as I could the first. I've only scratched the surface so far, I haven't even had an opportunity to try combat yet, but I don't think I'll spend the hundreds of hours on this game that I spent on the first. Of course, there are also many people out there that think the game is far better than the first. My advice, buy it on special. It's an okay game but, for me, not the time sink that SOTS was.


I'll keep playing for a while, though. I may get used to the new design. :unsure:

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