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Wargames provide lot of simple but effective mechanic elements for cover, just as D&D and most of hex-based wargames out there. Nothing new under the sun - draw some bushes, slap a trigger on it for +4 to AC when person in it attacked by somebody not inside it, - here's your cover/concealment.

LOS-type cover, is, of course, a different matter, and are they going to promote LOS-based mechanics remains to be seen.

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Wargames provide lot of simple but effective mechanic elements for cover, just as D&D and most of hex-based wargames out there. Nothing new under the sun - draw some bushes, slap a trigger on it for +4 to AC when person in it attacked by somebody not inside it, - here's your cover/concealment.

LOS-type cover, is, of course, a different matter, and are they going to promote LOS-based mechanics remains to be seen.


Yes, thank you. That's one way to do it.


Ieo, I should've explained better (I call upon the power of hindsight!). It doesn't necessarily have to be "behind cover" in the same sense as I portray it with my OP~ Shadenaut provides an excellent point and solution. Kudos.


EDIT: I think someone else did too earlier but I was too narrow minded myself to understand it at that point.

Edited by Osvir
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Wargames provide lot of simple but effective mechanic elements for cover, just as D&D and most of hex-based wargames out there. Nothing new under the sun - draw some bushes, slap a trigger on it for +4 to AC when person in it attacked by somebody not inside it, - here's your cover/concealment.

LOS-type cover, is, of course, a different matter, and are they going to promote LOS-based mechanics remains to be seen.


Yes, thank you. That's one way to do it.


Ieo, I should've explained better (I call upon the power of hindsight!). It doesn't necessarily have to be "behind cover" in the same sense as I portray it with my OP~ Shadenaut provides an excellent point and solution. Kudos.


Ah. So perhaps a simpler mechanic appropriate for iso would be similar to the stealth bonus for a stealth class in a shadowed area. That would work. For combat behind a solid, though, any penalties/bonuses should apply based on directional variables from enemies beyond the solid versus within sight or... something.


That's a better proposal than true LOS, which would really only work in 3D zoom rotating camera environments like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, MMOs, etc., which is why I would never support it for PE... ;)

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That's a better proposal than true LOS, which would really only work in 3D zoom rotating camera environments like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, MMOs, etc., which is why I would never support it for PE...


Yes it is. Simplicity is king! But I'm still all for the "It could work" without the 3D zoom stuff. It would just require a heck of a lot more work with the 2D/Isometric/AI/animation details to look good/flow good. Resources that Obsidian also already stated that they aren't going to put time into (~animations, Update #16 with Tim Cain, again) and I'm perfectly fine with that. But! If they do find time and resources I wouldn't mind it, not expecting anything just throwing it out there :p


There is still the issue with both Companion AI and Enemy AI using the benefits of the "bush" cover and different types of cover even with what Shadenaut presented: High grounds vs low ground, does standing near a rock give you benefit? Angles to give more realism? Do I get the benefits of cover by simply standing close to the rock/trigger, even if my enemy is right in front of me? Are there places that gives me a disadvantage? Shallow water in a river? Marshlands? Cold mountains?

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