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Credits Recognition Question

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If multiple people pitched in money for one expensive pledge, would each person get their name in the credits?


My friends and I want to pledge $1,000 dollars together under one account and were wondering if we all would get our names in the credits.


EDIT: The other rewards we're fine with having just one of.

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Hehe I say you reassure them that they all will. Then you could screw them over and take all the glory! That, my friend, is an example of an 'evil option' dialogue exchange.


Seriously, though, I'm surprised more folks haven't pooled to buy some stuff, such as designing items and evil opponents and the like.

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Yeah, i was really wondering about this too. I was hoping one of the employees would be willing to answer.


You could submit yourselves under a group name, so the group will get the credits mention, like "The Purple Hill Mob" or something.


I'd ASSUME that when go time comes you'll get an email or other contact asking you to specify how you want to be referenced in the credits. Otherwise there are going to be a lot of credits mentions for ffg4#@nt and Killzbob. We're all going to be getting emails about what delivery method we want for our digital copies and so forth, anyway.


I'd be willing to bet the devs will bend over backwards to see to it you get what's coming to you. It's not like the length of the credits list is a major expense for them.

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I think PsycoBlonde may have the best idea with a group name. There are possible other ramifications or abuses for people contributing at that level otherwise. What if others decided to add their friends and families names so they can appear on the credits even though they weren't involved in the purchase and may not even play the game? The purchase is tied to a single account so only one of your group will receive the "Gold VIP Badge" I would imagine. They also want to add the purchaser's name to a plaque in their office. It could conceivably turn into a full wall mural if the system is exploited.


I don't know - just throwing some thoughts out there. As it stands now, there are about 300 people contributing at the $500+ level and that could increase by a bit (and hopefully will) by the end of the Kickstarter. Not to mention the 3,000+ now in the $100 - $250 range who will also be in the credits and these numbers will likely increase more substantially.


Using a group name may be an option. You could always put the group name in your sig to identify yourself as belonging to the group that created the weapon/armor/artifact. I'd imagine there would also be some recognition in the credits that your group helped in the creation of 'xyz'.

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Actually, after giving this more thought, I would think people who individually contributed $500+ would expect that anyone's name appearing in the 'gold' credits did the same. If 10 people contribute $100 then their names should appear in the regular credits individually (if it's even allowed) or as a unit (group name) in the 'gold' credits. To do otherwise would diminish the value to the other individual contributors. That certainly is one of the perks, marketing wise, to attract people to contribute at a high level. It even gets stickier as the number of people forming a group increases. Say 20 people contribute $50 each to reach $1K. According the the published perks, they would not even reach the prescribed amount individually to be in the regular credits. The group name, of course, would still be eligible for the 'gold' credits.


It becomes even more diluted regarding beta testing, which the published perks state begins at $140. In either of the above examples, only the person whose name is on the actual order would/should be eligible for the beta testing or this could be widely abused.


The purchase is tied to a single account so only one of your group would receive the "Gold VIP Badge" I would imagine. I guess the rest would receive (and this is a big maybe) the regular 'VIP Badge' (using the $100 each example). In the second example, however, there would only be the "Gold VIP Badge" for the person whose name is on the order and no badge for the remaining group members.


This could become quite convoluted and some pledges could fall to the side if an individual contributor suddenly becomes one of 3,000 instead of one in 300 or so. It is no longer a somewhat exclusive level -- just one that can be easily exploited. I'm certainly not saying that getting a group together to be a part of the creative process is in any way an exploitation. Simply that caution needs to be taken and the developers need to state on the Kickstarter page how they will be handling the group contributions.


I know your post was only asking about the credits, but it got me thinking about other possible scenarios.

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I actually have something similar going on. I bought in at the tier I wanted. Then I decided to purchase a few $35 tiers as gifts, one for my brother in law, and two for close friends. I wanted to make sure that the gifts would be delivered appropriately and so I asked. Obsidian graciously answered me quickly saying that I needed to up my pledge amount but not change my tier and that, just as our blonde friend says, I would be surveyed after the campaign ends to see how I wanted it delivered. That doesn't help if you want to get to a certain point just to be included in the credits or whatnot.


However, there's some sort of gamebanshee thing where they're trying to hit 10 grand. Obsidz has apparently said that they'll throw in some cool in-game thing for anyone who chips in fifty bucks or more to the Gamebanshee thing. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60556-for-gamebanshee-readerssympathizers/

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I just checked out that site. That's pretty interesting -- I hope they reach their goal. I'll wait and see how it goes before I contribute.


But, yeah, it's a bit confusing especially when it comes to groups as it's all tied to one account -- just like your example. You're going to get the additional keys, etc., but it's still tied exclusively to your account.


It will be interesting to see how all this gets sorted out.

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Easy, in the special thanks section, mention "all those who made financial contributions to the development of this project"




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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