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Lets talk about the camera

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This is a personal nuisance that I just can't stand anymore: the camera never being in the right place. I have to constantly fiddle around with it to get a good view of the battlefield. Neverwinter Nights, Neverwinter Nights 2, Dragon Age 2 and Dungeon Seige 3 all have had this problem. Even Dragon Age: Origins' strategy view only partially solves this problem. This is not a deal breaker but it annoys me to no end and I want it to stop.


This whole behind the character / driving / exploration / MMORPG camera view works fine when you are controlling only one character but when you need to manage a party it becomes a hassle.


Infinity engine games didn't have this problem because the camera was a bird's eye view at a fixed angle, just an RTS. This worked perfectly because games like Baldur's Gate were as much strategy as they were RPG.


This is my plea to Obsidian. Please get rid of this camera problem once and for all. Give us an RTS camera and only an RTS camera so that I'll never have to fiddle with the damn thing just to see what's going on.

Edited by Scribbles88
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This is a personal nuisance that I just can't stand anymore: the camera never being in the right place. I have to constantly fiddle around with it to get a good view of the battlefield. Neverwinter Nights, Neverwinter Nights 2, Dragon Age 2 and Dungeon Seige 3 all have had this problem. Even Dragon Age: Origins' strategy view only partially solves this problem. This is not a deal breaker but it annoys me to no end and I want it to stop.


This whole behind the character / driving / eploration / MMORPG camera view works fine when you are controlling only one character but when you need to manage a party it becomes a hassle.


Infinity engine games didn't have this problem because the camera was a bird's eye view at a fixed angle, just an RTS. This worked perfectly because games like Baldur's Gate were as much strategy as they were RPG.


This is my plea to Obsidian. Please get rid of this camera problem once and for all. Give us an RTS camera and only an RTS camera so that I'll never have to fiddle with the damn thing just to see what's going on.


I do not think that you will get a dragon age camera or MMO camera. So do not worry about that.

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This is a personal nuisance that I just can't stand anymore: the camera never being in the right place. I have to constantly fiddle around with it to get a good view of the battlefield. Neverwinter Nights, Neverwinter Nights 2, Dragon Age 2 and Dungeon Seige 3 all have had this problem. Even Dragon Age: Origins' strategy view only partially solves this problem. This is not a deal breaker but it annoys me to no end and I want it to stop.


This whole behind the character / driving / eploration / MMORPG camera view works fine when you are controlling only one character but when you need to manage a party it becomes a hassle.


Infinity engine games didn't have this problem because the camera was a bird's eye view at a fixed angle, just an RTS. This worked perfectly because games like Baldur's Gate were as much strategy as they were RPG.


This is my plea to Obsidian. Please get rid of this camera problem once and for all. Give us an RTS camera and only an RTS camera so that I'll never have to fiddle with the damn thing just to see what's going on.


I do not think that you will get a dragon age camera or MMO camera. So do not worry about that.


Confirmation on this?

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If it's 2d as the gamebanshee interview suggests then a likely camera style is similar to other isometric 2d games; Baldurs Gate/ IE, Fallout/ Jagged Alliance etc as you really need 3d to have an adjustable camera (except for zooming, though that would still have a fixed angle/ aspect).

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Confirmation on this?

From the bold faced part on the Kickstarter page:


"Project Eternity is an isometric, party-based RPG set in a new fantasy world developed by Obsidian Entertainment."


Highlight by me. Sort of implies that the game is going to be isometric rather than acrobatic camera movements.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Yeah, as I understood it, the whole idea is to go isometric like the IE games.

Me, summed up in less than 50 words:

PHP | cRPGs | Daft Punk | Dominion | WKUK | Marvel Comics | INTP | Python | Symphonic Metal | Breakfast Tacos | Phenomenology | Cards Against Humanity | Awkward Hugs | Scott Pilgrim | Voluntaryism | Dave Chappelle | Calvin and Hobbes | Coffee | Doctor Who | TI-BASIC | eBooks | Jeans | Fantasy Short Stories | Soccer | Mac 'N Cheese | Stargate | Hegel | White Mountains | SNES | Booty Swing | Avocado |

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Isometric could just mean 3D isometric camera which is what Dungeon Siege 3 and Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 had and those were awful, hence my concern. I could just be reading this all wrong though.


Thanks for the response everyone.

Edited by Scribbles88
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NWN and NWN2 are full 3D, they are not isometric under any definition of the term. You have the ability set the camera to a certain angle to emulate an isometric view, but that doesn't make it an isometric game.

Me, summed up in less than 50 words:

PHP | cRPGs | Daft Punk | Dominion | WKUK | Marvel Comics | INTP | Python | Symphonic Metal | Breakfast Tacos | Phenomenology | Cards Against Humanity | Awkward Hugs | Scott Pilgrim | Voluntaryism | Dave Chappelle | Calvin and Hobbes | Coffee | Doctor Who | TI-BASIC | eBooks | Jeans | Fantasy Short Stories | Soccer | Mac 'N Cheese | Stargate | Hegel | White Mountains | SNES | Booty Swing | Avocado |

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