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Favourite Obsidian game?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Which ones floats your boat?

    • KOTOR II
    • Neverwinter Nights 2
    • Alpha Protocol
    • Fallout : New Vegas
    • Dungeon Siege III

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Voted NWN2 mostly because of Mask of the Betrayer.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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Jus like ultrasoundwave, I too jus signed up to the forum for the same reason. I have played obsidian's games since they were Black Isle. Love them all. All of them spoiled me with storylines like no other game.

When I saw that they were working on New Vegas, my eyes popped out and I took a dump in my pants. All the cameos, original soundtracks, and continued storyline of the Fallout franchise made me more ecstatic than ever.

I have litterally jus finished old world blues and good Lord... I have never been so happy with any game that I have ever played. I wish I could e-mail every member of the New Vegas team and send my unexplainable thanks to such an enjoyed experience of gameplay.

Seriously Mr. Urquhart, after I'm finished with the Air force you can expect to see my resume' going through HR. You guys really know how to create an amazing and enjoyable game that I'm proud of saying that I am a fan of. Nothing would gratify me more than to be a part of Obsidian, most of all, working on anything Fallout.

Again seriously, you guys always do an amazing job and thank you for creating the games that you do.




Edited by Joeoct
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Buut is there anything more awesome than tracking down your ex-buddies in afterlife and eating their souls?


Think about it. Think very hard.


Quiet! Your making me doubt my decision....


But every RPG should go down the MoTB evil path. Not just the ending but the entire playthrough.

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i liked the armor in guild wars . too expensive. no real advantages. max armor was both easier to acquirer and derp a derp by GWEN. although GWEN's max armor is worth earning.


Obsidian armor just costs so much. Back in prophecies/factions days , it was a symbol of a runner's experience. just like running you, symbolizes how one has grown up to waste his time helping others. he could make more running the next female.


i mean. running for herself.


but back to obsidian. i had a rock book once. i don't think it was the bird society that published it. but there were tons of nice and waxy pictures. when i saw obsidian, i didn't know how to stomp my feet.


well i guess i admire how obsidian hasn't be turned into a material for nuclear weapons. must of crossed the mind. surely it has plenty of atoms? what if the great hadron collider collided obsidian rocks?


i guess you would get a dark void like this forum's theme. although a ufo beam shines up through some parts creating a gray interface.


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