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Flash Forward

Hiro Protagonist

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I don't have the patience to wait 10 episode for the mystery non affected man to be revealed. I just know I'm going to de disapointed when they finally do roll out the full plot.


The mystery is unravelling, but at a very slow pace. It seems they like to put a cliffhanger on every episode. The second episode was quite good.

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I was (presumably) playing along with Krezack's joke(?).


Unfortunately I wasn't joking. I just couldn't get past that eye scene and didn't bother skipping the file ahead. I'm neutral about the show, but all the claims about how damn slow it is and how the story is made up as they go don't make me terribly excited to bite the bullet.


I think I'll give Flash Forward ago instead.

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I was (presumably) playing along with Krezack's joke(?).


Unfortunately I wasn't joking. I just couldn't get past that eye scene and didn't bother skipping the file ahead. I'm neutral about the show, but all the claims about how damn slow it is and how the story is made up as they go don't make me terribly excited to bite the bullet.


I think I'll give Flash Forward ago instead.

... you realize Lost has one of the most intense openings of any show on television... right after the eye scene... >_<

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I was (presumably) playing along with Krezack's joke(?).


Unfortunately I wasn't joking. I just couldn't get past that eye scene and didn't bother skipping the file ahead. I'm neutral about the show, but all the claims about how damn slow it is and how the story is made up as they go don't make me terribly excited to bite the bullet.


I think I'll give Flash Forward ago instead.

... you realize Lost has one of the most intense openings of any show on television... right after the eye scene... >_<


OK, but an intense pilot doesn't make up for the rest of the series being slow. Are the individual episodes worth watching? Is it sci-fi, btw?

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I realised that a large part of Lost's problem, and this applies to many TV series (except Stargate SG-1), is that its seasons are too long.


I think the quality of any one Flash Forward episode is going to be a lot higher because the season's length is 12 episodes rather than 24.

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You know, I was fairly sceptical of LOST when I first saw it also, but it has its good points.


First of all, while I get really tired of some of the shennanigans, in particular with weird story curves and distracting mental games and the like, some of the LOST episodes are the best tv I've ever seen. The drinking game is probably one of my favorite tv experiences. I know there is an element of subjective taste involved, but technically LOST does some really innovative things with some of the scenes. For example, the flash forward at the end of... season 4? Well, that flash forward was extremely well done and it's hard to pull off a flash forward in a tv episode. Most don't even try.


To be honest, I enjoy Fringe, Flash Forward, and LOST altogether. I think Flash Forward caught my attention best right out of the box, but there's something good about each of them. Even Fringe has really grown on me. It had a shaky start, but I think they've done a great job developing the show. The story is disjointed, but it's really meant to be more of an X-files sort of show as opposed to one strong central theme, which is how I see Flash Forward and LOST.


I find it interesting that Flash Forward will only have 12 episodes each season. I didn't even know that until I saw your post, Krez. It has done a great job. Just enough of silly mind games like LOST to pique my interest, but not so many or over the top to be distracting. The end of the second episode with Charlie giving just that little detail about her vision literally caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end, which was cool. ...And then I laughed at myself about it, which was even better.

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The end of the second episode with Charlie giving just that little detail about her vision literally caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end, which was cool. ...And then I laughed at myself about it, which was even better.


great moment. Also, I liked how the kids were all laying down and Charlie standing there... it was eerie at first and then what happened next when they got up was creepy.

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Well, that's the first season. Most likely Flash Forward will do well and the company in charge (ABC?) will decide to milk it for all its financial worth, make it a 24 episode run in season 2, and destroy the show.

Well, one of the things that has shocked me about Lost is that I can't think of one 'bad' episode in the shows run. Each has been entertaining in it's own way with some new revelation or shock. Lost has jumped around a bit in episodes per season, but the first season was the highest amount of episodes. The show is loaded with likable characters, many of whom are initially the kind you want to hate, but grow to like after more and more backstory is released.


I'm interested to see where Flash Forward will go, and I like the idea of shorter seasons. MANY shows really do struggle with the 24+ episodes a season.

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Tonight's episode was pretty good. I'm very curious about why the Asian guy

didn't see anything, a mysterious lady calls up telling him he is murdered yet his fiance claims they will be married in 6 months. Is she some evil spy? Is there a twist in her vision? Is this a sign that the future is changeable?


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Just watched new episode. Some of it is retarded, like

The crow thing, did nobody really notice a crapload of dead birds all over the planet? Or, if something like this has happened before, would it really take that much time to find out about it? They were reading intelligence reports, wouldn't whoever was compiling those reports, look for any similar occurrences?

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Agreed. It also struck me as lame that the

Nazi war criminal was apparently the only one looking out his cell window to see the dead birds and dont even get me started on the old snap of the fingers and he's released bit. And the fact they still let him out with that BS "information"?

I just chalked it up to growing pains.

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