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force crush location

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i know this may sound stupid, but i cannot find out how to get the force crush power. my strategy guide says you learn it on dantooine, but i cant find out how to learn it. my character is a level 35 sith lord. please someone help me. i dont know if its because i have the pc version instead of the xbox. thanks for any help.

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meh i prefer enlightenment


activating speed, armour, and valour all at once? = awesome


crush is powerful - true, but it's only single target

whereas you could just use force storm and hit multiple targets


considering how storm is not capped in K2 and just keeps getting more and more powerful - it's a pretty good substitute for crush

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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I recommend adding Force Crush through the Kotor savegame editor even if you are light side. A jedi master with light mastery can cast force crush up to 15 times in a row despite the cost of over 100 force points. With master force body, you can cast it even more often

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