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Funnily enough when I saw this on Steam yesturday, I decided it was most likely not even worth my time, and that nobody would be remotely interested in it.


In a way, I'm glad there is some interest, but it looks bloody awful, and has absolutely no appeal to me at all - not even the RPG elements are enough to make me look too closely.


I am interested in what people actually think of it though, so I'm glad some folks is sharing thems opinions.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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From the GOG forums:


Okay I actually judged this game too harshly and too quickly. One of the main problems with indie games and Eastern European games is the lack of tutorializing and explanation. Normally this is not a big deal because it's stuff we have done a hundred times and don't need hand-holding for, but that game is a bit worse than others.


In any event, the game gets very good after a few hours of playing and further understanding of what it is. It IS multiplayer centered, I can't imagine anyone having a real argument otherwise. It IS kind of like an MMO in that character progression is why you are playing. It is NOT Deus Ex: The Indie Version, which I think a lot of people were hoping for. It is NOT Precursors or STALKER with cyberpunk themes.


Basically it is Borderlands without loot but with greater character customization, combined with Deus Ex style and abilities. The basic gameplay is you have a hub world from which you launch missions. Main campaign missions take you to new areas and have a rough storyline framed around them. You can also take side missions in areas you already played for bonus money and exp that have no real story ("destroy the enemy radar beacons!"). In very blunt terms the hub area has like 8 doors you can enter that go to 8 different maps (huge maps) and on these maps are MMO style missions where you blow something up, kill something, hack something or simply reach a destination. In the main story these maps change every mission and there is a thin story around it all, in side missions it is just exp farming.


For singleplayer gamers if you love cyberpunk and character development in an FPS it is worth a playthrough I suspect but I doubt you will fall in love with it. The enemies are basically bots and the missions are thinly developed. For coop gamers I think this could be a real great game... like Borderlands but dedicated to the PC, cyberpunk flavored and with deeply customizable characters.


I think that's a pretty good summary.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I'm also playing it. I'm not generally fond of FPS, but if I may try one sometimes, better one with good RPG elements.

For the moment, it seems ok, but I'm playing at the lowest difficulty, knowing my lack of skills in action games.

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I did the second mission (New Eden) I was given multiple choices on how to complete it.



I chose to assasinate the Fed general(can't remember the other 2 choices), then with the final goal(kill the traitor) I enlisted the help of pirate/smugglers to do my dirty work. The consession, allow the pirates to smuggle their sex slaves to a certain world and a loss of karma.



Notes on gameplay, the AI is average, nothing great, but nothing bad either. The action is focused on non scripted events(ie random, still there are some). Stealth doesn't seem to be a viable method, the AI can spot you from a mile away, even with their back turned to you. Perhaps the stealth field upgade will change that or using light armor but I can't say, but even then you would still have to deal with constantly respawning enemies. The save system will put people off, it only has auto saves every 3 minutes and when objectives are complete.


Levels/hubs are big, well compared to most modern shooters. Health does not regenerate, and you do not have medkits(however there is a research called medkits which unlocks them), there is also a power that turns equipment into health. Ammo is perhaps too plentiful (which makes managing health too easy IMO), but that might change due to the choice of weapons(I chose bog standard assult rifle), I noticed a distinct difference from changing to medium armor from heavy. With heavy armor and mini gun I just stepped out and mowed everything down, with medium armor and assault rifle I had to be more careful (move behind cover, make use of leaning). Still haven't used melee yet, but it looks very standard to me.


I like the way it handles hacking, you have several choices to start of with, Destroy, Hack, Control etc, then once you've chosen what your going to do your given multiple viruses to choose from(attack, scan, defence, overflow), to bring down the targets HP to 0, you also have HP during the hack and the target will attempt to bring yours down to 0 too. While hacking the world still goes on around you, so you can actually be shot/killed while hacking, so you have to be careful when you make attempts.

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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