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Tig in Korea


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S. Korea is a cool place. I've been there twice. Mostly I just saw Pohang (not so nice) but I did get to see Taegu (beautiful) and Pusan once.


Very nice pics Tig.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Unfortunately, it's a female, which means that every fall it drops a crapton of foul-smelling fruit all over our yard.


I think that about describes women in general, if you replace "every fall" with "every end of the month".


Well, life would be lesser without them... :)

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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Wow, I was stationed in Taegu. Small world. I was stationed in Taegu and at Yongsan. During the Olympics no less! Keep up the photos, my Aussie friend!


I was at Pohang for Valiant Blitz 1990 and Team Spirit 1991. During Team Spirit I had to drive a hummer over to the AFB near Taegu to get a part for our Radar over at North Ramp. Sounds like I missed you by two years.

Edited by Guard Dog

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Yeah, I noticed over the years that we had a quite strong Korean connection here.


Of course, I was about five months old during the Olympics, and stuck in NZ during the World Cup. So much for national identity. ;)


You look like a very nice young man Tigraines. I thought you'd be a lot older, much like your avatar.


Everyone thinks I'm old. :)

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Wow, I was stationed in Taegu. Small world. I was stationed in Taegu and at Yongsan. During the Olympics no less! Keep up the photos, my Aussie friend!


I was at Pohang for Valiant Blitz 1990 and Team Spirit 1991. During Team Spirit I had to drive a hummer over to the AFB near Taegu to get a part for our Radar over at North Ramp. Sounds like I missed you by two years.


Yep. When I arrived the currency exchange was great for Americans. It still was when I left, but the won (wan? I can't remember how to spell the name of the currency anymore. :ermm: ) made some serious advances due to the Olympics.


I spent about a year and a half in Korea. Great place. It wasn't all gems, but I came out of it with a decided affection for the people. In particular, I used to take long walks in a place called Chinhae. Actually, while I've been to Taegu, my memory pulled a trick on me and I had Taegu and Chinhae switched. I was stationed in Chinhae for a good chunk of time.


As for the pics, I think they're great. I'm glad you decided to show us a few shots of your mug. Next time, you should label them "Life with Tig" or some such. haha :down:

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