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Biggest nonsense you've ever seen from a game.


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It's fun to laugh at (and frustrating to see happen), but there is a serious scaling issue on how to balance each incremental step in the technological development in the game. Sure, Tanks should always beat stone age militias, but should Medieval knights? Should those knights, in turn, always lose to 19th Century rifle infantry? If you make the advantages of getting that next tech around the bend too high, you skew the balance between boosting research and boosting military, and the winner is always the player who stays "clean" enough to pursue his/her peaceful research until he/she can be the first to build a modern military. (In which case you might as well start the game in 1900AD instead of 4000 BC.)



Yeah I know that. It's just....AUUUGH haha.


Perhaps they can make it happen so that research can gain a small boost while in wartime, or with more military units, to encourage people to still build and maintain an army or something. Doesn't really make much sense. There needs to be a way for the dude that builds knights and slows down his research as a result can still keep up with the research.


One way I guess is lowering the cost of research if someone else has already researched a particular technology. Make it go down significantly more if there is trade (especially free trade) amongst the populations. So the guy that spends all the time researching the next greatest technology doesn't get the clear cut advantage.

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Unkillable characters. To name a few games that have this; both Kotors, Bloodlines (werewolf :* ) and probably many more. Regarding Kotor what better way to earn darkside points that go around and kill civilians. To combat that the developers could spawn, in that area, uber powerful police, guards after you. The unkillable werewolf in Bloodlines was stupid. You can kill the Sheriff, Ming Zao and other far more powerful enemies but not a werewolf?



You can kill the Werewolf. Just not in a fair fight, which is how it's supposed to be in the first place.



Ah yes, I remember when you came in and enlightened us all about how the Werewolf fight was pretty spot on for the universe. Ahhhhh...memories!

I meant killing them with weapons or your bare hands. Closing the doors on it is pretty lame.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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grrr... dragon's eye in IWD. you cannot rest anywhere on the last 2 levels except after you free the captured prisoners (and clear all the critters) on the 2nd to last level that "watch over you" while you sleep. on the last level, it is nearly impossible to get through without rest due to all the critters with bows and +1 arrows (i.e. prot. from normal missiles does not help), so you have to go back up a level several times to get to yxounumei (sic). the stupid part is that the watchers go to the opposite side of the level rather than waiting by the entrance. it's like fedex without delivering a package. adding insult to injury, every time you sleep it shuts all the doors so you cannot simply click on the entrance to the next level hoping your characters will get there. then, oddly again, most of the doors are re-shut on the last level as well, so you can't just click where you were to get back and finish. total pain and pointless busy work.



Edited by taks

comrade taks... just because.

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In Mass Effect charm/intimidate levels are unlocked according to how much of a paragon/renegade you are. Conversation skills are actually kind of important in ME, which is no bad thing. Thing is, this system completely ****s over all attempts to roleplay a neutral character. It's the KOTOR stat bonus all over again, but that at least fit the blinkered Star Wars take on morality.

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I've just finished The Witcher. Not a bad game overall, but some of their design decisions made me cranky.


Whoever designed their inventory system should be flogged.


Whoever designed the Old Vizima and Swamp Cemetary maps should be flogged and shot.


Whoever designed the Kikimore Queen battle should be flogged, shot, set on fire and thrown off a cliff.


That is all.

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