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KotoR 3: Ideas, Suggestions, Discussion, Part 24

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And just to make it clear. LA hired Bioware to develop KotOR1, then LA published it. Being succesful, LA wanted a sequel, but Bioware wouldn't do it and instead recommended Obsidian do it. The only "collaboration" between Bioware and Obsidian was that Obsidian got to use the graphics engine used in K1 for the sequel.


And that's your proof? :biggrin:


The first link makes it very clear that development on KotOR3 was axed. Could it have been resumed? Sure, but where is the evidence to support that? We just don't know, so we remain stuck with LA cancelling the project. Indeed, LA denying that the project they're working on with Bioware has nothing to do with KotOR disproves the one project that most people seemed to assume to be the next KotOR game. Summa summarum: There is still - sadly - no new KotOR game on the horizon.

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I agree that there is no proof that KOTOR3 is being developed

And if it was in development i here by beg LA to say


"KOTOR3 is in development but since we screwed up with rushing KOTOR2 we're taking our time and will only bring in on the market when it's done"


I mean everybodys happy because they know KOTOR3 is coming and it isn't being rushed.


So please announced it (wishfull thinking that it is being made allready :) )

Edited by Wolva
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I agree that there is no proof that KOTOR3 is being developed


Yet again, there is also no (key word) solid proof that it's not being developed, either. So, everyone, don't give your hopes up, yet, but don't give up yet either. Hang in there; things aren't always as they seem. So, I mean, just because LA didn't clearly announce K3 coming out yet, doen't mean it's not in development to be published later in the near future. :closed:

Sidious: Are you threatening me Master Jedi?

Windu: The Senate will decide your fate.

Sidious: I AM THE SENATE!!!!

Windu: Not yet.

Sidious: It's treason, then.

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That was a rhetorical question. :)


O RLY? :)


Yes. :lol:




Revan, you wouldn't appear half as stupid if you admitted "fine I didn't know this and acted a bit stupid" instead of "lolol im just joking man tis was rhetorical question roofles"


NO I'M NOT YOU LITTLE :lol:!! :bat:

Edited by Darth_Revan1990

Sidious: Are you threatening me Master Jedi?

Windu: The Senate will decide your fate.

Sidious: I AM THE SENATE!!!!

Windu: Not yet.

Sidious: It's treason, then.

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The number of opening and closing quote tags does not match. Please fix this to submit your post.


I will try to reply without the quote tags, then... :(


Xard, I know Bio and Obsid never = each other, it was just for show in that pic.


Revan, I hope you know that Bio and Obsid don't = each other. I hope I didn't confuse you. :fdevil:


Also Revan, your alleged proof is past expiration and stinking of poor logic. Proof against K3 holds.


Oh, and the uh square map thing is interesting. :shifty: I hope K3's are triangular!

Edited by walkerguy

Twitter | @Insevin

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Oh, and the uh square map thing is interesting. :fdevil: I hope K3's are triangular!


Are you nuts!!?? :( That would be even worse. I was just trying to point out that, the map did not look realistic, that's all. Don't know about you, but I sure hope that it will be "more" realistic. :shifty:

Sidious: Are you threatening me Master Jedi?

Windu: The Senate will decide your fate.

Sidious: I AM THE SENATE!!!!

Windu: Not yet.

Sidious: It's treason, then.

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Hi, I'm new to the forums here but I read through all 38 pages of this most recent thread before I registered to post.

I just want to give my ideas for KOTOR 3, I don't really feel like getting involved in all these arguments...


Revan and exile are NOT going to be the starting character you play as. No one wants to start overpowered or to have either of these characters lose their powers and have to build them up a THIRD time. They've each had to start from scratch twice already.

I'm not entirely sure what the new character should be though. I don't think this third character will be able to be as important as Revan or the Exile are, I just don't think it will happen. Sure, the character will have some type of backstory to make them somehow important and they'll become powerful, but I think at te end of this game the final conflicts will be more focused on Revan and the Exile.

The story of this game should start somewhere before the ending of KOTOR 2, maybe even before the end of KOTOR. The character will be sort of on the fringes of the excitement as a padawan, new Jedi type character. The first ten levels or so you would learn the history of everything that happened in the last two games while going through the beginning missions and gettting to probably level 10 or so. Then, something should happen, who knows what, to set you off on a mission to go find Revan.

You journey around a bit, finding hints on different worlds to indicate where Revan went off to, I have no idea what happening along the way. Eventually at I guess around level 20 or so you journey out and find the Sith Empire.

Before I continue I just want to say that I think that Revan and the Exile should not be teamed up, at least not now. Revan and the Exile should somewhat oppose each other, with 2 leaders like that I don't think either would be willing to follow the other and they would probably have opposing ideas of what to do over the True Sith. Since Revan already went to the Dark Side once and started the Jedi Civil War in his first attempt to prepare for the True Sith (I think that's why he did it) he obviously has a more of a 'ends justifying the means' approach, that might involve some shadier work. If that's what Revan is doing then I suppose the Exile's plans would have to be more 'light side.'

This way at some point you would learn of both the Exile and Revan's locations (on different planets) and you choose one of them to aid. You will pretty much know what they're each planning by now so joing the Exile will be a more light-side oriented choice, while joining Revan has more POTENTIAL for dark-side related choices. (Whoever you choose doesn't affect you're alignment but it'll be easier to be dark with Revan and easier to be light with the Exile).

After you choose you'll do pretty much the same things for both people accept slightly tweaked mission, like when you choose between Czerka and the Ithorians.

When you first meet up with either of the two people they will somehow be injured or incapacitatede somehow that they are unable to do much for at least a little while. During this time they will mentor you while not actually being able to participate in combat or be in your party. They will upgrade you to whatever prestige class you want (same choices whether you're dark or light-sided). Eventually they will recover and be ready to join your party.

Stuff will happen, bla-bla-bla, eventually it comes to the conflict between the Sith and the Republic. There is no longer any room for opposition on the good side, so Revan and the Exile will finally team up for the war that now ensues.

Of course it will be difficult in your ship as neither Revan nor the Exile will wish to submit to the other as leader, so you will have the final say in any decision that they oppose each other over (which will be most things, meaning you make most of the decisions). Also, the Exile and Revan should have lots of other things to do, so for a lot of the missions one or the other, or both of them, will be gone and you'll have to use your other party members.

Of course your other party members need to have some importance, so for the last mission you, Revan and the Exile will be off on seperate tasks, to meat up in the end to fight the final boss. You choose two of your party members to take with you on your mission and they'll take the rest with them.

You do whatever it is your task is, and meet up with Revan and the Exile again just in time for the final battle. It will be epic as your whole party will be gathered for the event.

This is your moment of choice. The leader of the Sith will be there and try to tempt you to the dark side of the force. Of course you can refuse and engage in the final confrontation with him, flanked by the Exile and Revan, or you can give in to the dark side finally and turn on Revan and the Exile.

This is where the influence will come into play. Part members will defect to the dark side with you if you have enough influence, but pull away and turn on you if you have no influence with them.


The final battle if you stay on the good side is pretty straight forward. The Sith Lord will fight you in all of his awesome power and it will take the combined efforts of you, Revan, and the Exile to take him down. Your other party members will be occupied as dozens of Sith charge in to fight them. You win, everyone's happy, THE END.


The final battle for the Dark Side is more fun. It's an awesome battle between the two halves of your party. Of course, the good side is going to have Revan AND the Exile on their team, you're going to need to be beafed up a little before you can take them down. The Sith Lord will grant you some cool new force powers for the final battle and you and your current allies will all drop incredibly low on the alignment meter, to a place you could never reach until this moment, where you're all beefed up. You'll probably have less party on your side since most people only use a couple of characters throughout the game, so these amazing Dark Side buffs will balance out the battle. You kill all of your former allies including Revan and the Exile in the ensuing battle and then you turn to the Sith Lord. Dialogue then continues and you have the choice of submitting to him as your new master at which point the game ends, or you can choose to fight him with your remaining allies and take the mantle of Sith Lord for yourself, in which case the game ends. For either DS ending, you win, everyone gets killed, yadayadayada, THE END


Ok, now I know that that's a lot already, but there's more. Being finished I can progres to my much shorter gameplay ideas.


-Influence system returned, but improved. First of all, spending time with characters in your parety will trigure conversations to find out about their past and whatnot (like in KOTOR) and give you chances to raise/lower influence. (This way just having characters in your party with you long enough is a good method to gain influence.) Also, Certain actions will triggure influence changes (like it was in KOTOR 2) but now their reactions will change based on their alignment. If you're evil and gain enough influence that they're evil, they will be happy about evil actions. No more of characters I turned evil still liking it when I perform an act of charity.

-We don't need any more colors for lightsabers

-We don't need any new hilts

-Lightsabers should be a lot rarer so that weilding two lightsabers is not an easy task simply because obtaining enough lightsabers for something like that is hard

-The Jedi and Dark Jedi are dead, none will join your party (except Revan and Exile)

-Some members of your party will be force sensitive like KOTOR 2, only now you have to choose one of them to train as your apprentice, and this won't happen until you've at least reached your prestige class. (This will lower the dependancy on Jedi)

-2-3 party members will be different based on your choices

-1-2 party members will die before the end

-8 party members at most

-Party members have backgrounds and individual agendas/goals/MOTIVATION!

-HK-47 is back badder than ever

-Each character will have their own sidequest that can to be activated when you get enough influence

-Characters from previous installments will make returns and cameo appearences but not join your party (except possibly some single-battle help outs)

-More force powers

-Another tier or even 2 for all existing force powers (Revan and the Exile need to be able to grow in power still)

-No class choice in the beginning, your stats will be affected solely by your choices upon leveling up

-Can increase party size (3->4->5) Edit: I'm not sure about this one...I'm thinking 4 at most

-Once romance option for each male/female


I'm tired, I spent a lot longer on this than I expected, I might have more, who knows? Whatever happens, I'll be joining the discussions, but now in more managable posts.

Edited by Darth Clumber
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Hi, I'm new to the forums here but I read through all 38 pages of this most recent thread before I registered to post.

I just want to give my ideas for KOTOR 3, I don't really feel like getting involved in all these arguments...


Revan and exile are NOT going to be the starting character you play as. No one wants to start overpowered or to have either of these characters lose their powers and have to build them up a THIRD time. They've each had to start from scratch twice already.

I'm not entirely sure what the new character should be though. I don't think this third character will be able to be as important as Revan or the Exile are, I just don't think it will happen. Sure, the character will have some type of backstory to make them somehow important and they'll become powerful, but I think at te end of this game the final conflicts will be more focused on Revan and the Exile.

The story of this game should start somewhere before the ending of KOTOR 2, maybe even before the end of KOTOR. The character will be sort of on the fringes of the excitement as a padawan, new Jedi type character. The first ten levels or so you would learn the history of everything that happened in the last two games while going through the beginning missions and gettting to probably level 10 or so. Then, something should happen, who knows what, to set you off on a mission to go find Revan.

You journey around a bit, finding hints on different worlds to indicate where Revan went off to, I have no idea what happening along the way. Eventually at I guess around level 20 or so you journey out and find the Sith Empire.

Before I continue I just want to say that I think that Revan and the Exile should not be teamed up, at least not now. Revan and the Exile should somewhat oppose each other, with 2 leaders like that I don't think either would be willing to follow the other and they would probably have opposing ideas of what to do over the True Sith. Since Revan already went to the Dark Side once and started the Jedi Civil War in his first attempt to prepare for the True Sith (I think that's why he did it) he obviously has a more of a 'ends justifying the means' approach, that might involve some shadier work. If that's what Revan is doing then I suppose the Exile's plans would have to be more 'light side.'

This way at some point you would learn of both the Exile and Revan's locations (on different planets) and you choose one of them to aid. You will pretty much know what they're each planning by now so joing the Exile will be a more light-side oriented choice, while joining Revan has more POTENTIAL for dark-side related choices. (Whoever you choose doesn't affect you're alignment but it'll be easier to be dark with Revan and easier to be light with the Exile).

After you choose you'll do pretty much the same things for both people accept slightly tweaked mission, like when you choose between Czerka and the Ithorians.

When you first meet up with either of the two people they will somehow be injured or incapacitatede somehow that they are unable to do much for at least a little while. During this time they will mentor you while not actually being able to participate in combat or be in your party. They will upgrade you to whatever prestige class you want (same choices whether you're dark or light-sided). Eventually they will recover and be ready to join your party.

Stuff will happen, bla-bla-bla, eventually it comes to the conflict between the Sith and the Republic. There is no longer any room for opposition on the good side, so Revan and the Exile will finally team up for the war that now ensues.

Of course it will be difficult in your ship as neither Revan nor the Exile will wish to submit to the other as leader, so you will have the final say in any decision that they oppose each other over (which will be most things, meaning you make most of the decisions). Also, the Exile and Revan should have lots of other things to do, so for a lot of the missions one or the other, or both of them, will be gone and you'll have to use your other party members.

Of course your other party members need to have some importance, so for the last mission you, Revan and the Exile will be off on seperate tasks, to meat up in the end to fight the final boss. You choose two of your party members to take with you on your mission and they'll take the rest with them.

You do whatever it is your task is, and meet up with Revan and the Exile again just in time for the final battle. It will be epic as your whole party will be gathered for the event.

This is your moment of choice. The leader of the Sith will be there and try to tempt you to the dark side of the force. Of course you can refuse and engage in the final confrontation with him, flanked by the Exile and Revan, or you can give in to the dark side finally and turn on Revan and the Exile.

This is where the influence will come into play. Part members will defect to the dark side with you if you have enough influence, but pull away and turn on you if you have no influence with them.


The final battle if you stay on the good side is pretty straight forward. The Sith Lord will fight you in all of his awesome power and it will take the combined efforts of you, Revan, and the Exile to take him down. Your other party members will be occupied as dozens of Sith charge in to fight them. You win, everyone's happy, THE END.


The final battle for the Dark Side is more fun. It's an awesome battle between the two halves of your party. Of course, the good side is going to have Revan AND the Exile on their team, you're going to need to be beafed up a little before you can take them down. The Sith Lord will grant you some cool new force powers for the final battle and you and your current allies will all drop incredibly low on the alignment meter, to a place you could never reach until this moment, where you're all beefed up. You'll probably have less party on your side since most people only use a couple of characters throughout the game, so these amazing Dark Side buffs will balance out the battle. You kill all of your former allies including Revan and the Exile in the ensuing battle and then you turn to the Sith Lord. Dialogue then continues and you have the choice of submitting to him as your new master at which point the game ends, or you can choose to fight him with your remaining allies and take the mantle of Sith Lord for yourself, in which case the game ends. For either DS ending, you win, everyone gets killed, yadayadayada, THE END


Ok, now I know that that's a lot already, but there's more. Being finished I can progres to my much shorter gameplay ideas.


-Influence system returned, but improved. First of all, spending time with characters in your parety will trigure conversations to find out about their past and whatnot (like in KOTOR) and give you chances to raise/lower influence. (This way just having characters in your party with you long enough is a good method to gain influence.) Also, Certain actions will triggure influence changes (like it was in KOTOR 2) but now their reactions will change based on their alignment. If you're evil and gain enough influence that they're evil, they will be happy about evil actions. No more of characters I turned evil still liking it when I perform an act of charity.

-We don't need any more colors for lightsabers

-We don't need any new hilts

-Lightsabers should be a lot rarer so that weilding two lightsabers is not an easy task simply because obtaining enough lightsabers for something like that is hard

-The Jedi and Dark Jedi are dead, none will join your party (except Revan and Exile)

-Some members of your party will be force sensitive like KOTOR 2, only now you have to choose one of them to train as your apprentice, and this won't happen until you've at least reached your prestige class. (This will lower the dependancy on Jedi)

-2-3 party members will be different based on your choices

-1-2 party members will die before the end

-8 party members at most

-Party members have backgrounds and individual agendas/goals/MOTIVATION!

-HK-47 is back badder than ever

-Each character will have their own sidequest that can to be activated when you get enough influence

-Characters from previous installments will make returns and cameo appearences but not join your party (except possibly some single-battle help outs)

-More force powers

-Another tier or even 2 for all existing force powers (Revan and the Exile need to be able to grow in power still)

-No class choice in the beginning, your stats will be affected solely by your choices upon leveling up

-Can increase party size (3->4->5) Edit: I'm not sure about this one...I'm thinking 4 at most

-Once romance option for each male/female


I'm tired, I spent a lot longer on this than I expected, I might have more, who knows? Whatever happens, I'll be joining the discussions, but now in more managable posts.


Very interesting. I think another nice improvement would be an influence-checking machine on the vessle you use (Not the Ebon Hawk ALL the time) that allows you to check your influence with your other party members. :)

Sidious: Are you threatening me Master Jedi?

Windu: The Senate will decide your fate.

Sidious: I AM THE SENATE!!!!

Windu: Not yet.

Sidious: It's treason, then.

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Very interesting. I think another nice improvement would be an influence-checking machine on the vessle you use (Not the Ebon Hawk ALL the time) that allows you to check your influence with your other party members. :brows:


Oh, you mean like this for TSL? :-



Check out my KOTOR fan vids on YouTube. And no, they're not of legos.

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I don't think there should be a influence-o-meter. Darth Clumber's ideas aren't bad, except for the pretty basic boss ideas. We need larger twists. Ones that make you accidentally throw your mouse or drop your controller. *hit by a mouse* Ow, stop throwing those! Stop calling me a heretic!

Twitter | @Insevin

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Very interesting. I think another nice improvement would be an influence-checking machine on the vessle you use (Not the Ebon Hawk ALL the time) that allows you to check your influence with your other party members. :lol:


Oh, you mean like this for TSL? :-


:blink: No, no, no. That's a cheat robot. I was referring to one that would already be installed in KOTOR 3. By the way, I've already have seen all the latest files in that KOTOR files website, so that argument won't fly.

Sidious: Are you threatening me Master Jedi?

Windu: The Senate will decide your fate.

Sidious: I AM THE SENATE!!!!

Windu: Not yet.

Sidious: It's treason, then.

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I think its cheap to have measures of things you really wouldn't have at all in reality. As a video game, some things are necessary such as health and will meters but something like influence goes to far. No built influence measurer for K3, please. For those who insist, get a modification.


BTW, babydol didn't argue anything. She said that there is an influence tool modification available now for K2, and nothing more. If you say it doesn't exist, I am more likely to believe you missed it, since I have no evidence to believe you over babydol, who has already started becoming part of Obsidian. (I myself am still rejected by some of Obsidian's less savory members, but thats beside the point. :sorcerer: )


If you can calm down those n00b energies, people may start to accept you. :)

Twitter | @Insevin

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Hi, I'm new to the forums here but I read through all 38 pages of this most recent thread before I registered to post.

I just want to give my ideas for KOTOR 3, I don't really feel like getting involved in all these arguments...


Revan and exile are NOT going to be the starting character you play as. No one wants to start overpowered or to have either of these characters lose their powers and have to build them up a THIRD time. They've each had to start from scratch twice already.

I'm not entirely sure what the new character should be though. I don't think this third character will be able to be as important as Revan or the Exile are, I just don't think it will happen. Sure, the character will have some type of backstory to make them somehow important and they'll become powerful, but I think at te end of this game the final conflicts will be more focused on Revan and the Exile.

The story of this game should start somewhere before the ending of KOTOR 2, maybe even before the end of KOTOR. The character will be sort of on the fringes of the excitement as a padawan, new Jedi type character. The first ten levels or so you would learn the history of everything that happened in the last two games while going through the beginning missions and gettting to probably level 10 or so. Then, something should happen, who knows what, to set you off on a mission to go find Revan.

You journey around a bit, finding hints on different worlds to indicate where Revan went off to, I have no idea what happening along the way. Eventually at I guess around level 20 or so you journey out and find the Sith Empire.

Before I continue I just want to say that I think that Revan and the Exile should not be teamed up, at least not now. Revan and the Exile should somewhat oppose each other, with 2 leaders like that I don't think either would be willing to follow the other and they would probably have opposing ideas of what to do over the True Sith. Since Revan already went to the Dark Side once and started the Jedi Civil War in his first attempt to prepare for the True Sith (I think that's why he did it) he obviously has a more of a 'ends justifying the means' approach, that might involve some shadier work. If that's what Revan is doing then I suppose the Exile's plans would have to be more 'light side.'

This way at some point you would learn of both the Exile and Revan's locations (on different planets) and you choose one of them to aid. You will pretty much know what they're each planning by now so joing the Exile will be a more light-side oriented choice, while joining Revan has more POTENTIAL for dark-side related choices. (Whoever you choose doesn't affect you're alignment but it'll be easier to be dark with Revan and easier to be light with the Exile).

After you choose you'll do pretty much the same things for both people accept slightly tweaked mission, like when you choose between Czerka and the Ithorians.

When you first meet up with either of the two people they will somehow be injured or incapacitatede somehow that they are unable to do much for at least a little while. During this time they will mentor you while not actually being able to participate in combat or be in your party. They will upgrade you to whatever prestige class you want (same choices whether you're dark or light-sided). Eventually they will recover and be ready to join your party.

Stuff will happen, bla-bla-bla, eventually it comes to the conflict between the Sith and the Republic. There is no longer any room for opposition on the good side, so Revan and the Exile will finally team up for the war that now ensues.

Of course it will be difficult in your ship as neither Revan nor the Exile will wish to submit to the other as leader, so you will have the final say in any decision that they oppose each other over (which will be most things, meaning you make most of the decisions). Also, the Exile and Revan should have lots of other things to do, so for a lot of the missions one or the other, or both of them, will be gone and you'll have to use your other party members.

Of course your other party members need to have some importance, so for the last mission you, Revan and the Exile will be off on seperate tasks, to meat up in the end to fight the final boss. You choose two of your party members to take with you on your mission and they'll take the rest with them.

You do whatever it is your task is, and meet up with Revan and the Exile again just in time for the final battle. It will be epic as your whole party will be gathered for the event.

This is your moment of choice. The leader of the Sith will be there and try to tempt you to the dark side of the force. Of course you can refuse and engage in the final confrontation with him, flanked by the Exile and Revan, or you can give in to the dark side finally and turn on Revan and the Exile.

This is where the influence will come into play. Part members will defect to the dark side with you if you have enough influence, but pull away and turn on you if you have no influence with them.


The final battle if you stay on the good side is pretty straight forward. The Sith Lord will fight you in all of his awesome power and it will take the combined efforts of you, Revan, and the Exile to take him down. Your other party members will be occupied as dozens of Sith charge in to fight them. You win, everyone's happy, THE END.


The final battle for the Dark Side is more fun. It's an awesome battle between the two halves of your party. Of course, the good side is going to have Revan AND the Exile on their team, you're going to need to be beafed up a little before you can take them down. The Sith Lord will grant you some cool new force powers for the final battle and you and your current allies will all drop incredibly low on the alignment meter, to a place you could never reach until this moment, where you're all beefed up. You'll probably have less party on your side since most people only use a couple of characters throughout the game, so these amazing Dark Side buffs will balance out the battle. You kill all of your former allies including Revan and the Exile in the ensuing battle and then you turn to the Sith Lord. Dialogue then continues and you have the choice of submitting to him as your new master at which point the game ends, or you can choose to fight him with your remaining allies and take the mantle of Sith Lord for yourself, in which case the game ends. For either DS ending, you win, everyone gets killed, yadayadayada, THE END


Ok, now I know that that's a lot already, but there's more. Being finished I can progres to my much shorter gameplay ideas.


-Influence system returned, but improved. First of all, spending time with characters in your parety will trigure conversations to find out about their past and whatnot (like in KOTOR) and give you chances to raise/lower influence. (This way just having characters in your party with you long enough is a good method to gain influence.) Also, Certain actions will triggure influence changes (like it was in KOTOR 2) but now their reactions will change based on their alignment. If you're evil and gain enough influence that they're evil, they will be happy about evil actions. No more of characters I turned evil still liking it when I perform an act of charity.

-We don't need any more colors for lightsabers

-We don't need any new hilts

-Lightsabers should be a lot rarer so that weilding two lightsabers is not an easy task simply because obtaining enough lightsabers for something like that is hard

-The Jedi and Dark Jedi are dead, none will join your party (except Revan and Exile)

-Some members of your party will be force sensitive like KOTOR 2, only now you have to choose one of them to train as your apprentice, and this won't happen until you've at least reached your prestige class. (This will lower the dependancy on Jedi)

-2-3 party members will be different based on your choices

-1-2 party members will die before the end

-8 party members at most

-Party members have backgrounds and individual agendas/goals/MOTIVATION!

-HK-47 is back badder than ever

-Each character will have their own sidequest that can to be activated when you get enough influence

-Characters from previous installments will make returns and cameo appearences but not join your party (except possibly some single-battle help outs)

-More force powers

-Another tier or even 2 for all existing force powers (Revan and the Exile need to be able to grow in power still)

-No class choice in the beginning, your stats will be affected solely by your choices upon leveling up

-Can increase party size (3->4->5) Edit: I'm not sure about this one...I'm thinking 4 at most

-Once romance option for each male/female


I'm tired, I spent a lot longer on this than I expected, I might have more, who knows? Whatever happens, I'll be joining the discussions, but now in more managable posts.


I dont know if im only speaking for myself but... Im tired of being some Dark jedis pawn. Why cant there be an ending to where you control everything, your the evil badass... you lead a academy of few dark jedi and have a epic battle or something. i just always thought it would be cool if you could train people and not be the one being "trained".


""Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan

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I'm not too sure about becoming the evil leader before the end of the game, that needs to be your reward (if you're dark side of course)


Also, the point of my DS final battle was to give more of a reward for having gained influence with your characters and also to make it a bad thing that you don't have much influence with others. Maybe it should be kind of the same for the light side, where people you have little influence with will betray you and convert to the dark side...


And walkerguy, i agree that we need some twists, but I can't really think of anything good, can you?


Also, seeing my post once is enough, thank you, you don't need to qoute the whole thing.

Edited by Darth Clumber
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OMG, the fact that you guys keep quoting the wall of text, is making me die a little inside. >_< Just refer to it a TEH post, if you must.


As to this:


:sorcerer: No, no, no. That's a cheat robot. I was referring to one that would already be installed in KOTOR 3. By the way, I've already have seen all the latest files in that KOTOR files website, so that argument won't fly.


How's it a cheat robot? The thing simply tells you your influence. I was merely trying to let you know that such a thing is not too hard to implement. And what argument? You don't have to flame all anti-mod at me. And yes, we're all very impressed that you're familiar with filefront. :)



Check out my KOTOR fan vids on YouTube. And no, they're not of legos.

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I don't think we need a machine to tell us the influence, I think the characters should just have different starting lines when you talk to them so that you can pretty much know where your influence is. So with little influence they'll say "Go away I hate you" but with a lot of influence they'll say "What can I do to serve you master?" or something like that.

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How's it a cheat robot?


Sorry for the confusion. I goofed.

Edited by Darth_Revan1990

Sidious: Are you threatening me Master Jedi?

Windu: The Senate will decide your fate.

Sidious: I AM THE SENATE!!!!

Windu: Not yet.

Sidious: It's treason, then.

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So, does anyone agree that Revan and the Exile should not be teamed up, at least before the very end? It would be kinda boring to have your 3 party members pretty much chosen for you (who would choose any1 other than Revan and the Exile?)


Sure. I did something similar in my plot speculation, although I had the endgame split into three with Revan, Exile and the new character each leading a group in a manner inspired by the split groups going to Freedon Nadd's temple on Dxun and to Iziz on Onderon respectively in TSL.

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WELL i didnt mean the dark master as the only ending.. I ment a certain choice... there should be a choice even among darkside.. if you know what I mean. REvan and Exile should team up with the protaganist in the end of the game and not any time sooner. There SHOULD be a new protaganist, someone with nothing to lose, someone who can go balls to the walls. Im not sure what they have in mind for him, but enough with the "I lost my power but I was uber before!!!" scenario.


""Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan

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So, does anyone agree that Revan and the Exile should not be teamed up, at least before the very end? It would be kinda boring to have your 3 party members pretty much chosen for you (who would choose any1 other than Revan and the Exile?)


Yes. In fact, that's what I was hoping would happen in K2. It didn't :ermm:. Hopefully it will in K3. :)

Sidious: Are you threatening me Master Jedi?

Windu: The Senate will decide your fate.

Sidious: I AM THE SENATE!!!!

Windu: Not yet.

Sidious: It's treason, then.

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Well, now that Bioware has confirmed that they are not working on Knights of the Old Republic III, that means that the most likely thing going on is that Obsidian is working on it already. But it's still being kept hush hush. >_<


As far as what I'd like to see in KotOR 3, please bring back Canderous Ordo and HK-47 (and please use the same guys for the voices, they are perfect! :shifty: ).


Canderous is so cool, you've got to love that Mandalorian fighting spirit! :lol: Definitely it would be good to have more of the story of the Mandalorians and their history, also it would be great if Canderous would run into some fellow Mandalorians in the story. It's always neat to see the interaction between such fierce warriors, and they're always ready for a fight with anyone that might insult them or set themselves up as enemies of the Mandalorians. :) They are always cool to have in a KotOR game.


And HK-47 with his memorable personality and attitude is another must. He's very fun to have around! :)


Also, I would like to see the story of the main character that the player plays as in KotOR (Revan) continued, so we can see what happens next to him. Some events that take place in KotOR 2 should be referred to in KotOR 3, for the sake of smooth continuity of the story between all 3 KotOR games.


As far as graphics go, either use a heavily upgraded version of the NWN2 engine (much of which has already be re-written from what it was like in the original NWN), or write a new engine with superior visual capabilities to the NWN2 engine. As long as it can handle the over-the-shoulder camera angles that are so important for lightsaber combat in the KotOR games, then I'm sure Obsidian will make an engine that will look great. :)


When designing the lightsaber combat system, please incorporate the actual Forms of lightsaber combat that Jedi Knights and sith use, Form III, Form IV, etc., into the animations and motion capture (if you use motion capture) that you use to depict lightsaber combat.


These various Forms used in lightsaber combat look quite a bit different from one another, and they all have strengths and weaknesses against other Forms. So each Form would have different base attack, defense, parry, speed, etc. values, and these base values would have modifiers applied to them depending on what type of Form the opponent was using (and the skill level each character has in the particular Form he is using). And naturally each Form would have it's own special combinations and moves that a character could attempt. This makes for duels that are varied both visually and tactically. It not only looks cool, but it's interesting to see how different Forms match up against one another in lightsaber duels.


And, of course, there are many levels of skill involved in each Form; a Jedi Knight may have mastered Form III, but only know the basics of Form IV, for example. This would give many different opportunities for character skill customization and advancement in each of the specific lightsaber Forms in Knights of the Old Republic 3. :)

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YEs dune, I agree with you Canderous and the mandolorians in general are amazing. I would also like for Canderous to meet more mando's along the way. I also think that the Forms of the lightsaber Jinzu,Ataru and so on should have certain attacks for opposing styles. Like Judo against ataru or something in that sense..


""Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan

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Agreed; the forms should have some type of costimization of some type. I also thought up of an other lightsaber form of combat that should be used in the game which would be cool, which is Form VIII: Palpatine Style. It should be self explanitory, but for those who only played the Star Wars games, and has not watched Star Wars Episode III, I'll so my best to explain thoroughly. Basically this form, in particular would have no weaknesses and is by far the most aggressive and efficient form of combat. It's also as effective in the deffensive as in the offensive. It also increases lightsaber deflection significally. You can almost instantly kill your opponents because of how very aggressive it is. You don't get the form until 3/4 of the way in the game where the enemies are impossible to defeat with any other form except Form VIII. Does anyone agree?

Sidious: Are you threatening me Master Jedi?

Windu: The Senate will decide your fate.

Sidious: I AM THE SENATE!!!!

Windu: Not yet.

Sidious: It's treason, then.

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