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Sentinel/Weapon Master build?

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STR: 16

DEX: 10

CON: 14

INT: 14

WIS: 12

CHA: 10


How is this build for a Sentinel/Weapon Master?

Should I up CON to 16 or 18 then the rest into STR?


After going through some threads here I deduce that this skill build is adequate?

Awareness: 15

Security: 6

Computer Use, Demolitions, Persuade and Repair I'll try to hit 20 for each of them with Persuade as the priority


I need to refresh my mind on what feats are important for a dual-wielding Jedi ahh! It's been long since I've played the first game. There's two-weapon fighting of course, flurry, critical strike.. Help?

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16-18 intelligence and 16-18 constitution for most builds can get you very far.


16-18 intelligence=plenty of Skills to make better upgrades for your equipment at work bench also can make implants and other at Labs.


16-18 constitution=better implants.





Even your Constitution armband and Ludo Kresseh's strenght armband are good for you if you have a dark sider with an odd strenght modifier and the Constitution armband for an odd constitution modifer.






Pay ATTENTION to your gear and their stats.



To achieve the 16-18 for either at least lvl 33 character to get maxinum yield for good gear and build.

Edited by DeathScepter
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Thanks for the suggestions guys. I think I'll stick with my strength-oriented build Purgatorio I've always been using dexterity-oriented build in the first game since DEX Mod added to damage rolls, but alas not anymore.


HK47 gives a bonus to constitution?


I know repairing T3 fully adds my base constitution to 2. If I add 2 points to con using the attribute additions + the bonus from T3 I'll be able to hit 18 for the best implants!


I would like to bring wisdom to 10 and invest in other attributes but ughhh can't decide.. 10 wisdom gets me enough force points to work with my Light Side Sentinel/Weapon Master build right?

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a fully influenced HK-47 will give you a constution modifer but T3-M4 will give you a +1 wisdom modifer.




All of the Attribute for T3 M4 repairs to T3-M4 but the Wisdom Modifer is what you want from T3.



I do need to do another DS game for a complete Hk-47 Pro PC modifers.



Btw you can give Hk-47 a wisdom modifer if you installl the Hk Pacfist Package. Trick: Don't talk to him until you have it and a line will appear to install it.

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This time through on my Sentinel/Weapon Master I left strength at 8, 14 dex/con/int and the rest into wis and cha (14 and 12 I think). I'm upping con to 16, int to 16 and the rest into dex. I'm gonna get the lightsaber finesse feat and wear a robe to get the best defense and damage from my lightsabers I can. This is my first time going with 8 str and was wondering if it's a smart idea.

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A strength of 8 will result in a -1 penalty tohit with melee weapons until you get the finesse feat, and don't forget that it will be quite a long time before you get a lightsabre-which requires a seporate finesse feat to swords anyway. You should also realise that you'll do less damage with melee weapons with a skill of 8. Go for a level of 10.

Edited by Darth Mortis
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Dang I thought T3's so kind as to give me 2 to base constitution... I'm changing my build to:


STR: 16

DEX: 8

CON: 16

INT: 14

WIS: 10

CHA: 10


I agree with them Seahawker. Dexterity only makes you harder to hit, and by making a defensive build you certainly won't want your strength having a penalty when it's so low already.

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