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I have a curious little question, which I thought I'd ask.


What is everybodies favourite programming language, and what's your favourite enviroment to develop in.


Personally, I'm a C++ man, while the language is full of strange esoteric variances, which cater to the native language of thought which the programmer hails from, it's also very fast.


I'm also rather impressed with the latest version of Visual Studio 2005, but to be honest, I like to work straight into a text editor sometimes.



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me


I have a feeling that not much people are going to answer in this thread... I'd say 2-3. :o



  1. C++ is so diverse in its dialects, so there is no sense talking about liking it, it is like saying "I like programming".
    Well, I rather like STL though.
  2. Perl (which I love!) is perfect for one-liners and quick tools.
    List all files in the current directory that appear to have a version number in their name:
    /[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/ && print "$_\n" while <*>;


Posted (edited)

Oh yes,

print all unique words from a file in order of occurrence and the number of occurrences:


#! /usr/bin/perl

open F, (shift or die "Usage: perl $0 <filename>\n") or die "Can't open file: $!\n";
foreach (<F>) {
$w{$1}++ while s/([[:alpha:]]+)(.*)/$2/;
foreach (sort { $w{$b} <=> $w{$a} } keys %w) {
print "$w{$_}\t$_\n";
close F;

Notice, it is a complete and usable tool. :o




Did I tell you how much I love Perl?

Edited by Diamond

My first "love" was BBC Basic. Since it isn't around anymore, I would say C++ for it's flexibility (not necessary for readability).


For quick and dirty work, a combination of visual basic and t-sql will do.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein


I have really grown fond of C# over the past couple of years. As for the IDE, Visual Studio 2005 has no equal that I've had a chance to see - although it's still far from perfect.

There are no doors in Jefferson that are "special game locked" doors. There are no characters in that game that you can kill that will result in the game ending prematurely.

Posted (edited)
  Wistrik said:
32/64 bit Assembly Language on the Windows platform. Been coding at the processor level since the 80s, so it's second nature to me.


Assembly is nice when writing extremely fast shaders, and code optermisations. I don't see much need to use it anywhere else, but bare metal coding is always fun.


I have really grown fond of C# over the past couple of years.


I like C# as an alternative to Java, it's a better language in my opinion, despite it being almost identical at times.

Edited by @\NightandtheShape/@



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

  Diamond said:
[*]C++ is so diverse in its dialects, so there is no sense talking about liking it, it is like saying "I like programming".

Well, I rather like STL though.


While you have a point about C++, it's that exact reason that I love the language so much, you can certainly brand your code so to speak. It's a very expressive, and unforgiving language.


STL is great tho' I rarely use it unless it makes total sense to, it's a lovely lib of generic tools. Although I was taught C++ and STL by a Chinese lecturer, whom I could barely understand, she kept babling about Jawa's, and C puh puh. So it was pretty much a figure it out yourself thing, she was helpful in answering some questions for me which were to do with compiler optermisations.



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

  @\NightandtheShape/@ said:
STL is great tho' I rarely use it unless it makes total sense to, it's a lovely lib of generic tools.

Then you should look into it (or Boost) again. The point is that it was being developed (and tested) for decades and you can't possibly write a better solution. Don't like character handling in strings? Write your own character traits class and plug it in std::string. Heap allocation takes too long? Write a custom allocator and use it with almost any STL lass that needs it.



  @\NightandtheShape/@ said:
I like C# as an alternative to Java, it's a better language in my opinion, despite it being almost identical at times.

It is a nicer language (properties, overloaded operators and other nice little things), but Java is a more mature platform, and its toolchain and interoperability of components is exceptional. Besides, C#'s collection classes system is severely retarded compared to Java's. Oh yeah, and Java is now open-source.


  Wistrik said:
32/64 bit Assembly Language

Then you should immediately be able to tell what my sig does. :dancing:



  @\NightandtheShape/@ said:
I'm also rather impressed with the latest version of Visual Studio 2005, but to be honest, I like to work straight into a text editor sometimes.

Completely forgot about the IDE. Regardless of how I dislike MS, no other IDE can beat Visual Studio. As for the editor, ViM is The One True Editor. :sorcerer:

Posted (edited)
  @\NightandtheShape/@ said:
  Wistrik said:
32/64 bit Assembly Language on the Windows platform. Been coding at the processor level since the 80s, so it's second nature to me.


Assembly is nice when writing extremely fast shaders, and code optermisations. I don't see much need to use it anywhere else, but bare metal coding is always fun.

It's also used by BIOS and driver developers and folks involved with special hardware. I'm considering Power Basic for non-critical code because I don't care for the variations of C.


Diamond, I've known what your sig does for some time, but declined to comment on it until now.

MOV AH,9			  ;DOS 3+ output string function (must have '$' delimiter)


INT 21h

String db 'Boobies!', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'

Going from memory. A hex dump displays what is called machine language, as that is what the processor sees and uses. Assembly uses mnemonics (memory aids), such as what I've put into the code window.

Edited by Wistrik
Posted (edited)




I might as well have chosen a better message, I thought noone would care enough to read it.





... I need a new sig now.

Edited by Diamond
  mkreku said:
I use Notepad++ for my C++.


But I kind of suck at programming.


Personally I like programmers notepad when I'm working within a text editor, Visual Studio speeds up development, but sometimes I just wish for straight normal text input. I'll have a look at this notepad++... Oh and if you suck so bad how can you truely be a critic?



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

  @\NightandtheShape/@ said:
Oh and if you suck so bad how can you truely be a critic?

Because coding and reviewing doesn't exactly have anything to do with each other?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!


Right now I use C# and I like it a lot.

Visual Studio 2005 is by far the best IDE I have seen. Though my nostalgic favourite is Turbo C by Borland.

Is Vim like Vi on Unix? If so, then I would rather drill holes in my head than use it. Back in college I used Ted (on Unix) and Turbo C (on Dos) to write my code, and pretended that I did it all on Vi. Really, what is so wrong about wanting to use the arrow keys?

Posted (edited)

Vim ('vi improved') does use arrow keys. 'h', j', 'k', 'l' are for people who don't want lift their hands to reach them. Aside from it, what is so bad about vim?



And what is so great about Ted for that matter?

Edited by Diamond

I'm using ConText. Word wrap still isn't a strong point (it's an action rather than a mode), but with a wide-screen monitor I never need to worry about my lines wrapping (240 columns of text = :joy: ) I used ConText years ago but it was young and had issues. I've tried several editors/IDEs since and none have been quite what I like. Thankfully ConText has grown up and is much nicer now, and more importantly it does exactly what I need it to do, and no more. Most other editors/IDEs have a plethora of features I'll never use; I want to focus on coding, not on using/learning the editor. With ConText I forget I'm using an editor.


I was not paid to write the above paragraph; I am simply happy with this tool.

  Diamond said:
Vim ('vi improved') does use arrow keys. 'h', j', 'k', 'l' are for people who don't want lift their hands to reach them. Aside from it, what is so bad about vim?



And what is so great about Ted for that matter?


Ted: Could use arrow keys and edit directly.

Vi: Couldn't use arrow keys, required series of key strokes to edit anything.


Of course, it's been over 10 years since I used Vi, so it has probably changed a lot since. Still gives me shivers thinking about it though. :(


It takes some time to get used to the fact that there are multiple edit modes, but here lies the awesomeness of a built-in command line. Oh, and not to mention you can edit in split window mode in the terminal, execute shell command and pipe the output into the editor window, use macros, regular expressions, abbreviations, syntax highlighting for any imaginable language, sort a block of lines with a command, and use ctags with it. And it is the only editor I know where you can manipulate anything without ever touching the mouse. Of course you can use gvim, it supports all GUI stuff like mouse scrolling, etc.

  Diamond said:
It takes some time to get used to the fact that there are multiple edit modes, but here lies the awesomeness of a built-in command line. Oh, and not to mention you can edit in split window mode in the terminal, execute shell command and pipe the output into the editor window, use macros, regular expressions, abbreviations, syntax highlighting for any imaginable language, sort a block of lines with a command, and use ctags with it. And it is the only editor I know where you can manipulate anything without ever touching the mouse. Of course you can use gvim, it supports all GUI stuff like mouse scrolling, etc.


Ah.. But us mere mortals (or those like me who have used MS products so much our brains have atrophied)

1: can never remember the syntax for regular expressions

2: always think of the shell command/macro that could have made things easier after we finish editing

3: use a database for sorting everything

4: need the security of a mouse and pointer


Although, if it had code completion......


I always wondered what Visual Studio people use for version control. All other IDEs that I used have some kind of CVS or Subversion plugin, does Visual Studio have it?

  Diamond said:
I always wondered what Visual Studio people use for version control. All other IDEs that I used have some kind of CVS or Subversion plugin, does Visual Studio have it?


Version control, I get everything right first time honest. :thumbsup:


We use TortoiseCVS... but it lives upto it's name coz GAWD is it slow...



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

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