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NWN2 Backstory - Harry Potter Ripoff?


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The backstory of NWN2 has many uncanny resemblances with the story of Harry Potter. I am only in chapter 2, so I will see if the story becomes more or less similar to the story of Harry Potter later on.


1. The main hero has a scar, and a magical silver sword embedded within him. Harry potter has a magic scar.


2. Harry Potter was the only one who survived Voldemort. The PC was the only one who survived the battle with the king of shadows.


3. Harry is protected because his parents died saving his life. The main character in NWN2's mother died shielding him from the battle, the shard passed through her, killed her and entered the PC.


4. PC had an unhappy life living with Daeghun. Harry Potter had a bad childhood living with hus aunt and uncle.


5. Voldemort had an evil army, the King of Shadows had an army of demons.

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It's not like Harry Potter wasn't ripping off tons of stuff itself to begin with. Have a look at the main character of Neil Gaiman's "Books of Magic" for instance.


So no, the story of NWN2 isn't terribly original, but I seriously doubt that Harry Potter is where they're getting it from.

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I hate mentioning its name because of the rabidness... but, for you, I will. BG series.



1. PC is an orphan.


2. PC's mother abandoned/died on him; raised by a mentor/father figure in some village/keep.


3. PC is special in some way - Bhaalspawn or Shard Up Butt (actually, near heart, lol).


4. Village/Keep is attacked (thoguh in BG2; it's just the PC targeted; in NWN2; the whole village).


5. PC makes way to big city tm while dealing with assassination atempts.


6. Deals with Big Bad's Underlings as well as other forces.



NWN2's PC is basically even more of a Chosen One situation sicne in BG you wer eonyl one of many Bhallspawn. Here, you are the 'only' one who can accomplish anything - stopping th King of Shadows.



That's storywise. Gameplay wise it's a 'rip off' of NWN1. Hehe. As it should be consideirng its the sequel. :)

Edited by Volourn


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