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If your a fan of KOTOR, but not of the comics, well you might want to pick this one up just to have the story of the 3 sector assualt by the Mandalorians.


Even more good for me, and this is for those who have a problem with the Lobster Basilisk War Droid. The artist took a nice little shot at Obsidian.


In the comic a Basilisk War Droid, not that piece of crap from the game, the real Basilisk War Droid from the comics rips off the canopy of one of the Republic fighters(game version).


Ha,ha, told you people the Basilisk War Droids were already sealed into continuity. Comics now prove it. Oh, but wait, their no Virago in the comic to be seen.


Oh, well. :(

KOTOR 2 must be completed


KOTOR 2s Basilisk was a modified version. I assume it was a one of a kind. No continuity issues with that. Though they did make another shot at Mandalores helmet. Someone is going to have to fix that continuity issue...


already fixed it. As is with most game issues, and it's not always the fault of the designers(they can't make everything detailed like in the comics or novels or whatever) they will be changed to fit their more continuty look.


Mandalore appears in 8. His armor is mostly a combined, yet modified version of both the TOTJ armor and the KOTOR 2 armor. The helmet is a combination of the regular style Neo-crusader warrior, with the original Mask(this time a gold color) connected to the face area.


Hear I'll show you.



KOTOR 2 must be completed


Mandalore died at Malachor. AFAIR only the survivors and the Ravager were ever pulled away from that place. How could the armor survive? I thought his suit was a completely different one. I don't think I'd want a suit somebody died in btw, it'd probably be a bit hacked up.


Revan killed Mandalore and took his helmet

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



Canderous or Mandalore of the Mandalore Wars?


of mandy wars :thumbsup:


Actually, this seems to state that Revan DID NOT have the mask before Malachor V


There is no record about Revfan with mask before this fight

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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