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Iranian Nuclear Program and the U.S.

Judge Hades

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It seemed that Israeli forces were going out of their way to target civillians.  Hell, just recently in Gaza they targeted a clearly marked Journalist vehicle  with a rocket.

If their target's to maximise civilan casualties they're doing a pretty bad job. Strikes like the one that killed the group of refugees would be more efficient and to be expected rather than the exception.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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Leave it to a Christian to misquote and make fun.  :(


Speaking of Christian nutjobs there is this Republican U.S. Representative from Florida, who by her own statements has declared herself to be a bigot and hater of a portion of population, stated that spearation of church and state is a lie that if you vote for lawmakers who are Democrat and secular you are voting in people who will "legistlate sin."


Another reason why to never vote Republican.


Hey, this one time I got the snot beat out of me by a black guy who was about a foot taller'n me, my face was so swollen up I couldn't even see and I was bleedin' everywhere and stuff.


Man, that's another reason to hate those darkies.



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Speaking of Christian nutjobs ...

Ad hominem

Another reason why to never vote Republican.

inductive fallacy


Back to the topic at hand, the only way the sitation in the Middle East will change is if one side completely wipes out the other.  Either Israel will need to wipe out the Arab populations and destroy the Islamic governments or the Islamic nations wipe out Israel.  As long as either side exists there will be no peace.

argumentum ad metum / argumentum in terrorem

argumentum ad ignorantiam

argumentum ad baculum

probably a bit of:

suppressed correlative

False Dichotomy

dicto simpliciter (both types)

Alanschu, last I checked there was about 1200 Lebenonese dead, with less than a hundred being Hezzbollah soldiers, rest being civillians while Israeli deaths were barely past the hundred mark total with a good chunk of them being military personal.  It seemed that Israeli forces were going out of their way to target civillians.  Hell, just recently in Gaza they targeted a clearly marked Journalist vehicle  with a rocket.


As much destruction some of these terrorists do, Israel is far from being a victim.  More like an instigator.

Ignoratio elenchi.




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America and Co.:  Hey Iran and NK, check it out, we've gotten rid of all our nukes, now you can too!

Iran and NK:  O RLY?

America and Co.:  YA RLY!

Iran and NK:  NO WAI!

America and Co.:  SRSLY!

Iran and NK:  <launches warheads>

America and Co.:  OUCH!  That really hurt, now seriously, we got rid of ours, now you're supposed to ditch yours. 

Iran and NK:  <launch another volley of warheads>

America and Co.:  Guys? 

America and Co.:  Well ****.


There is no evidence that Iran is making nuclear weapons. The only evidence there is of any sort of use of nuclear energy is a power plant and a heavy water production plant. Sure they could be making weapons but they could also be knitting doilies.

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Leave it to a Christian to misquote and make fun.  :)


Speaking of Christian nutjobs there is this Republican U.S. Representative from Florida, who by her own statements has declared herself to be a bigot and hater of a portion of population, stated that spearation of church and state is a lie that if you vote for lawmakers who are Democrat and secular you are voting in people who will "legistlate sin."


Another reason why to never vote Republican.


Back to the topic at hand, the only way the sitation in the Middle East will change is if one side completely wipes out the other.  Either Israel will need to wipe out the Arab populations and destroy the Islamic governments or the Islamic nations wipe out Israel.  As long as either side exists there will be no peace.


Alanschu, last I checked there was about 1200 Lebenonese dead, with less than a hundred being Hezzbollah soldiers, rest being civillians while Israeli deaths were barely past the hundred mark total with a good chunk of them being military personal.  It seemed that Israeli forces were going out of their way to target civillians.  Hell, just recently in Gaza they targeted a clearly marked Journalist vehicle  with a rocket.


As much destruction some of these terrorists do, Israel is far from being a victim.  More like an instigator.


The funny thing is Israel seems to be doing what you frequently suggest should be done in the area.

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n any case Iran wishes to become a technological first world country and sees that the only way to get there is to be nuclear capable. Now I don't have a problem them using nuclear energy as a means of producing effiecient electricity. Producing nuclear weapons is a problem for all countries and not just North Korea. Now I know Iran has said strong things about Israel, such as wiping them off the map but our esteemed president Bushie also have said some strong words against Iran by calling Iran, along with a few other nations, the Axis of Evil.


I mean what did we do with the Axis back in WW2? Destroyed their governments, killed their leadership, and dropped atomic weapons on them. Placing Iran in the same boat of those guys is definitely some aggressive rhetoric, just like the words of te Iranian President.


Both Iran and Israel are a threat to peace in the Middle East and neither one are the innocent victim, but this is what happens when you place two nations of opposing faiths and idealogy in such close quarters. There is no way peace can happen when both sides are hellbent of killing the other. The only proper course of action is to stay out of it and let the two nations fight it out till there is a clear victor, both sides are mutual destroyed, and/or tired of fighting.

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Another reason why to never vote Republican.

inductive fallacy


Kind of like me saying everyone from Iowa is a moron?

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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There are many reasons to vote against Republicans. A good chunk of them use religion to dictate policy when religion should have no place in politics. Not everyone follows the same religion in this country therefore religion should have no place when the common good needs to for all citizens and not just Christians.


Also a good chunk of them are bigoted and are opponents of giving homosexuals the same rights as a heterosexual. Sorry, that is something I cannot support. Just because a person is born differently than the norm is no reason to discriminate against them. Another thing why I will not vote Republican they tend to be anti-science and progress. This whole stem cell business proves that. I am sure indiviudally they are all fine folk but overall I cannot abide their decisions on policy and the direction they are setting this country.

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Just start another thread about how bad Republicans are.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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I think it's sadly ironic, the way he bashes specific groups of people for the same bigotry he shows others. Worst part is I think he realizes it but just doesn't care. But no, it doesn't bug me in the slightest. For it to bug me would be showing that I take him seriously.

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As long as they leave me alone I leave them alone, but they don't leave me alone so I will not leave them alone. If someone constantly tells me I am going to hell and that I am a sinner I am going to get a tad agitated at them.


Just last night a couple of Christian missionary types came in during my shift. They were all talking about their little get together. I told them that there was no solicitation allowed. The man persisted so much so I had to throw them out of the store. He yelled back at me as they left that I was going to hell and that a godless heathen such as I am deserves it.


Maybe Christians are different where you live Dark Moth, but here in Iowa I have yet had a good experience with one.

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Bigotry is never justified. I am just saying that if Christians leave me alone I would leave them alone. If Christians treated me with respect maybe I would treat them with respect. Maybe if they didn't condemn people based on their physiology, which they have no control over, maybe I wouldn't condemn them. Maybe if they didn't try to impose their morality and beliefs on others perhaps I wouldn't have so much disdain for them.

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I see, using the good old 'fight hatred with hatred' tactic. While I know every Christian in the US, me included, is a bigot and condemn others for their beliefs, you still should maybe rethink your strategy.


Anyway, this little chat is pointless and OT, so I'm going to stop lest this thread face certain doom. (though that may be exactly what it needs)

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