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I can't put my finger on the Leafs. Sometimes they play like a team with speed, finesse and skill. Then other times (like against Colorado) they make mistakes, they fail to capitalize and they.. suck. Sometimes it feels like "if they only get some of the injured players back and the veterans going all will be well" and other times (like after the Colorado game) it's more like "WE DON'T BELONG IN THE NHL, WE'D BE BETTER OFF IN THE AHL!!".



Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Tonight was a good night to have my center ice package. I split most of my time between the Pittsburgh/Islanders ( 5 points between Gonchar and Crosby) and the Tampa/Philly game ( I have four players in one pool, and three of them doubled up in the points department this evening). Now I'm watching San Jose make Detroit pay every opportunity they get on the powerplay.


And Matt Carle is turning into a great pick in my sportsnet pool. Great call, Hurlshot.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Carle is even more impressive than I imagined. I know everyone expects Malkin to take off with the Rookie of the year hardware, but if Carle keeps racking up the points AND playing solid D, I'm not sure how he won't win it.


Why do they even let Osgood play anymore? I swear I predicted the Sharks would chase him, although I didn't expect it so quickly.

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Well it seems as though somebody waived Joe Sakic. I plan on sticking with Briere and Gomez, but should I drop Kopitar for Sakic? 99.9% of me is thinking yes, but there's that bit of me that is worried that Kopitar might do something miraculous.



Bah, who am I kidding, Joe Sakic should still do better than Anze.

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Yay, I'll be able to catch my first Oiler game of the season against the Wings! Interestingly, the next game they'll be showing over here is our other home game against Detroit in November.

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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Between Matt Carle and Gionta and Gomez I've rocketed up from the basement of my sportsnet pool to somewhere in the high 2000 of over 40000+ people. I don't think I'll beat last years top placing, where I managed to come in third for one week.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Yay, I'll be able to catch my first Oiler game of the season against the Wings! Interestingly, the next game they'll be showing over here is our other home game against Detroit in November.


Are you in Sweden Checkpoint? Isn't Detroit pretty much the Swedish Olympic squad?

Actually only Lidstr

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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Something tells me that Schmarthie could be convinced to stay up late quite easily.

Buffalo wins again, and Philly drops yet another game.


Right now I'm half paying attention to the Wild/Ducks game. I like watching Minny, but the minute I saw Pronger on the teevee I felt like I threw up a little inside. :wub:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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At least the Leafs rebounded with a comfortable away victory over Columbus Blue Jackets. Am I the only one surprised over Columbus weak start this season? It feels like they have all the pieces (except a skilled face-off man), but can't figure out the puzzle.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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No, I will always have perennial loser in my mind with that team.


They'll surprise me if they do well, even if you were to say take New Jersey's lineup and swap it with the Blue Jackets, I'd still expect the Blue Jackets to suck.

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Something tells me that Schmarthie could be convinced to stay up late quite easily.

4 am is in that awkward do-I-stay-up-for-the-game-or-do-I-go-to-sleep-and-wake-up-insanely-early-instead zone. "Luckily" they don't show those games very often anyway, and this time it'll be on around noon tomorrow so I'll watch it after I get up. I don't have a problem with games starting at 1 am or 2 am, though (I watched a good deal of those in the playoffs).

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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There is something special about those late night/early morning sports events. You sit there wrapped up in a blanket with some coffee or even soda and snacks, and it's all quiet, dark and still outside. It's nice.

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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I managed a decent night in both of my hockey pools yesterday. I'm tied for second with my Alan assisted team, and I also crawled into about 1600th spot in the sportsnet pool.


If any of you are interested in joining up in the latter, Here is the registration link. It's pretty simple: pick your players for the week by monday, and the top weekly point getter is entered into a draw for something lame. It's more bragging rights than anything. If anyone does join up, let me know and we can make a group thing out of it.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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There's this real loudmouthed teenager who loves the Avs. If he's working tomorrow I think the chances are good he won't be too impressed with Theodore. Talk about 'had it and lost it'. Oddly enough, the same kid was asking me about Arthurs Irbe the other day. I bet if Jose didn't have the ginormous contract Colorado wouldn't have a prooblem sending him to the minors to find his game.


Let's see, I spent the bulk of my time watching Tampa and Washington tonight. In between periods I switched to Colombus and Pittsburgh. Crosby and Malkin together look like they could be the next Sakic & Forsberg. Then it was off to watch the shootout from Toronto. Close, but no cigar Mkreku?


And now I see Marion Gaborik is on the shelf. Here's hoping he doesn't go all Tuommo Ruutu on us. Between he and Forsberg... <_<


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Yeah, I can't believe how much the Leafs suck in the shootout. Of course, they're trying to score on Lundkvist.. not as easy as it sounds.


I wish the Leafs could find a way to win a few. They just can't afford to miss the playoffs again.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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