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Couple Pretends to Have Six Kids


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"I'm so afraid they're not going to make it," she sobbed. "Nobody understands how hard this is. I know that they're here. I know what I had to go through to get them here."

I find this freudian psychological slip very interesting.




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I don't really have anything to add about this, but I saw a chick who didn't look that much older than me (twenty two maybe) towing around six kids today. She looked kind of like a crackhead, but I was across the street so I can't really be sure. It made me sad though regardless. =]



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I would say no.


This world is seriously f***ed up.  Why would I want to bring kids into it?  Besides the human race is seriously over populated as it is.

Dramatically cutting down the number of kids is a bad idea because demographics would become even more elderly heavy. Think of all the oldies with nobody to support them. That's the whole problem with pensions/medicare now and imagine it getting worse.


You've got the population control backwards.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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Really the only way to manage that many kids is with fear and an iron fist. Love can only get you so far with kids before they start using it against you, just ask my mom.



On the original topic, these people were typical red necks, with narrow pig eyes and Metallica memorabilia strewed across their hideous forms. I'm surprised that no one could sniff out the deceit from the beginning, but perhaps it is more difficult to judge the words of those with such a feeble grasp of the vernacular. I say hang them form the highest tree, its a pity we can't make them die a death for each child's life they faked.

Edited by Laozi

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Dramatically cutting down the number of kids is a bad idea because demographics would become even more elderly heavy.  Think of all the oldies with nobody to support them.  That's the whole problem with pensions/medicare now and imagine it getting worse.


You've got the population control backwards.


Thats happening anyway. They are closing a load of schools here because there are no children to fill the places (costing 3 million per year to subsidise the empty spots).

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Sheesh, you guys screw up, then my generation has to come in to clean up the mess. :p


Not because we would voluntarily, of course, we just want to live.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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Really the only way to manage that many kids is with fear and an iron fist. Love can only get you so far with kids before they start using it against you, just ask my mom.



On the original topic, these people were typical red necks, with narrow pig eyes and Metallica memorabilia strewed across their hideous forms. I'm surprised that no one could sniff out the deceit from the beginning, but perhaps it is more difficult to judge the words of those with such a feeble grasp of the vernacular. I say hang them form the highest tree, its a pity we can't make them die a death for each child's life they faked.

Or we could just let them live, trapped in the cloying decay of their lifestyle and drown in the f




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Forty, fifty years ago, which is one generation ago, families were composed, very often, of 10 or more kids and most families were doing just fine. Of course, mommy was home all the time... :p


The only big families here in Canada now are immigrant famillies. They reproduce like rabbits those people! :blink: And we encourage them! :(


For once, Hades said it best: This world is ***ked up.

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Most 3rd world countries have families around that size too, but just so they can bring in more money.


And food.


Third world countries should be allowed to live without money, the way they have been forever, until the "civilized man" arrived with mirrors, television and... money."


But this is not Star Trek.

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