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I was wondering does anyone know of a program that allows you too burn decoders on to a dvd along with your videos? I need a program besides Sonic Studios so if anyone has n e ideas please post.




What means it to "burn decoders"?


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Well for some products when you burn videos onto a DVD if the video needs a decoder the decoder is burnt along with the video


So I guess that means I probably wont get anyhelp here


Are you asking about adding the codex required to run the DVD to the DVD itself?

Self extracting I assume?



When a man has no Future, the Present passes too quickly to be assimilated and only the static Past has value.


I really don't know, I talked to the company who made the dvd player and they told me I should use a burner that burns the decoder onto the disc, but Tech Support was closed for the weekend so that didn't help.


So I belive its a codex


It sounds like he wants to burn a DivX file onto a DVD and include the codec so that somehow the player can read the file. To my knowledge that is impossible, some players can play DivX because they have the coded integrated in the firmware and the only way to get it to play different formats requiring other codecs is to alter the firmware

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I've seen DVDs that do include the codex on the disk but it usually comes with a menu for you to start from. One of the options is installing the codex. At that point, the DVD becomes playable if your system wouldn't play it before. I don't think it will work on a DVD stand-alone player though. Only on a PC.



When a man has no Future, the Present passes too quickly to be assimilated and only the static Past has value.


I have a program that burns the decoder with the video but it takes up WAY to much space so I was looking for a alternate that dosen't use a lot of space.


I found a way! You use a program to turn the file into the Vide_TS format and then you shrink it using a DVD Shrinker program and then you just burn it and it will work.


Cool. What programs are you using?



When a man has no Future, the Present passes too quickly to be assimilated and only the static Past has value.

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