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Theres been so much contradictory stuff going around. The only "claim" I'm going to believe is when there is a fixed pre-order price I think.


As long as it's under

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


Posted (edited)

Well, i'll buy 360 and Revolution. No PS3 for me.


Japanese role playing games don't interest me much.


There are enough reasons for me to buy 360.


1- Mass Effect 1-2-3 + Live Content

2- Jade Empire 2

3- PNJ

4- Obsidian's other project.(They mentioned two next-gen projects. One is for both 360 and ps3 and the other is 360 exclusive. More likely this is KOTOR 3)

5- Fable 2 (First one was not bad. Actually much better than rpg-wannabe *cough*diablo*cough* games )

6- Halo 3 (The King!)

7- Too Human 1-2-3( http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/too...4&mode=previews )

8- Lost Planet ( http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/adventure/...7&mode=previews )

9- Gears of War

Edited by karka

XBox 360, becuase I want Brothers in Arms 3. It'll be out on PS3 too, but it's almost impossible to play with those contollers.


PS3 sounds expensive.

They're about to price themselves right out of next generation.  They think too highly of the Playstation brand, while Nintendo is out to undercut everyone on price, and Microsoft offers the best "bang for your buck" experience possible.

You are still looking at the console market in one dimension: it's not about games! The XBox 360, for example, is a much better PVR than anything else on the market: that's M$'s beachhead strategy to pwn the living room.


Sony is betting on the Blu-Ray loss-leader to establish a bigger, more unassailable beachhead in the living room: good games are a secondary consideration, and precisely why Ninty has no way of pwning the console gaming market because they just make good games consoles that do nothing else but play good games. :*




Posted (edited)

About PS3 "free" online service. The "Basic" level of service (similar to the 360 silver subscription) will be free. However, downloadable content will require an upgraded version of the service which will be paid for.


The 360 currently has several JRPGS in production.

-Blue Dragon

-[eM]-eNCHANT arM-

-Lost Odyssey

-Far East of Eden Zira - Tale from distant Jipang

-Spectral Diario

-Embrace of Time: Chpater 1 The Resurrectio Oculus


-Final Fantasy XI


About the 60 gig HD...... "Kutaragi said that that the PS3 will require a hard drive, which will have a 60 GB capacity and support Linux OS. No word on if the HDD will be included. Update: In other words, if not included, you will be paying extra for something that is integral to PS3 functionality."


If this console comes in under $500 in the States I'll be surprised. Also PS3 faces the prospect of many excellent titles hitting the 360 just prior to its release. Not to mention that Sony has never done a simultaneous worldwide laucnh of any of the Playstations. You would think they would have learned from Microsoft.

Edited by Stewdawg24

"I'm god. I may not be 'The God', but I'm definately a god." - Ground Hog's Day

Visit: http://www.paulvomero.com/

They're about to price themselves right out of next generation.  They think too highly of the Playstation brand, while Nintendo is out to undercut everyone on price, and Microsoft offers the best "bang for your buck" experience possible.

You are still looking at the console market in one dimension: it's not about games! The XBox 360, for example, is a much better PVR than anything else on the market: that's M$'s beachhead strategy to pwn the living room.


Sony is betting on the Blu-Ray loss-leader to establish a bigger, more unassailable beachhead in the living room: good games are a secondary consideration, and precisely why Ninty has no way of pwning the console gaming market because they just make good games consoles that do nothing else but play good games. :*




Posted (edited)
About the 60 gig HD...... "Kutaragi said that that the PS3 will require a hard drive, which will have a 60 GB capacity and support Linux OS. No word on if the HDD will be included. Update: In other words, if not included, you will be paying extra for something that is integral to PS3 functionality."


Isnt that exactly the same as the 360 ?


You could even argue that it was more integrel to the 360 since thats what the BC is based on. By buying a core system, you have no BC and no live access to get it.


One reason I dont own one btw. With the other two systems they can simply slot in at launch and still play any PS2/GC titles I might have an interest in. With the 360 you have that whole emulation thing.


The whole HD thing is pretty mixed message even in the same article.


Here for example

"The PS3 will be compatible with all kinds of TVs and a high-speed broadband connection. Update 19 (via 1UP's updated page): DRM was what delayed the launch, but the system will come with a 60GB HDD preinstalled before 11/11/06".


Well it was contradictory. But it appears it was edited


Update 9: Kutaragi proclaims that the PS3 will require a hard drive, but not whether all systems will come bundled with one or not. What he does say is that the HDD "will be 60GB big, be completely upgradeable, and support Linux OS. Additionally, the peripheral will act as a home server and allow users to store various forms of media to be pulled up elsewhere." Thanks, RobR and sullyj! [update 17: The same link now says that "the unit will ship with the system right out of the box."]

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.



So we see the two behemoths sizing each other up to try to snatch the PVR market place.


PS3 - Lateness With Linux?

Posted by Zonk on Wednesday March 15, @04:15PM

from the world-turns-upside-down dept.

ZombieRoboNinja writes "The New York Times is reporting that Sony's press conference has confirmed the delay of the PS3, which is now slated to come out in November. More interestingly, the article claims that PS3 will ship with a 60-gig hard drive, built-in network card, and Linux!" Serious stuff here, with Sony's shares falling on the delay confirmation. There was a lot more news handed out at the conference than just the delay. Next Generation has details from Ken Kutaragi's 10 Point Breakdown. From the NYT article: "'We were discussing selling it in September, and some even said put it out in July,' Mr. Kutaragi said. Some analysts were immediately skeptical of this explanation, saying Sony needed to get the console out as soon as possible to combat Microsoft's head start, and the expected release this year of Nintendo's next game console, Revolution. They said Sony may be trying to buy time to bring down the production cost of key components, particularly untested technologies like Blu-ray and Cell. While Mr. Kutaragi did not reveal a price on Wednesday, analysts say Sony will likely try to sell PlayStation 3 for about $500." Please see related links and commentary below for more coverage.


Related Stories

Offsite: PlayStation 3 to launch worldwide in November

Offsite: Can Sony manage a global PS3 roll-out?

Offsite: Sony Meeting: November Global Launch

Offsite: PS3 Conference Report - Date and More!




The "Basic" level of service (similar to the 360 silver subscription) will be free.

Not true at all. Silver "subscription" (why do they bother calling it that?) doesn't allow you to do much more but to look at commercials for stuff you have to pay for.


"Silver members begin by picking a gamertag, an online "handle," and building a gamer profile, just like Gold subscribers.


Of course, Xbox Live is primarily an online multiplayer service, and you need an Xbox Live Gold Membership to do that. "


With Silver I can create a gamer profile but I need Gold to actually play the games. Gee, thanks so ****ing much!


Source: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/memberships/


The Sony Basic online service is supposed to allow you to play games online for free. That's a HUGE difference.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

Posted (edited)
The "Basic" level of service (similar to the 360 silver subscription) will be free.

Not true at all. Silver "subscription" (why do they bother calling it that?) doesn't allow you to do much more but to look at commercials for stuff you have to pay for.


"Silver members begin by picking a gamertag, an online "handle," and building a gamer profile, just like Gold subscribers.


Of course, Xbox Live is primarily an online multiplayer service, and you need an Xbox Live Gold Membership to do that. "


With Silver I can create a gamer profile but I need Gold to actually play the games. Gee, thanks so ****ing much!


Source: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/memberships/


The Sony Basic online service is supposed to allow you to play games online for free. That's a HUGE difference.


I didnt know that. Silvers a bit crap then really.


Eurogamer seems to have pulled the article with the features of PlayOnline in it.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


The "Basic" level of service (similar to the 360 silver subscription) will be free.

Not true at all. Silver "subscription" (why do they bother calling it that?) doesn't allow you to do much more but to look at commercials for stuff you have to pay for.


"Silver members begin by picking a gamertag, an online "handle," and building a gamer profile, just like Gold subscribers.


Of course, Xbox Live is primarily an online multiplayer service, and you need an Xbox Live Gold Membership to do that. "


With Silver I can create a gamer profile but I need Gold to actually play the games. Gee, thanks so ****ing much!


Source: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/memberships/


The Sony Basic online service is supposed to allow you to play games online for free. That's a HUGE difference.


If anyone thinks that Sony, who admittedly will be losing a S**tload of money on the component side and now has the added cost of setting up an on-line infrasturcture, is going to pony up and give users anything other than what Microsoft is offering with their Silver membership they're high.

"I'm god. I may not be 'The God', but I'm definately a god." - Ground Hog's Day

Visit: http://www.paulvomero.com/

If anyone thinks that Sony, who admittedly will be losing a S**tload of money on the component side and now has the added cost of setting up an on-line infrasturcture, is going to pony up and give users anything other than what Microsoft is offering with their Silver membership they're high.

Sony has always had the strategy of letting the game developers deal with their own games' online components, and they sound like they're continuing this tradition. That means they'll let the publishers/developers use the infrastructure (for money), and then it's up to them if they want to charge their players for using the online components of the respective games.


For a game like SOCOM (Playstation 2's answer to Battlefield) there most likely won't be a monthly fee. For games like Final Fantasy MMORPG, there will be. The ability to play online games without paying anything directly to Sony will also be there (according to the press releases).


Besides, I put more trust in Sony's press conference and press releases than any unknown board members opinion/guess.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

Besides, I put more trust in Sony's press conference and press releases than any unknown board members opinion/guess.

well, what sort of fun does that give us? :geek:




Those the ones which showed how obsolete DVD's are before it's release?


As far as bang for you buck as you put it. PS3 all the way since a blu ray player will cost more than a console would.


It's really hard to respond to your first comment, since it's so baseless, but I'll give it a shot. No, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey have not shown how "obsolete" DVD's are, since they aren't. I find your comment rather foolish, as if you assume all PS3 games will occupy more space than could be found on a standard DVD-9. The developer behind Enchant Arm commented about the lack of space DVD-9 had, and that their game would require two discs at minimum. Yet, after using the newer compression methods offered with the 360, all the content fit on the DVD-9 with room to spare.


As for your final comment, it's more up in the air. We don't yet know the price point for the console, and we also don't know whether or not Blu Ray will succeed in the industry. Blu Ray is still significantly higher in price than HD-DVD, the players as well as the media itself. With the PS3 not due until November, Sony won't get the jump start they initially wanted with the console being a cheaper player. That means they will instantly have to contend with cheaper HD media, that will offer (to the average consumer) identical content. Early tech adopters will obviously push for Blu Ray, since it's a superior product, but they don't drive the industry. So with the better part of a year of HD-DVD having a more recongnizable name with "DVD", and a cheaper price point, along with the same HD quality output, the normal consumer should, by logic, go with the cheaper product that has the name they've been using for many years, "DVD".


I'm sure Sony's initial plan was to get the PS3 out by Spring '06, and saturate the market with the name "Blu Ray", but it's not going to work out that well. Their only hope is to not lose too much of the market to HD-DVD by the end of the year.

Not true at all. Silver "subscription" (why do they bother calling it that?) doesn't allow you to do much more but to look at commercials for stuff you have to pay for.


"Silver members begin by picking a gamertag, an online "handle," and building a gamer profile, just like Gold subscribers.


Of course, Xbox Live is primarily an online multiplayer service, and you need an Xbox Live Gold Membership to do that. "


With Silver I can create a gamer profile but I need Gold to actually play the games. Gee, thanks so ****ing much!


Source: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/memberships/


The Sony Basic online service is supposed to allow you to play games online for free. That's a HUGE difference.


While silver doesn't give you access to gaming against other people (except in MMO's and free weekends) it does do a lot more than just allow you to create a profile. You kind of spun it a little too much.

The developer behind Enchant Arm commented about the lack of space DVD-9 had, and that their game would require two discs at minimum.  Yet, after using the newer compression methods offered with the 360, all the content fit on the DVD-9 with room to spare.


That was the one.


Because they cut stuff just like the DO4 intro was changed because it took up too much space.


As for movies, well since added features are now pretty much standard not often you see a single disk in the package.


Which one is backwards compatible with your current DvD collection ?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


That was the one.


Because they cut stuff just like the DO4 intro was changed because it took up too much space.


As for movies, well since added features are now pretty much standard not often you see a single disk in the package.


Which one is backwards compatible with your current DvD collection ?


No content was cut from Enchant Arm from what I've read from Japanese gamers. I also don't recall Itagaki commenting that the intro was cut, he was just upset because he was worried that all the CG he wanted to use would fill the entire disc.


I don't really follow your last two comments though. Could you clarify?

Posted (edited)
No content was cut from Enchant Arm from what I've read from Japanese gamers.  I also don't recall Itagaki commenting that the intro was cut, he was just upset because he was worried that all the CG he wanted to use would fill the entire disc.


I don't really follow your last two comments though.  Could you clarify?


It's very simple. Movies now come on two DvD's as standard because of the extra features.


This is what I dug up on the two although I didnt look very hard.


blu ray



compatible DVD

JVC Hybrid DVD-9

+ Blu-Ray Layer





Hybrid DVD-5

+ 15Gb HD Layer


If one will play all current movies and the other wont, that will be a big head start.


I found price points for the two HD players of $500 and $800 respectively.So if your looking for a next gen player , then a PS3 will be in the same ballpark or cheaper.


Lest we forget the 360 was supposed to come with a HD DVD till delays changed that .DVD was not the first choice format :luck:"

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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