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No, he definitely held it in his hands for a few moments...


And, even if he was, what about the other examples I gave?

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."


It's not the Force Powers you use it's your actions twords others. Although a true Jedi would not use such powers as horror due to the high esteem held for life and the condition of others. As far as the definition for a Jedi in the Old Republic, most of us would be concidered Gray Jedi, due to our decision to love another romanticaly. This was changed when Luke became head of the Jedi Order, and even more expansive contriversial views were held by Jedi such as Jacen Solo, who claimed there was no true Light side, or dark side. Jesus loves you all, God Bless.

Jesus Loves Us All

This was changed when Luke became head of the Jedi Order, and even more expansive contriversial views were held by Jedi such as Jacen Solo, who claimed there was no true Light side, or dark side. 

acctually it was Vergere that said there was no light or dark side of the force. it was just jacen that spread the word and convinced all of the other jedi of that. but later on luke does see that as an error in ways and trys to undo that line of thought

It looked more like Yoda was reflecting the lightning.

That's what it looked like to me. He held onto it briefly than shot it back at him.



Actually i think he asorbed the lightning and then shot it back at Dooku, He can simply asorb the lightning if he want's as seen the second time dooku shots it at him, And even if he could't he could have deflectet it against the wall but he dosen't he shots the lightning af dooku.


Unlike in the games, The movies seem to not place forcepowers into categories as Good or Bad only the intent in which they are used .. Dooku whishes to destoy Yoda and hence his action is evil, Yoda wish to aid his friends and stop Dooku from doing more harm hence his action is good.

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