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PS3 costs Sony $800 ?


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It's strange that we went from Sony loses 800$/Console to Patches are good/bad...


Patches allow PC gamers to play their games earlier than Console gamers. The state of a newly released game will only affect the reviews. We can still play them and PC games that are unplayable upon release are just as rare as unplayable console games with the difference that we PC gamers will usually get a patch to fix the major problems within a week or two and for free.



To relaunch the topic:

If Sony loses 800$/Console does that mean the price will be around 400$(I didn't read the article, too lazy)?

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To relaunch the topic:

If Sony loses 800$/Console does that mean the price will be around 400$(I didn't read the article, too lazy)?


Sony wouldnt lose $800 they would lose $800- the retail cost.


Although the $800 is likely not accurate given the components they have used to come up with it (like a read/write blu ray).

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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No, I don't... Tell me. Besides from Kotor2 (port) and that 1 game-stopping glitch in PS:T I have no real experience with Glitches in PC RPG's...

(Haven't played Troika games mind you... but I ain't basing a market on a single Dev. company)


Yup. These minor ingame glitchies these fix...

Do you wan't me to Ctrl+C and Crtl+V some Patch fix lists in this thread to show you exactly what a patch does, as you do not seem to get the idea?


Funny you do trust consoles then and not PC's if they error on the same front; and the errors that are not from that are permanent issues on console; but not on the PC...


And who are SO extremely rare that I barely never see a patch for... :lol: ; Odd that my pathces usually fix other stuff than yours suppose to do... even if you never play PC games and I almost only play PC-games


Shouldnt even need to if you frequent this board. Since quite a lot of recent PC RPGs have been from Trioka it should be common sense.


Ok minor fixes? This is a piece of the Civ IV patch list. Now I do this not because I'm picking on the PC , but because you insist that patches only fix minor things.See how many times the word crash appears there?




- ATI issue Failed to Init Renderer Fixed

- Multiplayer Lobby list jump problem and lobby crash fixed

- fixed war weariness calculation bug...

- units maintain their name when upgraded

- fixed Gold-for-Gold diplo exploit...

- fixed no research choice overflow exploit...

- Fix for voice initialization crash

- Fix addressing takeover AI and retirement OOS.

- Fixed issue with diplomacy text being always used in its first form in the translator.

- Popups, screens, and diplomacy properly cleared when exiting from main menu.

- Games protected by admin passwords (only) cannot be loaded if the version is different from the one that created the save

- Fixed bug where player could not offer any deal to other human in PBEM/Hotseat

- Sorting by date on domestic advisor now works.

- fixed bug where settlers could not move if the strategy layer was selected

- fixed Ironworks...

- fixed AI units not obeying open borders rules on declaration of war...

- fixed bug that prevent placing of units in world-builder

- fixed bug that prevented gifting of units to a human player

- stack attack infinite loop fixed

- Civic screen update fix (wasn

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I don't say that patches only fix minor issues. Just saying that your statement that games are unplayable untill a patch is released is false. Even if a patch fixes 2000 gamestopping bugs it can happen quite well that you never meet a single one if they all require extreme effort and things you normally shouldn't/wouldn't do in games. And besides that you once again proved to wager an entire platform on 1 game...



Bold is game stopping issue


Age of Empires Expansion Pack Patch


B. Balance Changes





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Really what misinformation ? Well they wouldnt if they read them because that isnt what they say. What they say in a nut shell is console gaming is more hassle free than PC gaming.



If you can't see it, then you're a daft man.





You make it sound like they all need patches.



You most certainly are. You acknwoledge that there are some serious issues, you even criticise me , because I wont wait two weeks to buy things just so a patch is available, like you admit you do for a lot of your purchasing.


I criticize you because you make fallicious claims about the entire PC gaming industry.


Depends, I've just rented black now. Not a game I would likely buy but probably more than worth a rental. Rentals are another aspect of console gaming which I find very benificial.


Why didn't you just buy it right away? Oh wait, you were checking to see if it's a good game.



Shouldnt even need to if you frequent this board. Since quite a lot of recent PC RPGs have been from Trioka it should be common sense.


Yes, three.


Ok minor fixes? This is a piece of the Civ IV patch list. Now I do this not because I'm picking on the PC , but because you insist that patches only fix minor things.See how many times the word crash appears there?


Do you have any idea how common those "crashes" were. It was still easy to play the game from start to finish without the patch, which is in your own words what constitutes "crap."

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I don't say that patches only fix minor issues. Just saying that your statement that games are unplayable untill a patch is released is false.


I never said they were unplayable. I said I'm through taking the risk that something goes wrong as I'm playing them. Big difference there.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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If you can't see it, then you're a daft man.




You make it sound like they all need patches.


I criticize you because you make fallicious claims about the entire PC gaming industry.


Why didn't you just buy it right away?  Oh wait, you were checking to see if it's a good game.


Yes, three.


Do you have any idea how common those "crashes" were.  It was still easy to play the game from start to finish without the patch, which is in your own words what constitutes "crap."


I'm not the one still duitifully patching and defending the practice..


Really ? Have I said they all need patches ? Do you credit people with so little intelligence that they can't work out that all my comments are , are a snapshot of my experiences and are not a universal truth ?


What false claims ? That console software is less buggy ?


I dont rent things I intend to buy. Renting isnt a test to see if I like a game, its just like a movie rental something I'm likely to only watch one.


Three out of how many recent ones ?


No I dont know how common these crashes were. The message boards never paint a less than grim picture. Do I know that such a crash would have put me in a very bad mood ? Yes.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I never said they were unplayable. I said I'm through taking the risk that something goes wrong as I'm playing them. Big difference there.


You never did, eh? How about here (quick search on a single page in this thread) among many other places?;


[Remember I'm the consumer I have no obligation to buy anything. If they want my money then they had better start making less buggy games which work out of the box like console games do.


List 5 that have no patches :)


Solitare (sp... just woke up so :p ) and Tetris don't count




Republic: The Revolution


Gabriel Knight 3


Need more?


EDIT; Wait; we talk about games that you can finish from point A to End without getting stuck? If that is the case I could add in a game that even got a patch for 12+ gamestopping bugs :-"

Edited by BattleCookiee
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I'm not the one still duitifully patching and defending the practice..


But you are the one that making the point about how you buy zero PC games because of experiences with broken games.



Really ? Have I said they all need patches ? Do you credit people with so little intelligence that they can't work out that all my comments are , are a snapshot of my experiences and are not a universal truth ?


Don't be self-righteous. You make the same elitist position in the skill-based vs class based thread, where you made the assertion that people would be stupid enough to pick the same skills as other people in their group to the point where everyone was the same, and that they have to be forced to pick different skills in order to be different. You have no more faith in human intelligence than I do.


And besides, you have pretty much said they all need patches. Especially with your insistence that I only buy games if they have a patch (despite numerous clarifications). It may not be the way you're intending, but when you make extreme absolute decisions such as never playing a PC game again, what do you expect? The only reason why you'd take such an absolute policy is if you felt the problem was excessive. When people take absolute responses, people will read more into those responses.





I italicized "require" for a reason.


Recent games that I finished without needing a patch, just looking under my computer at my stack of games:


Silent Hunter 3

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

Call of Duty 2

Rome: Total War

Half-Life 2

Empire at War

Civ 4


Well, those are the game cases I have found anyways. I was tempted to put Bloodlines, because I did finish that without a patch, but I know that there were problems with that game.



Heh. As next-gen games become more technically complex, bugs will be more common - patch or no patch.


This is true.


Besides, IGN felt it prudent to open up this section on their website:




Bug free games already don't exist. XBOX games can be updated, and I'd be surprised if PS3 owners were no longer excluded, in spite of the HD being optional.

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List 5 that have no patches :p


Solitare (sp... just woke up so :- ) and Tetris don't count


I could list you hundreds that don't need a patch to be played, enjoyed and completed.

Patches are tweaks, FREE tweaks, that make the game more enjoyable. Some do cover game stopping bugs but as Alan pointed out numerous times, those cases are rare.

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So ? Are you really that bothered what I do and dont buy?


When you go around accusing people of supporting the development of "crap" software, yes. When your posts give the impression that all PC games are buggy crap, yes.


What did you expect? You're on a board of a company with a personnel history of quality PC games, and when you slag on PC gaming someone decides to defend their platform of choice.

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Games? I thought Obsidian put out only 1? :p :p :p





I know, I know, keep those claws in Alan :)



The Founders of OE are from Black Isle and/or Interplay. With all the recognition that comes with it. They are to be respected at the very least, preferably worshipped. :lol:

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She knows...


astr0creep Sarcasm check FAILED

astr0creep :dargue: detection check FAILED


And for some added PC-VS-Console fight:


Do you ever get free retail games for the console's? Some examples:


GTA, GTA2, Enemy Territory, S.W.I.N.E?



I wasn't being sarcastic. And I know she knows. She's not the only one reading and neither are you.

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I wasn't being sarcastic. And I know she knows. She's not the only one reading and neither are you.


Indeed; you weren't sarcastic... she was! And you didn't noticed it... nor noticed who I was talking about being sarcastic... thus if you didn't even noticed who I noted as being sarcastic you probably didn't get the sarcasm... (Reading that line makes me go :lol: )


And it would seem to me 80% of the forumvisitors knows the history. 18% does not and the other 2% thinks they are on the BioWare Forums (Seen here)

Edited by BattleCookiee
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