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PS3 costs Sony $800 ?


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1. I COMPLETELY disagree. There is a steady stream of PC games all year round. And most of them are better then console titles.

2. Thats your problem. You must be lazier than me, which is no small feat. Patching takes 5 minutes. And if you count mods with your patching, bring'em on.


Upgradability is a 2 edge sword but again, only because of the $$$ factor. Granted, it's a big one and that's why I also have a PS2.


Yeah most of which are crap. The only one I'd say I've missed in Civ. What PC games have you bought recently ? There is far more crap on the PC than on any console because there are no quality standards for PC software.


No thats the developers problem for being inept. It's not my job to make up for their ineptness. I dont buy a car with flat tires and expect some smart arse to tell me to inflate them myself.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I'd bet that the ratio of crap:good is probably pretty common between the platforms.



In any case, one cannot possibly say that there is more crap on the PC than on the console, simply because of the sheer volume of console games. Quality controls? I remember Nintendo had them back in the NES days. Doesn't stop people from releasing some absolute **** titles for the consoles.

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1. I COMPLETELY disagree. There is a steady stream of PC games all year round. And most of them are better then console titles.

2. Thats your problem. You must be lazier than me, which is no small feat. Patching takes 5 minutes. And if you count mods with your patching, bring'em on.


Upgradability is a 2 edge sword but again, only because of the $$$ factor. Granted, it's a big one and that's why I also have a PS2.


Yeah most of which are crap. The only one I'd say I've missed in Civ. What PC games have you bought recently ? There is far more crap on the PC than on any console because there are no quality standards for PC software.


No thats the developers problem for being inept. It's not my job to make up for their ineptness. I dont buy a car with flat tires and expect some smart arse to tell me to inflate them myself.


The standards on console have mostly nothing to do with quality. Most of the standards have to do with one console not being confused with another, on a legal level(a small example would be names of components, like Memory Card for Sony and Memory Unit for Xbox). And of course what is in the game has to work... mostly. The exception are flagship titles like Mario, Halo, Final Fantasy. Those have some real quality standards. And you have the usual bribes that allow some publishers to pass certification even though the game is very buggy and/or unfinished 8)"


To answer your question, I recently got Battlefront2 and Empire at War, thats this week.

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If the cant even realise that it uses blu ray it kind of makes them unrealiable as a source dosnt it. 8)


Look at it this way they will have to have a retail price before it's released and until that time it dosnt matter anyway.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Come on Paladin....you could say that most of the console games are crap too.


Oh theres certainly a lot of crap out there regarldless of platform. Of course it's important to make a distinction between stuff you dont like and hence call crap. Or stuff that is actually crap because it's flawed, buggy or what have you. Since I'm not in the habbit of buying games I dont like anyway the former dosnt matter.


Since I've never had to patch any of the console games I've played where as PC games have frequently required patching I think I'm safe in saying the PC has way more of the latter.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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To answer your question, I recently got Battlefront2 and Empire at War, thats this week.


Played Battlefront2 months ago If you mean the SW version. Too similiar to the first for my tastes and I dont much care about the EPI-III stuff so the campaign was kind of dull for the most part.


The big question though did you have to patch them 8)

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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To answer your question, I recently got Battlefront2 and Empire at War, thats this week.


Played Battlefront2 months ago If you mean the SW version. Too similiar to the first for my tastes and I dont much care about the EPI-III stuff so the campaign was kind of dull for the most part.


The big question though did you have to patch them 8)


I patched EaW yes. Took 5 minutes. I see your point concerning patches and I do wish they were non-existant but thats the market. And to me it's worth it because I just have so much more fun on PC.


And Battlefront2 is much better than the first, which was a complete bore. #2 has Jedis, from Ayla Secuda to Darth Vader with and without the suit. The single player campaign starts at the beginning of Ep 3 until the Battle of Hoth. You have ground and space battles during which you can enter the hangar of enemy capital ships, get out of your Tie Interceptor and sabotage a Mon Calamari cruiser. It's a great Star Wars game.

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Patches aren't always fixers. Sometime they add new features to the games like free mods, additional levels, additional weapons etc.


I know buggy PS2 games too, but it is impossible to patch them.

Edited by karka
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I patched EaW yes. Took 5 minutes. I see your point concerning patches and I do wish they were non-existant but thats the market. And to me it's worth it because I just have so much more fun on PC.


And Battlefront2 is much better than the first, which was a complete bore. #2 has Jedis, from Ayla Secuda to Darth Vader with and without the suit. The single player campaign starts at the beginning of Ep 3 until the Battle of Hoth. You have ground and space battles during which you can enter the hangar of enemy capital ships, get out of your Tie Interceptor and sabotage a Mon Calamari cruiser. It's a great Star Wars game.


Well as long as people continue to patch you will continue to need patches. >_<


The first was different the second really just more of the same. Yeah you had space missions but when was the last time you saw a lone trooper take over a capital ship? Worth a rental , but not worth buying.


Guess thats one of the reasons I like RPGS even if the gameplay is the same the story is different.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Patches aren't always fixers. Sometime they add new features to the games like free mods, additional levels, additional weapons etc.


I know buggy PS2 games too, but they are impossible to patch.


Bet you they fix things too.


Care to name some ? I own a lot of PS2 games and I've never come across a buggy one unless you count The Getaway which crashed in the same spot all the time(which was a bad disk so i'm not sure it counts anyway).


I can name a few Xbox games, but then thats why I dont have a particular liking for the Xbox.

Edited by ShadowPaladin V1.0
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Patches aren't always fixers. Sometime they add new features to the games like free mods, additional levels, additional weapons etc.


I know buggy PS2 games too, but they are impossible to patch.


Bet you they fix things too.


Care to name some ? I own a lot of PS2 games and I've never come across a buggy one unless you count The Getaway which crashed in the same spot all the time(which was a bad disk so i'm not sure it counts anyway).


I can name a few Xbox games, but then thats why I dont have a particular liking for the Xbox.



Well. All Burnout titles on PS2 has some "noclipping" issues. Your car can fall from the road to nowhere! PSP has same problems too. Again, if you count low framerates as bugs, lots of console games suffer from low framerates.

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Well. All Burnout titles on PS2 has some "noclipping" issues. Your car can fall from the road to nowhere! PSP has same problems too. Again, if you count low framerates as bugs, lots of console games suffer from low framerates.


clipping issues >_< hard pressed to think of any 3d game that didnt have some.

never happened to me on the PSP although since I live in the UK maybe they fixed it.


Lower than bloodlines ?


Then again if those are the only "bugs" out of a generation of gamesI'd be pretty happy.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Blargh blargh blargh, blargh?

Edited by SSgtSniper

And shepherds we shall be,

for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth unto Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be,

In Nomine Patris, et Fili, et Spiritus Sancti.

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