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Lightwave or 3DMax?


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3D Max and Maya are the most common in video games I believe. While Maya and Softimage XSI are the standard in visual effects.

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As far as I understand it, Maya is the industry standard for films, while the games industry uses 3D Max. To be honest though, all these programs are pretty similar, just with altered interfaces and different names for everything. Some are more user friendly while others have shortcuts for useful functions ect, but at the core, the algorithums they use are pretty identical. So it basically just comes down to 'personal preferance'.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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In terms of RAM, not SO much, at least I never had any problems with 512 as far as modeling itself goes. The real problem can be video memory when you start dealing with high-poly models, it's not project-breaking, but the slowdown and jittering you get when moving your camera or manipulating objects can be a bit annoying if your machine is struggling, and this is exactly why I invested in a 256MB graphics card. It broke (well, the fan stopped working, easy to fix) at one point and I had to go back to 64, which could cause a bit of jittering.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Im currently studying 3D modeling/texturing/animation at the University and we all use laptops to run 3Ds MAX and Zbrush. It is not as resource intensive as it may seem.




Oh, and I would recommend using MAX since that is what the majority of studios use.

Edited by Kaftan Barlast

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