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Speculations on the Navicomputer.

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What do you guys think was the droid's reason for locking the navicomputer and only he been able to issue the commands on what planets to go? What could possibly be in there? I mean, Kreia said at the end that Revan did not bother to use the Ebon Hawk since there would be no need for it when she traveled in the Outer Rim.

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T3 was given a mission and it was to make sure that the Exile accomplished it (my best guess anyway)




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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Revan use the Ebon Hawk and droids for getting help.



HE locked the NaviComputer and trusted T3-M4 for that Mission.


Knowing Hk-47, He knows that Hk-47 rather stay and fight Valiently with Revan to both of their dying breath.


So that is why Hk-47 was blasted by Revan.


Revan has uses for the Droids but he needed more than just droids within the Sith Empire.


Revan knew that he need any ally he can get. Regardless if it is was Sith, Jedi, or Others.


Also Revan knew how powerful the True Sith Empire is. SO that is why He sent T3-M4 for help.

Edited by DeathScepter
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Actually it was Bastila (or Carth for a LSF Revan) who charged T3 with a mission:


Bastila: "T3, you have been with us since Taris. Without you, we would never have escaped that place... and for that, I thank you. I'm leaving this message inside you because I have seen glimpses of the future... and the bond that he and I share does not allow him to hide everything from me.More of his memories have returned - and they trouble him. He has remembered something, something on the edge of the galaxy, and he believes that he must go there to end it. But I'm afraid for him... afraid that he may not return. I need you to be the beacon, T3. If he is lost out there, on the edge of the galaxy, if he finds whatever terrible thing he has seen, then he may not survive. If he doesn't make it back, then I need you to return to the Republic, find help. If you cannot find me, then seek out other Jedi, the Republic... I can't lose him, even if he believes he is protecting me."


Revan took the Ebon Hawk with the droids to the unknown regions, but then got into trouble, and so T3 returned to the republic looking for other jedi to help, which led him to the Exile, since he couldn't find Bastila.


T3 locked the navicomputer to prevent anyone from following in Revan's footsteps until T3 thought the time was right. Note the scene where HK-47 tries to unlock the navicomputer only to be blasted by T3...


The quote is above is for the LSM Revan version, but the DSM Revan version comes to pretty much the same thing.

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