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Guest MacLeodCorp
He should have been hunted down and killed. Killed by one of his own, a fellow Arab/muslim, so as not to make a martyr out of him.


Nice thinking! Killed by one of his own, which takes away from him becoming a martyr... Nice!

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Bringing up the past is irrelevant. I rather deal with the issues we have today. As for WW2 we were attacked by Japan and Germany was an ally of Japan. If you ask me we were too lenient in our counter attacks. Once we had the atomic bomb we should have crushed the enemeies permanently and without mercy. Once those responsible for the attack on us were eliminated I would have simply continued on as normal.


Such as the attack on 9/11. I would have hunted down every single Al Qaeda member and cell till every single one of them were dead. I wouldn't capture them. I would kill them and I would not be detoured by Iraq til Osama Bin Ladin was dead. After of which I would have our troops come home and continue as normal.


Umm continue as normal and go live in a cocoon seriously - first with WW2 Germany declared war on U.S. not the other way around- second Germany was defeated and surrendered before the bomb

Third- America did not have the capacity to make more bombs at the time- why would you purposely wanted to kill your troops (unless you were the Russians)


As with 9/11 now who is bringing up the past- It is irrelevant now- Osama is in hiding and the U.S. are in Iraq- and it would be safe to say al zarqawi is a bigger threat because he is directing the attacks - while Osama is more of a "spirtual " leader for them. Killing Osama will do nothing to end the attacks , you cannot think America will be safer after- This organization has grown that no one is irreplaceable anymore

Edited by Delta Truth
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Guess they really won't due things like that if the world has agreed on heavy sanctions if that happens.


There was just no training in the past. It is a pretty recent thing to do that.

Machinery is complicated. Just try a non-technical person to open a PC-Case and do usefull stuff, no way they can do it... Let stand even more advanched technical stuff...


But who says you need to use military force? If you give economical sanctians and reduction of help-cash if they do not support, and you are backed up by the other countries in the world (UN) they could be easily persuaded to agree.

We with Holland did pretty dictatorial stuff in Indonesia. Killing 100.000's of people to keep our leadership there and preserve the resources they would "give" to us. Then the US came, supported by many other European Countries and the UN, forcing us to back off or get sanctians, or had to pay large parts of our debt back.

It wasn't long after before Indonesia became independant, and there wasn't a single US-Soldier that set foot on our country to do so...



Sanctions suck to put it bluntly. They only target the innocent and the weak.


See above. Iraq was under sanctions for 10 years. More people died in that period than in the war. Infant mortality went through the roof. When the leaders dont give a crap about the people sanctions dont work. You can bet the leaders wont be starving.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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This would be my plan:


First, recall all US troops from all foriegn countries and bases.  Remove all funding and aid going to all other countries.  Remove ourselves from the UN and NATO.


Secondly, redeploy troops to protect US borders and territories.  Illegal immigration into the US will be penalized by death.  Legal immigration will remain unchanged.


Third, with withheld resources create a superfund to boost the US economy from within and work on a plan to make sure everyone in this country is above the poverty line and medically covered.


Fourth, make sure all loans from other countries and foreign organizations are repaid in full in a 3 to 6 month time frame.  If a nation cannot repay then all assets of that country and its citizens that are within the borders of the US are to be siezed by the US and applied to that debt.


Fifth, keep the economic side of things such as importing and exporting of goods untouched and privatised.


Ever played a game called "Fortress America" ?

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Such as the attack on 9/11.  I would have hunted down every single Al Qaeda member and cell till every single one of them were dead.  I wouldn't capture them.  I would kill them and I would not be detoured by Iraq til Osama Bin Ladin was dead.  After of which I would have our troops come home and continue as normal.


Which would be quite impossible if you guys stay in the US and they stay in their own country.

Hell, Terrorism would flourish. Just attack the US, and then get out... safe.


Sanctions suck to put it bluntly. They only target the innocent and the weak.


See above. Iraq was under sanctions for 10 years. More people died in that period than in the war. Infant mortality went through the roof. When the leaders dont give a crap about the people sanctions dont work. You can bet the leaders wont be starving.


Threatning with sanctions and then giving them when not listened to, can be good. In Iraq in specific it was because countries like the US, France and Germany traded with Iraq for oil outside of the sanctions...

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Threatning with sanctions and then giving them when not listened to, can be good. In Iraq in specific it was because countries like the US, France and Germany traded with Iraq for oil outside of the sanctions...


The UN has no credibility when it comes to threats. Actually that was allowed in order to pay for humanitarian concerns. Of course Saddam didnt use it for that purpose anyway.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Battlewookie, you aren't getting what I am saying. If a terrorist group or nation attacks the US I would send troops to take care of the problem. I would eradicate all enemies by whatever means necessary then when it is done bring all troops home. I would make sure such organizations and nations would not be able to do so again.

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The only other option is to destroy the government in question then and put in a new one in its place, costing billions of dollars and thousands of lives. A wasted effort because it isn't the responsibility of other countries to do that.


The purpose of government is to take care of its own. No more and no less. If a government becomes corrupt and fails that function then it is up to the citizens of that country to impose change. Not those outside of it. If that country invades another then the invaded country needs to either defend itself or die. If it is weak then it should have existed and thusly absorbed by the stronger country.


That is the way of natural social order.

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Battlewookie, you aren't getting what I am saying.  If a terrorist group or nation attacks the US I would send troops to take care of the problem.  I would eradicate all enemies by whatever means necessary then when it is done bring all troops home.  I would make sure such organizations and nations would not be able to do so again.

Total elimination with extreme prejudice. Works for me.

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At times I wish America would stop being the "good" guys for once. The glory days of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great warfare.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

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Good old PR. At least it's not like Vietnam where you shoot only when you have been shot at first.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

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Battlewookie, you aren't getting what I am saying.  If a terrorist group or nation attacks the US I would send troops to take care of the problem.  I would eradicate all enemies by whatever means necessary then when it is done bring all troops home.  I would make sure such organizations and nations would not be able to do so again.


That would be getting outside of your isolation of staying inside the US. Without bases in other countries it would be quite impossible too..., unless you guys find out a new type of planes (and ships) which such a range (and ships speed/stealth) to get there and be able to get back...


Good old PR. At least it's not like Vietnam where you shoot only when you have been shot at first.


Yeah, those damn trees (and the guys within) really shot at you soldiers before they got the Napalm attack... :rolleyes:

Main reason for "shooting back" was that the Vietcong were very good at hiding, and you had no idea they were there untill attacked... not because PR forced your guys too...

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Not impossible with intercontinental ballistic missiles, battlewookie. Also the new aircraft carriers are almost to the size of mobile bases and with them nuclear powered the need for refueling takes years and years. Also we still have tanker ships to support destroyers and frigates if needed. In international waters, which covers 3/4 of the Earth surface, we can get to any portion of the world we need to.


Also bolstering our space program and satellite netwrok we can send a sattelite armed with warheads and rain death from orbit. No need to send any troops whatsoever.

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Battlewookie, you aren't getting what I am saying.  If a terrorist group or nation attacks the US I would send troops to take care of the problem.  I would eradicate all enemies by whatever means necessary then when it is done bring all troops home. I would make sure such organizations and nations would not be able to do so again.


Troops is a new name for balistic missiles... Maybe that is how Bush got it's WMD's in Iraq idea ;)


Not impossible with intercontinental ballistic missiles, battlewookie.


Guess you know exactly which cave Osama is hiding at?


Also the new aircraft carriers are almost to the size of mobile bases and with them nuclear powered the need for refueling takes years and years.Also we still have tanker ships to support destroyers and frigates if needed.  In international waters, which covers 3/4 of the Earth surface, we can get to any portion of the world we need to.


Nobody would suspect an attack of any kind if you left your ships in the US, except when getting out for an war. No, they will never get time to defend themselves :)"


Also bolstering our space program and satellite netwrok we can send a sattelite armed with warheads and rain death from orbit.  No need to send any troops whatsoever.


Nuke terrorists, eh? Guess you don't care about Collateral Damage of any kind. Hey, you live next to a terrorist. It is not like 1000's of people in the West also do without knowing...

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Yeah, those damn trees (and the guys within) really shot at you soldiers before they got the Napalm attack...  :lol:

Main reason for "shooting back" was that the Vietcong were very good at hiding, and you had no idea they were there untill attacked... not because PR forced your guys too...

Obviously you don't know what the hell you are talking about so why don't you shut your damned anti American crap up. Did you get your information from school? The propaganda machine still running strong even after World War 2?


Considering my father and uncle were over there, I think I would know a bit more than you do.

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