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I don't put much stock in polls as they only take a small sampling.

Sample size is 1,500 households.



I can't find those numbers you quoted in your link. What page were they on?



The only age related information I can find in your article is:


35% are less than 18 years old

43% are 18-49 years old

19% are 50+ years old.


The average age of a video game player is 30 years old.


I also notice that Women over the age of 18 take up a greater portion of the ENTIRE gameplaying population at 28%, compared to 21% for boys aged 6-17.



Where's the console specific numbers?



EDIT: Whoops I'm an idiot and didn't see that other link.

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Actually Diamond, you made a mistake:


For Console Gamers...

    * 46% of most frequent game players are under eighteen years old.

    * 35% of most frequent game players are between 18 and 35 years old.

    * 20% percent of most frequent game players are over 35 years old.


Since only 46% of frequent console game players are under eighteen years old, that means that 54% (i.e. the rest of the people) are over 18.


Therefore, MOST (i.e. the majority) of console game players are over the age of 18.

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That's still pretty small considering how many gamers there are.  :)

That's the point of statistics - you take a sample big enough to give you an accurate estimate, using various statistical methods.





You are really stubborn, aren't you? :)






alaschu, see my 1st link. Right under the chart.


1,500 people isn't even a fraction of the gaming public.


It's not possible to create an accurate picture.


You'd need sales data, what got sold and to whom for what purpose.

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1,500 people isn't even a fraction of the gaming public.

It's not possible to create an accurate picture.

As I said, that's what statistics is doing. You estimate based on a sample using statistical methods. Usually it means sampling until the variance is within a reasonable range. Nobody in the world would be interested in surveys were they that useless.


You'd need sales data, what got sold and to whom for what purpose.

Yes it is only a part of the picture due to variable financial abilities, but we are talking about who plays games. (Actually, given that younger players can't spend as much on games, it will probably skew data even more)

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You posted when I was typing :)


Anyway I said, that on average, console players are younger. That != most console players are under 18 (I never mentioned a number "18" in the 1st place) :)



The values you posted don't indicate that the average age of a gamer is younger. It's just relative percentages.



Let's say there's 100 console gamers. 46 are 17, 35 are 35, and 19 are 36.


Average age is: 26.91


Now lets take 100 PC gamers. 35 are 13, 26 are 18, and 39 are 36.


Average age is: 23.27


:D ;)

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The values you posted don't indicate that the average age of a gamer is younger.  It's just relative percentages.

Probably you didn't take statistics classes, or just being humorous :)

BTW, If you didn't take stats classes, DON'T >_<>_<>_<



Actually I have taken stats courses. Applied Probablity and Applied Statistics (two fun calculus based courses......actually they weren't too bad).


I was just being obtuse.



Though my statement technically is not false :)"



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MK2 had him too. I think you had to win something like 50 consecutive rounds to get him.


I know he is in MK2 because I fought him, and have never played MK3.




*cough* What about variance then? 


I can't seem to find any variance information.



My stats courses were probably a bit different than yours too (depending on when you took them).


Mine were CompSci stats courses, so we were more concerned with probabilities, rather than just aggregate statistics. Maybe yours were like that too?


They were quite a bit different than the stats courses than the ones taken by most people I know.

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Noob Saibot = Tobias Boon spelt backwards, a dev and the guy that would pop up and shout "TOASTY!!" in a high pitched voice if you didi loads of uppercuts or something.


If games in general appear dumber today its because the gaming market is massive. In order to maximise sales i would assume a game would have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. This is irrespectve of console or PC.

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Since only 46% of frequent console game players are under eighteen years old, that means that 54% (i.e. the rest of the people) are over 18.


Therefore, MOST (i.e. the majority) of console game players are over the age of 18.


Actually the majority of console gamers that I know are both female, and over the age of 30...and I do know one lady who is in her 60s and loves her PS2, lol


The few PC players that I know are in the 20+ age bracket >_<"



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