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NWN2 creature pics


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Because, as explained before, they are involved., Unlike KOTOR it's not just the engine and the fact it's a sequel to their game. Accoridng to BIO and Obsidian (from the interviews/previews), the two companies meet once a month to discuss the engine, the camapign, and everything else. Basiclaly, BIO is like an Assistant of Atari Semi Overseeing NWN's devlopment if these interviews/articles/previews are to be believed.


As kumquat said, didn't they do something similar to that for TSL? The Obsid developers commented how BioWare was available often if Obsid had questions about the engine and various other questions.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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"As kumquat said, didn't they do something similar to that for TSL? The Obsid developers commented how BioWare was available often if Obsid had questions about the engine and various other questions. "


From waht i recall with KOTOR, it was more like here 's the engine Obsdiian, her'es KOTOR1, go have fun in the sandbox. I'm sure they helped or answered any questions that Obsidian had; but it seems more 'official' here. And, I have a funny feeling that was the terms Atari asked for when the deal with Obsidian was made to take over the sequel. Of course, I don't have all the details so we're all just semi guessing exactly what BIO has to do with NWN2. Only the Trifecta knows for sure.


But, obviously, this is further evdience that BIO likely has more to do with NWN2 than they did with KOTOR2 (or do with The Witcher which they pretty much have nothing to do with other than the use of the engine).


It's much like that engine that BIO licensed for ME. The cretaor of that likely has NOTHING tod ow ith ME outside of basic engine help.


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Then that's probably another reason why the decision was made to move the NWN2 forums to the Bio-Boards. With Bioware involved, it makes it easier for their developers to chirp in too.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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They didn't say that here.  And I highly doubt that Atari had no input in the decision at all.


You are right, Atari was involved.

I hate grave digging, but here is the post

It was a marketing decision by Atari. They felt it would be prudent for the NWN "community" to be located in one place, rather than spread over two seperate sites.

It has nothing to do with Bioware taking over or Obisidian not being able to afford the bandwidth or anything like that.

Edited by Diamond
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As much as I didn't like it, it does make sense.


Over on gamefaqs, the boards that are split due to the games being in multiple formats tend to dry up quickly despite success... but those with a single format tend to have better staying power.


The same principle applies here with this setup too.

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