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WoW expansion announced this weekend


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So the WoW expansion is hours away from being announced, but some details have been leaked already for those who haven't heard.


# New profession, Jewelcrafting, which will allow for slotting and modding items ala Diablo 2.

# New Blood Elf starter area and zones north of the Eastern Plaguelands, Silvermoon (their Capital City), Ghostland, and Zul'Aman.

# Epic FLYING FREAKING MOUNT useable only in Outlands.

# The name is Burning Crusade.

# Takes place in the Outlands.

# Small upgrades to the graphics engine (BE will have 20% more polygons than original races for example).

# Weather effects added.

# Exploring how to add in cross server Battlegrounds.

# Level cap raised to Level 70.

# 2 new races, Blood Elf (Horde) and TBA (Alliance).


For some reason, I'm most excited about the weather effects (if they really are being implemented) as its something I always wanted to see implemented from the start and it worked so well for the atmosphere in Morrowind to be in the middle of a lightning storm. There are rumours that the alliance race is going to be Pandaren but the evidence for this is an extremely suspect screenshot that's probably seen some photoshop twiddling. I'm not over the moon about Blood Elves, there are already hundreds of pointy ears in the game as it is but it doesn't really bother me one way or the other. Ogres would have been cooler.

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My roommate has convinced me to pick this game up again.



Though I won't be able to play it for a few days though because of school responsibilities. The expansion sounds neat. I kind of hope it's "free" though I doubt it. There is a subscription fee that we pay, and it kind of sucks to segregatte the game members by only having some people be able to go certain places.

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I'm very excited about this. WoW really needs a bunch of new territory, and new player races sounds great. Blood Elves are a good fit for the Horde. They've been outcast by the Alliance, and thier greed for power mixes well with the undead.


Still seems a bit vague on the new Alliance race.

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Yeah, I'm really torn. I've only been in EQ2 for the last month, but I've been on WoW since the release. WoW still is the better game to me, but I needed a change after a year. EQ2 does some really neat things, but it's not quite as compelling. I'm going to keep my account with both for awhile.

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