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Tell you what, Commisar. Later on tonight if you can't find any hockey on TV ( I hear OLN has some ****ed up system and isn't showing games in a lot of areas) try clicking on http://www.630ched.com/ or even NHL.com for some live audio. Its not the greatest, but it could satisfy your hockey jones.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Actually, they do broadcast a lot of them over here. It's just that it's one of the most expensive channels of all that broadcasts them. Canal +, which is 299:- per month (that's ~$37 per month). They broadcast a lot of movies and a lot of porn and football, but all I want is the NHL.. Also, when you sign up for them you have to sign up for a whole year. I only want the NHL season.


Oh well.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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i live by my Center Ice package. If a games' being filmed, its pretty much on there. You get the odd blackout, but its better than having to watch the Leafs every Saturday on CBC. It costs about 200 clams Canadian for the season, split into four easy payments of 40 some odd dollars on your satelitte bill. Plus you get some free issues of the Hockey News to use to start fires and also a discount at the NHL shop on their website.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Supposedly there's another channel about to start showing NHL in Europe. With a little luck it's a bit cheaper (and more worthwhile) than Canal +. I don't mind the radio but I sure do miss sitting up with a couple of friends watching the games.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I can't believe Bure is the new GM of Russia's Olympic team. It's a shame that he has to retire so young, 34 isn't that old. He was by far the most talented sniper in the league for a few years. Still, maybe he'll help revive Team Russia.

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Kovalchuk has what, four points in tonights game versus Tampa Bay? I'm regretting not picking him in my pool again. And the Oilers are up 2-1 in the second against Columbus but we lost Mike Peca to a late hit from Rick Nash :thumbsup:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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So they're broadcasting a game between the Red Wings and the Blackhawks on OLN. I don't like either of these teams in the slightest, and I actively hate the Red Wings, but I'll probably catch the first period or so before I roll on off to sleep, just to watch some hockey.

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I had a choice tonight between the OLN and TSN feed of that game. I opted for OLNs coverage before the start of the Oiler game. WHICH THEY WONYou can only listen to Pierre Macguire say 'He's a monster' so many times before you want to smash your head against the wall.



And I guess the Nash hit on Peca wasn't that late, but I'm more than biased.

Being 6-6-1 has never looked so good.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I actually saw the Oilers play Dallas the other night, first hockey I've seen live, since I saw the Austin Icebats play, well really just fight

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Oh, I'm not much of a stars fan really, I actually like the oilers more, but I guess I'm mostly a Blackhawk fan

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Blackhawks? I feel for you. Even the Bulin wall seems human in that team.


Another update:




This photo was taken yesterday. Why doesn't the red disappear? It's gone 4 weeks today. At least he's practising with full equipment and players on the ice so his vision must be good again. Just weird that it looks so.. nasty still.


"Coach Pat Quinn couldn't help but be amazed at the captain's amazing recuperative powers. It's the third significant injury he has suffered as a Leaf in which he defied the expected return date by two or three weeks."


Source: http://www.torontosun.com/Sports/Hockey/20...289132-sun.html


We had a discussion about how long Sundin would be out this time in the other thread..

Edited by mkreku

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Eh, there are worse teams than the Blackhawks. Actually some of the young kids in Chitown are pretty talented, like Tyler Arnason, Tuomo Ruutu and Kyle Calder. Plus Matthew Barbaby can be entertaining to watch sometimes when he's fired up.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Now that Chicago has a decent goalie, I think they'll be making some good waves over the next couple seasons. Those young guys still need another season to mature, but they are definitely on the right track. Ruutu is awesome too! Him and Jonathan Cheechoo are the most exciting players I can think of.

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Chicago needs some decent d-men besides Adrian Aucoin. Pavel Vorobiev is also slowly getting better. This could be a decent team if they can get Bulin to play like he should and get some better effort in their own end.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Ruutu is awesome too!  Him and Jonathan Cheechoo are the most exciting players I can think of.

I'm pretty psyched up about Alexander Steen myself.. probably mostly because he's plaing for my team.. but also because he's been doing real good so far in the season.


Of course, I'm always impressed by Ovechkin whenever I get to see (or hear! grr) him play, but I guess everyone is so that's not exactly news.


I used to watch Tuomo Ruuttu's older brother when he played in the Swedish Elite League. Those are two tough boys, those Ruuttu brothers.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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The thing I like about a few of these young guys is they look like they are about to fall down, and then they somehow make an improbable shot and it goes in. They aren't the fastest or most skilled, but by pure determination they somehow get the puck in. Reminds me of Fluery in his heyday.

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I guess the Senators record tells you they are a great team. They have oodles of talent, a tough set of blueliners, and an aging goalie looking for glory. But someone should tell them how sometimes running up a score isn't cool. Of course I'll take the eight points that Spezza/Havlat have between the two of them , but not happily.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I have mixed feelings about running up the score.


I didn't watch the rest of the game after Heatley got his hat trick, but if the team still has opportunities to score goals they should still take them IMO. Keeps the mental focus over the course of the long season, and lets you improve on other aspects of the team game to boot.



I see tons of blowouts in international hockey, and I always hear about how the dominating team had players that felt bad for the other team, but couldn't let up so that they'd keep their "game faces."

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What do you mean 'running up the score'? Two four goal scorers in the same game is just normal! It's normal, man!!


Oh, and 4 goals 2 assists from Alfredsson is quite ok in my book :wacko:)

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Ah....I thought he was referring to that 8-0 game.


Jeez, 10-4 against Buffalo?


Crazy that only THREE Ottawa players actually scored.



EDIT: Man, not only did they have two players with 4 goals, they had two players that had natural hat-tricks!

Edited by alanschu
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If you cannot see any live NHL matches or want to see more matches at your request please http://streamtvnow.com


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So enjoy and good luck with the new NHL season.




B.T.W. I'am not a streamer but a member of streamtvnow.



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you know, when I saw SUNDINLEAF on the index page I thought 'Mkrekus gone overboard with his love for Mats'. Obviously someone didn't read the sticky about advertising in the forum. Moderation, please?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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