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Hi! This is snowcat from Mistress Lair and a resident Predators fan. I went to my third game of the season last night to see the Preds knock off the Avs 3-2 and remain the 2nd best team in the Western Conference. :rolleyes: Anyone catch the game on OLN?


I don't think anyone in Nashville expected the Preds to become as strong as they are (or anyone else for that matter), but it sure has been a fun ride so far. I just wish the team could finally play the Red Wings and settle this division. :devil:


The Preds start on five game road trip tonight against Chicago, so I hope they can keep up the momentum of their 3 game win streak. This will be the longest road trip of the year, so-far.

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Hi! This is snowcat from Mistress Lair and a resident Predators fan.    I went to my third game of the season last night to see the Preds knock off the Avs 3-2 and remain the 2nd best team in the Western Conference.  ;)  Anyone catch the game on OLN?


I don't think anyone in Nashville expected the Preds to become as strong as they are (or anyone else for that matter), but it sure has been a fun ride so far.    I just wish the team could finally play the Red Wings and settle this division.  :)


The Preds start on five game road trip tonight against Chicago, so I hope they can keep up the momentum of their 3 game win streak.  This will be the longest road trip of the year, so-far.


Haven't seen OLN but in Canada they keep staying how amateur the production is and it is alot worse then ESPN was ??


Perhaps Nashville has a weak division but aleast they are capitalizing on it, they are a team built for th new nhl they are fast

Edited by Delta Truth
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I'm going to be a jerk and take away from all Nashville has done, and claim that a big part of their record is the fact that they get 24 games against Columbus, Chicago, and St. Louis.



Sorry, I'm just a jerk like that ;)


For any doubters, look at their record against the top teams of the NHL:


Rangers: 0-1

Flyers: 1-0

Oilers: 1-1

Kings: 2-0-1

Flames: 1-0

Stars: 1-1


Not too bad. :)

Edited by snowcat
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I think Nashville is doing an amazing job, and I really place it all on Kariya. He seems to be able to push players to perform way beyond their potential. They also have solid goaltending, but in the past it was offense that kept them in the cellar. Dunham is by far the most under-rated goalie in the league.


I've watched OLN for a few games. It was really bad at the start of the season, but they seem to be improving the lighting and camera work. It's not ESPN, but you have to give them a season to iron out the technical stuff. They need to lose a few of those announcers.

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One of the few things I like about Nashville is that its always been a team first atmosphere. And I would be more inclined to say that Paul Kariya has been a great addition, but Stevie Sullivan has been more of a boon to the club.


As for OLN I have to agree with Hurlshot. In the first few weeks of the season the telecasts weren't that great, but with each passing game you can see the improvements, even though they are small.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I'm going to be a jerk and take away from all Nashville has done, and claim that a big part of their record is the fact that they get 24 games against Columbus, Chicago, and St. Louis.



Sorry, I'm just a jerk like that :lol:


For any doubters, look at their record against the top teams of the NHL:


Rangers: 0-1

Flyers: 1-0

Oilers: 1-1

Kings: 2-0-1

Flames: 1-0

Stars: 1-1


Not too bad. o:)


But but but...it's because of all the momentum they gain against the weak teams :(


Seriously I like Nashville. Fast fun hockey.




And yeeeeeeees we are now in a tie with the Canucks for first place. "Unfortunately" Calgary was unable to win tonight, so they remain two points behind :shifty:


It wasn't a pretty game....more of a laugh out loud game. Lots of goals ;)

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You know Kor, as silly as it sounds, as long as we can keep scoring more than the other team, I don't care about our goalie situation :wub:


I'm just bitter because I couldn't get any tickets for the Feb.4 'Nucks/Oil game <_< .


I was going to make a huge rant ( and did but deleted it) about how fun the last four games have been. And how that type of hockey won't hold up in the playoffs. But then I figured why look a gift horse in the mouth? Two points iz two points iz two points.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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So now that all the rosters for the (Turin) Torino olympic games have been posted what are all your guys thoughts


For Canada for the most part it was expected I would have like to have Stall and Speeza actually be named to the roster and a young d too would be nice - like Boyle but for the most part I am satisfied


Now I now there are some American's , and at least one swedish person how do you feel you guys wil do ?

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Canada left Brendan Shanahan off the Turin roster. That's absolutely unforgivable. The guy is 36 and one of the few older players performing well this season. He's been an international competitor for a lot longer than guys like Rick Nash. I think it's unexusable.


They also left off Kariya, who has clearly shown that he's still a competitor. I'm pretty ticked about the Canada roster.


I'm also surprised the US team left off Roenick. He spoke his mind about it, something like "Go ahead and take young guys, I've been there before and I know how to win, they don't."


Seriously, my blood is raised over the whole thing.

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Well Hurly, Roenick is out with a broken finger, so that point is kind of moot. I'm more suprised that Bill Guerin made the US squad. 'Cos he's seriously opened up a can of suck this season.


As for Rick Nash there is absolutely no guarantee he'll be healthy in February. Once one of the 'taxi squad ' is activated the team is able to basically call up anyone they want to add to the taxi roster, so you never know, Shanny might still make the team.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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The one thing about the international rosters, is that I think "previous accomplishments" shouldn't mean as much.


If you do nothing but take the people that have been there before, eventually you'll be left with a situation where you have nothing but young guys.


Players like Nash, Lecavalier, Thornton, Richards, etc. are all going to be mainstays on this team for quite some time. The only surprise I have is that Nash made it despite his games played this season. Based on talent though, I have no problems putting him on the team. He played very well in his last international competition.


Furthermore, we already have Bertuzzi that can play the power forward as well.


As for Roenick, well maybe if he showed he still knew how to play by contributing a bit more this season, then there'd be less bickering. I'm not sure what he means by "I know how to win." What has he ever won?

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Here's Roenick's actual quote:


"I know nobody on that team has more points in the National Hockey League than me. So if they want to go that way, good luck," Roenick said.


But I'm really more upset about Shanahan and Kariya, since they've shown they are still very competitive at their age. I'm really shaking my head at a few players that were taken over them. I understand that Shane Doan, Kris Draper, and Rick Nash are good players, but Shanny and Kariya have senority and experience here.


I also think Bertuzzi should be off the squad. He's not a good representative for hockey. I don't think he should be banned from the NHL, but I don't think he deserves this type of honor, and I know a lot of Canadiens agree with me.


*edit: If they offer Shanny a spot due to injury, he should shove his stick up their *****

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Well, Roenick should know that since he's not playing well this year, ol' Mike Modano and his PPG clip have recently surpassed him. 1139 points and 1133 points.


Kris Draper brings a different element to the table than both Shanahan and Kariya. Doan is a questionable pick, particularly based on this year's play. Some Gretzky influence probably wouldn't hurt. Again, I don't think seniority should have much to do with it. It's all about making the best team (which often isn't just taking the best players).


As for Bertuzzi, people are hanging on to the past too much. Just let it go already. I'm not a Vancouver fan, nor am I a Bertuzzi fan, but jeez move on. The incident happened almost two years ago now, and the only reason why it became an issue is because Moore got hurt. If Moore hadn't been hurt, no one would even remember it happened. He's a good player and he's going to help the team. That's the only thing that matters. I hope he does really well at Turino as well.



And if Shanahan rejects the spot he may be given due to injury because of some sort of bitterness, then good on Gretzky for not picking him. I wouldn't want someone like that on my team anyways (which I doubt anyways, since I'm a huge Shanahan fan).

Edited by alanschu
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Well Alanschu it looks like we recieved our early Christmas present. 1st place in the northwest and second overall in the Western conference. I won't tell you who we'd be playing in the first round of the playoffs if they started tommorow.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I try not to follow the NHL too closely right now. I'll be back when Toronot starts winning a few and Sundin starts scoring again..


(I'm the worst fan ever)

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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