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I'm think Kansas City would be a better fit for the Penguins...but honestly both seem like off places for a hockey team. Houston is the one with more growth potential, I guess, but they already have Dallas.


It's a bummer, because Pittsburgh has a great legacy.


Thornton was player of the week, and Marleau got it last week, go Sharks :)

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Ya,I would say K.C. too, but with Sidney Crosby and all the NHL might see a similiar sistuation as the Gretzky in L.A. thing in Houston. The NHL will need to grow and theres alot more growth potential in Houston, especially since the "Latin" market is relatively untapped. Anouther thing for Houston is that its sports stars interact alot in the public eye, giving Crosby, the chance to be seen with Roger Clements, Tracy McGrady, and most probaly Reggie Bush would do the team well, and having them show up for games would definitely be a boast to attendance.


Plus Houston already has a facility inplace for a team to play.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Toronto's next game? Saturday! They have a full four days of rest. Then they face Ottawa for the billionth time this season. Let's see if the Leafs manage to score one this time (and preferrably keep the opposing score under two digits).

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Well I guess you should wait to see how the week plays out for the Sens Mkreku. Aside from last nights rout Ottawa had scored only three goals in two games. Plus Jason Spezza is out with a hip pointer but for how long thats anybodys guess.


I'm hoping the Oil can pick up another two points against the Devils to get five out of the six possible points on their three game road trip. Edmonton incidentally has 10 road wins this season so far, which is tied for first in the NHL.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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And for the second straight game the Oilers lost in the shootout. At least our provincial scapegoat Ty Conklin had a fine return to form after a month of being on the IR and in the minors.


Its just about WJC time. Are you ready for some national team bashing Mkreku?


And my favorite grinder in the league ( although so far this season his numbers have been great) Jason Blake took a nasty hit tonight on the boards and it looks like he'll be out for a while. He's also the same player from the Islanders that Jussi robbed with the glove in the gif on the last page.


As for Pittsburgh, I think that if the team is moved New Jersey better look behind their backs as well. Tonights game isn't the only one where nobody showed up and from what I've read they haven't made any money in the last few seasons.

I say relocate one of the teams to Houston and let the other go to back to Winnepeg or another Canadian city. Just as long as that city isn't Quebec


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Yeah, I can do some nationalistic crap shooting too! :-)


Although.. Sweden ended up sixth last year and that's the best they've done in like.. 20 years. Last time Sweden was any good was when they had Peter Forsberg, Markus N

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Because they play the trap and nothing but the trap? Because their style is so boring it was killing hockey? Because their only real star player was a goalie totally void of charisma? Because when they killed clutch and grab they killed NJ Devils?


I don't know.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Fans in Jersey only show up for the playoffs. I read today in the paper that the Devils just got the go ahead to build themselves a new arena. Maybe they should paint the seats yellow like Boston did.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Ovechkin only had two helpers tonite.. poor guy. Now he only leads Crosby with three points, despite having played two games less.


Score more, wonderkid!!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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That was a bloody wicked shot was it not? Between that game winner and scoring two shorties the other night, Ethan Moreau has easily been Edmontons best player for the last two weeks, hands down. Not bad for a checking line winger at all.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Well it looks like the Penguins will be in either Houston or Kansas City perhaps even next year.


I heard a rumor a while back of the Penguins moving to Winnepeg. I think the city of Winnepeg even guaranteed a sell out crowd every game until a new arena could be built if they decided to move there. I personally would love to see the Jets come back.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I think whats going to decide this is who can make the transition the easiest, where as Houston has the facilities in place, I would wonder how they could justify a team in Houston being in the Atlantic division, not that Pittsburg made much more sense. Perhaps realignment?


As for the canadian team, until they relax their taxes on pro-franchises you're going to see more teams leaving Canada then going there.



BTW The Blackhawks won, so atleast they aren't losing to the likes of St. Louis

Edited by Laozi

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I think whats going to decide this is who can make the transition the easiest, where as Houston has the facilities in place, I would wonder how they could justify a team in Houston being in the Atlantic division, not that Pittsburg made much more sense. Perhaps realignment?


As for the canadian team, until they relax their taxes on pro-franchises you're going to see more teams leaving Canada then going there.



BTW The Blackhawks won, so atleast they aren't losing to the likes of St. Louis


The Canadian government at one point was talking about subsidies on pro hockey teams to keep them in Canada. The problem isn't the taxes on the teams, its that they have to pay the players in US funds, while all their revenue is in canadian dollars. Though 5 of the 6 canadian teams were among the 10 profitable teams prior to the lockout, so you'd think that its not that much of an issue.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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I watched the Sharks stifle Ovechkin tonight. My buddie bought tickets right on the glass, and it was pretty exciting. It's actually hard to see a bunch of the plays that close, but there's nothing like it when they lay a hit on your area of the boards. Thornton just keeps on dominating...the trade has been nothing but positive for the Sharks.

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Yeah, the guy was barely noticeable in the game. I don't expect him to dominate in every game he plays, but invisible? That's not like Ovechkin.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Next time you get front row seats Hurlshot let me know in advance and I'll keep an eye out for you while I'm watching the Sharks.


And here is an article on where the Pens might end up. I saw this at the Oilers forum and thought it might shed a little light on the situation.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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