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I'd say that Marco Sturm is more of a catch than Stuart. He's potted seventy goals ( 21,28,21) in the last three seasons. The knock on him is that he's not too physical and he still hasn't potted 50 points in a season yet.


Stuart spent a few games watching from the press box last season, and likes to pull an U.U.P. (thats Ulanov Under Pressure) when things are tough.


But then judging by this it looks like the two of them are off to a great start in their new town so far.



I disagree No way Boston makes that trade if it was not for Stuart , Boston d is weak and they are hoping Stuart can blossom into a top d man for them, he's still young and has lots of potential . Sturm will be a replacement of sorts for samsonov when he gets traded


and the Flames win again - :- They will be in first place before Christmas break


you heard it hear first

Edited by Delta Truth
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So everyone in the thread thinks that Stuart is a better take than Sturm. Shows what I know. And we were speaking of Kristian Huselius the other day going to the Sharks, well it turns out the Flamers picked him up instead. Keep in mind this article is from the least reliable of hockey sources.




Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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So everyone in the thread thinks that Stuart is a better take than Sturm.  Shows what I know.  And we were speaking of Kristian Huselius the other day going to the Sharks, well it turns out the Flamers picked him up instead.  Keep in mind this article is from the least reliable of hockey sources.




TSN says the same thing.



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Flames lose nothing but can gain if Kristian Huselius can regain his scoring form from his first couple of seasons- If Darrly Sutter can't get him going no one can


and Phaneuf named player of the month beating out Crosby among others

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I almost feel sorry for Huselius. He's banned from playing in Sweden, because of some sex scandal. He's banned from the national team because of the same incident. Keenan has always hated him for some reason, and now they're practically mocking his trade to Calgary in the big hockey news agencies. Nice.


Kristian Huselius is one of those players that are a perfect fit in swedish hockey. When he played in the Swedish Elite League he was racking up points and goals like there was no tomorrow. Everyone in Sweden thought he'd be a perfect fit in the new NHL this season, but strangely enough that doesn't seem to be the case. He almost completely lacks a physical game but compensates with a high skill level. He should be a perfect fit in the improved NHL, but apparently he's not.


Let's just hope he gets a chance to redeem himself in Calgary.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Let's just hope he gets a chance to redeem himself in Calgary.



Err, surely you mean "let's hope he is an absolute, unabashed bust, that the flames do not realize until he has numerous giveaways that result in losses against the Oilers!



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Leafs against Sharks tonight. Great. Just when the Sharks have been revitalized by the Thornton trade.


Oh well. At least Boston seems to be revitalized too :blink:)

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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They really whooped on Buffalo last night, but I hope the Sharks aren't too tired to take the Leafs tonight. Thornton had two assists, so he's definitely settled in quickly enough.


I was more impressed by this rookie, Grant Stevenson. The kid has like 5 points in 5 games, and I had never heard of him before they brought him up a few games ago.

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Nice start by Huselius: three assists.


Ovechkin 1 goal 3 assists. Back on top of the rookie scoring list.


Thornton had another great game. Unfortunately agains the Leafs.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I didn't think the Sharks had a shot after that 1st period, but they came back. So Marleau has 6 points in the last two games...I'm thinking he's benefiting from Thornton being the center of attention.


Hey, McCauly was a Leaf for like 6 years...did he get a decent reception? I'm sure the two goals were nice for him.

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You know, I can remember a couple years ago when Hal Gill was big , effective and downright scary. In the new NHL he's just big.


Boston seems to be playing the exact same game they did last night in Edmonton right now against Vancouver. Down two nothing in the first, the game is now tied at a pair with a the tying goal coming from Marco Sturm. Between Anson Carter, Brad Isbister and Dan Lacotoure, I feel like I'm watching what would have been the Oilers fourth line... :thumbsup:


And I'm wishing there was more inter conference play. Maybe reduce the amount of divisional games to six from eight so that hopefully we can see a few more decent east vs. west matches like we have this weekend.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I agree, I want to see a few more East Coast-West Coast games. The problem is the West Coast teams have to travel way more than the East Coast teams, so the new schedule is to help that out.


I don't need to see the Ducks 8 times. I get to see Sydney Crosby in like 2 years.

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Ottawa wins again.. Damn them! Alfredsson had a goal but oddly enough Spezza went scoreless. Bochenski? Does that mean you'll have to watch out for more than Ottawa's top line? Great.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I remember during the preaseason it was Bochenski on the wing with Spezza and Heatley, with Alfreddson and Havlat playing the wingers to Smolinskis' pivot role.


Bochenski might stick around a bit longer with Havlat being out indefinately. I think he scored something like 6 goals before the season started but wilted after it began to count for real.


But a pointless game for Spezza smells like another **** night in my hockey pool. Aside from him all I have playing is Nagy tonight and something tells me after getting five points in his last game will probably disappear off the map for a month if my luck is any indication of how it will turn out.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Leafs lose again. At least Sundin had 7 shots on goal. It either means that he's at least trying.. or that he's dumping the puck from center ice a lot.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I'm not really sure what was up with the Blackhawks/Flyers trade, they act as if getting Patrick Sharp was some sort of coup. As for only winning once in the last five, he better be freaken Bobby Hull. I really just want to crush Matt Barnaby's head at this point. I've hated him since he played in Buffalo, I thought I might start liking him with the 'Hawks, but really I just want to take that smirk off his face with a skate.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I'm not really sure what was up with the Blackhawks/Flyers trade, they act as if getting Patrick Sharp was some sort of coup. As for only winning once in the last five, he better be freaken Bobby Hull. I really just want to crush Matt Barnaby's head at this point. I've hated him since he played in Buffalo, I thought I might start liking him with the 'Hawks, but really I just want to take that smirk off his face with a skate.


I think that was a good trade for Chicago , Sharp will be good-



Phily has way too many centres and I really think Handzus will be traded some time this season - I heard that Philly is really high on R.J. Umberger and what him to play centre


I always liked Barnaby especially in Buffalo he is a great agitator and unlike turtle Avery will actually fight even if he gets his ass kicked


The Hawks have alot of talent and youth but aredefinitely missing key veterans to take them to the next level

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Jebus Cripes my team has not played since Saturday. That's like waiting for your girlfriend to tell you she finally had her period after being late for a week. :)"


Irreguardless, I see the Flames moved into first place in the Northwest division tonight with a drubbing of the Devils. All I can say is there is only one place to go from the top.


And hopefully Thursday will bring about a revival of warrior spirits buried deep within the souls of overpriced and outdated enforcers when Georges Laraques possibly fights Donald Brashear in tommorow nights Oilers/Flyers tilt.




edit:spelling is fun!

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Irreguardless, I see the Flames moved into first place in the Northwest division tonight with a drubbing of the Devils. All I can say is there is only one place to go from the top.


Yeah first place in the western conference :)"

Don't worry I'll wait a bit longer before I post pictures of the planned victory parade


Looks like Dvorak will be out of action that must suck :)

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And hopefully Thursday will bring about a revival of warrior spirits buried deep within the souls of overpriced and outdated enforces when Georges Laraques possibly fights Donald Brashear in tommorow nights Oilers/Flyers tilt.



Brashear was becoming a decent hockey player for awhile, I wonder what happened. Philly losing Desjardins hurts abit, not as much as Primeau, but pretty bad. Still though if they can get both of them back and get some good netminding in the playoffs they look pretty scary. I was never a Stars fan, but I have to respect Ken Hitch****.



Blackhawks beat the Rangers tonight, Khabibulin played extremely well and even though New York's in first in the Atlantic this is a team that they should beat. The 'Hawks really need to start stringing together some wins to get back into things

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I saw tonight that some of the higher ups were talking about making revisions to the playoff format. Top two teams in each division get a ticket to the dance while teams 7 through 10 get to play a mini-series beforehand to see who gets in. I guess with thirty teams in the league it seems like a good idea. But I can't help but feel Edmonton would still be playing Dallas in the first round.


edit: And I was just trying to see how Philly has played the last few games before I draw up my proline strategy for tommorow and found some cool stuff on the team site, like the sound of the new goal horns the team installed, to a webpage about the cheerleaders!!. My favorite is a tie between Katie and Rachel. I was going to say toss up , but then again...

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I remember reading up about that format a while ago. I'm not sure what I think about it though.


Pfft, they should just have every team make the playoffs. Have a 32 team format, 16 in each conference. But have the 1st place team have a bye for the first round, since there are only 15 teams in the league!



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