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The MDK licence


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Yet the title of the game MDK does not stand for Murder/Death/Kill.

Brilliant arguement. That sure proves everything!


And you call me stupid?




[*] MDK traditionally stands for Murder/Death/Kill

[*] The game's tagline is about 2.5 Billion people being killed in a day

[*] The game is a FPS

[*] We have no definitive answer

[*] The only evidence to suggest the title isn't Murder/Death/Kill is an obviously sarcastic remark that you take as being serious.

[*] The name Murder/Death/Kill has been accepted by the game's fans and press


There is plenty of evidence to suggest that is what the devs actually intended, and is an accepted title.


Why am I arguing? Perhaps because you decided to throw out an absolute statement and say that I was wrong.


You have no proof that I was wrong, and haven't offered up any compelling evidence that MDK does not stand for Murder/Death/Kill. Meta just had to know what it stood for, and that is the best answer we have.


You are being obstinate for the sake of being obstinate. Why declare someone definitively wrong if you can't actually prove them wrong?


You follow that up by calling me stupid.


I've been really sick this week and I have limited patience. Your post has been reported, and if you keep it up you'll join my exclusive ignore list.

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Aw, Ender, I don't think he meant any harm. He was just having a verbal boxing match with you.


PS: (from wikipedia, again):


MDK may mean:

[*]MDK, Inc., the manufacturing company that makes K-Line.

[*]murder death kill, a term used in reference to a homicide.





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I've seen him atleast 5 times recently just post a "No" or tell someone they are wrong out of hand without making any effort to explain why the other person is wrong.


That isn't a verbal boxing match, or debate of any kind.


That is being antagonistic.


He also accused you of making up the word dispassionate the other day too if you recall.




* MDK, Inc., the manufacturing company that makes K-Line.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the game.

* Mekan
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There is plenty of evidence to suggest that is what the devs actually intended, and is an accepted title.


You've yet show any.


"MDK traditionally stands for Murder/Death/Kill"


Shiny Entertainment wasn't known for taking the traditional approach.


"The game's tagline is about 2.5 Billion people being killed in a day"


Murder/Death/Kill is not a term often used to describe an alien invasion and its side effects.


"The game is a FPS"


It's actually not.


"We have no definitive answer"


And the developers made sure not to give one. Which leads me to believe that there isn't one to begin with.


"The name Murder/Death/Kill has been accepted by the game's fans and press"


Neither the gaming press nor the fans are an authority on the subject, anyway.


"There is plenty of evidence to suggest that is what the devs actually intended, and is an accepted title."


Murder/Death/Kill was used a lot pre-release, IIRC. Not so much after that.


"Meta just had to know what it stood for, and that is the best answer we have."


This might be because Meta thought people we're using MDK as short for something along the lines of people using BG short for Baldur's Gate.


"You follow that up by calling me stupid."


Tit for tat. As long as tit is magnitudes larger than tat.


"Your post has been reported, and if you keep it up you'll join my exclusive ignore list."


Truly frightening and terrible prospect.


"I've seen him atleast 5 times recently just post a "No" or tell someone they are wrong out of hand without making any effort to explain why the other person is wrong."


I did that much for the same purposes as I deleted several of my posts to which thepixiesrocks answered without quoting me.


"He also accused you of making up the word dispassionate the other day too if you recall."


I actually accused of him making up the word "dispationate". Which, I hope at least meta understood, was me lightheartedly mocking him for spelling mistakes. I thought it was funny because meta italicized the word and all.


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You're the one who made a big point of saying I was wrong and thusly the burden of proof is on you.


Again, you're merely being antagonistic, and even now admit in the development process it was called Murder/Death/Kill.


However I don't expect to reach you via common sense so I will walk away instead. You can't argue with someone trolling.

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"He also accused you of making up the word dispassionate the other day too if you recall."


I actually accused of him making up the word "dispationate". Which, I hope at least meta understood, was me lightheartedly mocking him for spelling mistakes. I thought it was funny because meta italicized the word and all.

I think you made that up.


I never make spelling mistakes. Just like I never exaggerate. :thumbsup:"




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"You're the one who made a big point of saying I was wrong and thusly the burden of proof is on you."


It is arguable whether or not voicing your disagreement in broken internet English is making a big point about things.


"Again, you're merely being antagonistic, and even now admit in the development process it was called Murder/Death/Kill."


By the fans/gaming press.


"However I don't expect to reach you via common sense so I will walk away instead. You can't argue with someone trolling."


Hey, that pretending to be the bigger man act never works if you call people names in the same post (it is a reasonable assumption to make that you're calling me a troll if you're accusing me of trolling, no?).


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What are you arguing about? The fact is that noone knows what MDK really stands for since the developers chose not to reveal it! It doesn't matter what's most likely or what MDK traditionally stands for, because no matter what, it all becomes assumption once you prescribe a meaning to the game's name MDK. We'll just have to live with the fact that we don't know what it stands for (unless, by some miracle, the developers decided to reveal its true meaning now, years later) and go with whatever assumption suits our tastes.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Mkreku, that is what I was arguing.


"To state that it most definately does not stand for Murder/Death/Kill implies that he knows for a fact that it stands for something else."


I see that you've been extrapolating my arguments to quite a high degree. Maybe you shouldn't do that.


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The only places I've seen "MDK" used for Murder/Death/Kill was in the movie Demolition Man.


Because the fans adopted a meaning for it doesn't mean that that is the meaning for it.


Given that the three main characters are Max, Dr. Hawkins, and Kurt, you could have just as strong of an argument for it.


Or they could have asked a guy to hit three letters on the keyboard and see what came up for the codename.



What MDK stands for is irrelevant. The game is fun, and very entertaining!

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Is it me or is there a wee bit too much nattering/baiting/flaming going on? I think we'll send this to the AotS and hope that some of the behaviour here was merely a blip ...

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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