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It's extremely objectionable, and very foolish of either Bioware or Obsidian to allow it into the final version. We accept, up to a point, that no game will ever be perfect and there will inevitably be bugs, but for the developer to give the impression that this is amusing and not something to be taken seriously is yet another public relations blunder.


I doubt they did it as a joke or an Easter Egg. I am a CompSci student, and almost all of my bug testing error messages are something goofy along those lines as well.


Still Obsidian and LucasArts need to support this game to make such happenings and bugs eliminated. I accept buggy games only if they have a good post release support. Well, KotOR 2 was the last straw on that.


Console games only from now on. At least I can return them to get some sort of refund.


Nope, because I can return a console game if it sucks. If I buy a PC game I am stuck with it, whether I like it or not. Also a good PC for gaming cost nowadays about a $1000 or so piecemeal. Why spend that much money to play buggy games that you can't return?


Consoles start when new about $300 to $400 and they just go down in price from there and you can return a console title to get at least a portion of your money back in trade.


Well, I have been heading that direction for a while now. Right now I have 6 titles for my X Box. KotOR 1, Jade Empire, Morrowind, Soul Caliber 2, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Fable. I plan on buying Halo 1, Deus Ex: Invisible War, Doom 3, Fable: Lost Chapters, Advent Rising, and the such.

I think they should rename the game to Knights of the Old Republic 2:  I am Broken.  So Very Broken.

I actually chuckled at that one.



I plan on buying [...] Deus Ex: Invisible War [...]


- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


Because it's an attempt at making an FPS with RPG elements. It fails miserably on both accounts. And the story isn't too impressive either.


You want a great FPS? Get The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Stealth, action, graphics, and an acceptable story. Featuring Vin Diesel as our favorite convicted sociopathic serial killer! :-

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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