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I think that has more to do with PC development being a little "lazy" and taking for granted the memory availability.



Not that you weren't saying that.


Call me Cpt Obvious!

One of my old professors was of the (laudable) opionion that programmers should be given the worst pcs in the company, so that they made their code as efficient as they could.


Only problem is Micro$oft has monopolised seemingly the entire sotware industry, including developer tools, so that their inefficient procedures demand super resources to do any development.


I remember the brouhaha when Apple brought out an OS that was bigger than a 360kB floppy disk! How dare they, just for those silly little icons to load up and smile at you. :shifty:




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That is precisely why I am not currently sold on Longhorn despite supporting XP as a decent OS when properly configured. Longhorn uses far more resources but offers no real new features other than a prettier UI.


The new file system layer got cut as a feature, and the new API for web-applications is actually a huge mistake. It opens major vulnerabilities in the OS and offers nothing really new.


Java allows full applications to be run remotely without being installed.

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Only problem is Micro$oft has monopolised seemingly the entire sotware industry, including developer tools, so that their inefficient procedures demand super resources to do any development.



Someone pointed out something neat at my University towards the end of the semester.


I guess it's not uncommon for Microsoft to recruit people that do well in the programming challenges around the world. These challenges often involve programmers that are under a time crunch, and only really need to get something that works well enough to pass the test at the deadline, and perform it well enough that the judges approve :shifty:




EDIT: Doesn't Longhorn have 64-bit support?

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Only problem is Micro$oft has monopolised seemingly the entire sotware industry, including developer tools, so that their inefficient procedures demand super resources to do any development.



Someone pointed out something neat at my University towards the end of the semester.


I guess it's not uncommon for Microsoft to recruit people that do well in the programming challenges around the world. These challenges often involve programmers that are under a time crunch, and only really need to get something that works well enough to pass the test at the deadline, and perform it well enough that the judges approve :blink:


EDIT: Doesn't Longhorn have 64-bit support?

Yes to 64 bit Longhorn. But, going on their current record, that's probably just the same 16 bit OS that Gates cobbled together from CP/M and then "created anew" with Windows NewTechnolgy.


Micro$oft have a reputation for buying people to simply remove the competition from the marketplace: if all the (good) programmers are working for you, then the opposition can't build anything, even if those same programmers are doing theses on the physical limits of body tossing, as portrayed in modern FPS games.




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Potence comes in handy when dealing with enemies that soak, as you pointed out. Otherwise, the bonuses from attacking from concealment are enough. The bottom line is, that the damage potential per hit for a Nosferatu is huge, regardless of the enemy. But yes, they are underpowered.  >_<


No, not really. They really have difficulties within hotel hell and against some bosses, for example. Against most enemies, however, their damage potential is, as you say, huge, easily on par with Brujah (though Brujah have more useful defensive disciplines making them better for combat, still).


Last time I checked, the heavy combat areas were full of opportunities to refill your blood pool. I didn't really buy any blood packs, seeing as I pissed off the guy who sold them, but I just held on to the ones I came across until I really needed them. The same for the elder vitae. Again, is there a need to go robbing enemies of their blood, when there are more effective ways of disposing of them?


Yeah, most combat levels apart from the sewers and King's Road have cattle or hobos strewn about, or simply enemies you can drain the blood of. However, seeing as obfusecate is next to worthless in, for example, the hotel level, I said that clans with it were underpowered in said levels. Nossies with potency require melee range to actually use it, something that is quite difficult to attain without taking massive damage inside said level. They have animalism for those instant kills, sure, but they only work against the peons, IIRC, the vampires only take damage. Same goes with Malkavians. Using dementation/animalism for damagedealing is not very economical when it comes to blood usage/damage ratio, either.


That's why I said those clans were underpowered. While they excel in levels where they can use their disciplines to their fullest, there are levels where they are almost left without any usable disciplines at all. Out of said levels, however, they are extremely powerful, as you duly noted.


Tremere can simply blast away inside said levels without having to worry about their blood level overmuch, however.


Anything is underpowered when compared to Brujah. Which leads to the conclusion that it's the Brujah that are outside game balance, not the rest of the game. Please, I don't know how much more of your "overwhelming logic" I can stand.


Notice that I did say Toreador, as well.



Does that mean he's not powerful? No. It just means that that guy was programmed in such a way that you could kill him somehow. He had the raw power to kill you easily, seeing as one of his blasts could seriously hurt, if not kill, you.


If we are to measure "power" as simply raw hitting power, then I made a mistake and can see nothing wrong with your standpoint. My use of said word is usually interchangeable with "difficult" in this context. He's not very difficult, seeing as his attack pattern is extremely predictable, and thus, very easy to evade compared to less "powerful" enemies such as hunters equipped with STEYR AUGs (provided you're a non-stealth clan, at which evading and killing them becomes very easy).




I'm somewhat hard pressed for time right now, so I'll adress the other points when I get home.

"McDonald's taste damn good. I'd rtahe reat their wonderful food then the poisonous junk you server in your house that's for sure.


What's funny is I'm not fat. In fact, I'm skinny. Though I am as healthy as cna be. Outside of being very ugly, and the common cold once in the blue moon I simply don't get sick."


- Volourn, Slayer of Yrkoon!


"I want a Lightsaber named Mr. Zappy" -- Darque

"I'm going to call mine Darque. Then I can turn Darque on anytime I want." -- GhostofAnakin

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You are still going at it? :)



If we are to measure "power" as simply raw hitting power, then I made a mistake and can see nothing wrong with your standpoint. My use of said word is usually interchangeable with "difficult" in this context. He's not very difficult, seeing as his attack pattern is extremely predictable, and thus, very easy to evade compared to less "powerful" enemies such as hunters equipped with STEYR AUGs (provided you're a non-stealth clan, at which evading and killing them becomes very easy).

Well, the idea was to compare what that guy can do with his blood magic to what the PC can do. If they had included that kind of heavy-hitting powers in the PC's Thaumaturgy list, well... it would have been much more cool to play Tremere (not to mention easy).



I'm somewhat hard pressed for time right now, so I'll adress the other points when I get home.

If you really must... >_<

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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