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The Church of England meets Star Wars


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i word (for me) depth. i don't like sombody who thinks that everthing you see in front of you is all there is.


Jedi was the fastest growing religion in england for a while.


BSA ROCKS. we shoot guns go boating, the works.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I don't know what everyone's got against Paris Hilton.  I mean, she's beautiful, loose, and rich.  What more could you possibly want in a woman? o:)

I think it depends if you are talking about one to use or keep.



Personally, she so stupid, I wouldn't screw her with your genitalia, unless you had just been infected with a particularly virulent and deadly strain of gonorrhea.


You might have different standards.




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I don't know what everyone's got against Paris Hilton.  I mean, she's beautiful, loose, and rich.  What more could you possibly want in a woman? :-

I think it depends if you are talking about one to use or keep.



Personally, she so stupid, I wouldn't screw her with your genitalia, unless you had just been infected with a particularly virulent and deadly strain of gonorrhea.


You might have different standards.


*shrug* Sure, she might be stupid, but in the impossible yet hypothetical situation where I was in a relationship with her, I could always just get that from my friends. Get up in the morning, have sex with Paris, go to work (which would consist of me going on popular interview shows as "Paris Hilton's boyfriend"), come home, have sex with Paris, go out with my friends and have intelligent conversation, come home, have sex with Paris, go to sleep. Several months later, sell a sex tape to the News of the World, write a book titled In Paris, and retire at 22, a enormously wealthy man.


I dunno about you, but that sounds like the perfect relationship to me. :p

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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*shrug*  Sure, she might be stupid, but in the impossible yet hypothetical situation where I was in a relationship with her, I could always just get that from my friends.  Get up in the morning, have sex with Paris, go to work (which would consist of me going on popular interview shows as "Paris Hilton's boyfriend"), come home, have sex with Paris, go out with my friends and have intelligent conversation, come home, have sex with Paris, go to sleep.  Several months later, sell a sex tape to the News of the World, write a book titled In Paris, and retire at 22, a enormously wealthy man.


I dunno about you, but that sounds like the perfect relationship to me. :-

So you admit that you wouldn't sustain a relationship with her.


It's a short-term event, at best. Personally I have wasted far too much time with people I don't like already, I'm not about to do it anymore. (It's a function of age.) I put it to you that the "sex" you would have with this Paris would be meaningless; more like doing the ironing than climbing Everest. It would be a chore, to achieve a secondary aim: the fame and feduciary success.


As I said, you may have different standards, different goals. I will only connect to another human being where I am fully metally and emotionally connecting: all other sexual congress merely feels cheap, like a McDonald's thickshake tastes of plastic because of the straw that you must suck it through.




That's what I have against her. She's a waste of space. No-one would seriously want to have a relationship with her for who she is, only for what she can give them.


I would say I feel sorry for her, but I don't. She has too much money and has had far too many opportunities for me to feel any sympathy for her.




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Y'know, if Paris Hilton was poor and not famous, making fun of her for her mental deficiencies would be considered mean and shallow.


I doubt that she can help having low intelligence. It's not like its her fault. Nor could she help being born into wealth. Some people just aren't lucky enough to be so naturally gifted with intelligence that many of us are. Doesn't she deserve to find love as much as any of us?

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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Paris Hilton is far from beautiful. Her face is plain, she's a twig with no curves to speak of, and she's completely vapid.


You can't say that we should credit her with good looks, when she has no control over genetics and then say we shouldn't judge her for being stupid.

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Paris Hilton is far from beautiful.  Her face is plain, she's a twig with no curves to speak of, and she's completely vapid.


You can't say that we should credit her with good looks, when she has no control over genetics and then say we shouldn't judge her for being stupid.


Yes I can, because I was joking before, but being serious in the last post.


Nyah. :wacko:

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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You can educate stupid people to an extent.  She has plenty of wealth.  There is no reason for her to be that stupid.


Again, though, that wouldn't be her fault, that would be the fault of her parents for not educating her. She can hardly be blamed for the negligence of her parents.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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My parents were drug addicts and absentee.  I'm largely self-educated.


That's as maybe, but you have to be fairly intelligent to self educate yourself, would you not agree? I had a boy in my primary school classes that had learning disabilities. He needed many hours of individual help to learn at a rate even half that of a normal child. Eventually, he got sent to a school for the mentally challenged. I doubt very much that had his parents been neglectful in getting him special help, that he could have self educated himself even if he had wanted to. And even if he could, I could hardly blame him if he didn't want to, given how difficult learning was for him.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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Actually I was almost placed in special education as a child. When I was entering kindergarden, they told me I was so dyslexic that I'd probably never read beyond a 4th grade level.


After 6th grade, they told me I scored higher on our standard tests than most 12th graders.


I made the decision to focus on education as an individual. I also think as a society we often allow people to pass the buck and blame parents, instead of having individuals take responsibility for their own lives.


I maintain that Paris is both unattractive, and stupid. Her vapid nature can be mildly entertaining in a Jessica Simpson fashion, but if she were not wealthy, I doubt anyone would know or care who Paris Hilton is.

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Actually I was almost placed in special education as a child.  When I was entering kindergarden, they told me I was so dyslexic that I'd probably never read beyond a 4th grade level.


After 6th grade, they told me I scored higher on our standard tests than most 12th graders.


I made the decision to focus on education as an individual.  I also think as a society we often allow people to pass the buck and blame parents, instead of having individuals take responsibility for their own lives.


I maintain that Paris is both unattractive, and stupid.  Her vapid nature can be mildly entertaining in a Jessica Simpson fashion, but if she were not wealthy, I doubt anyone would know or care who Paris Hilton is.


The fact that you were scoring higher on standard tests in 6th grade than most 12th graders would lead me to believe that rather than you overcoming a learning disability, you never had one at all.


However, since I've never met you in real life, I have nothing concrete to base that argument on, nor for that matter do I have any reason to accept your argument on the basis of a single piece of anecdotal evidence.


I doubt we shall agree on this. Shall we call it a draw? :devil:

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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Latent pedophilia seems to be popular. We keep pushing out 15 year olds and marketing them as sex symbols, quite successfully.


Kevin Smith spoke out, disgusted that it is so commonly accepted in society to fantasize over a child. The sexual act would be illegal, but society says you can dream about it and no one will scorn you.


After said article, Kevin Smith got flack from people who assumed he was either gay, or lying to make his wife happy. Surely every man on the planet wanted to have sex with underage celebrities.


I for one, don't. I recognize individuals have different tastes, but the archetypical image of a woman contains curves. I don't understand how plain, flat, bony women are extremely attractive.

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Personally, I see nothing wring with fantasising about 15 year olds. That's perfectly natural. After all, they are post-pubescent and capable of bearing children, so it doesn't strike me as disgusting that people would find their biology driving them to picture having sex with a person of 15. Further, the age of sexual consent is 15 or lower in a great many countries, so clearly it's not universally reviled. I'm 17, though, so I hope that that prevents you from thinking me too much the sexual deviant. :wub:


In any case, pedophila technically refers only to desiring sex with pre-pubescents. A 15 year old would probably be curvier than Paris Hilton. I'm sure you can at least agree to that? ;)


And BTW, I was joking in that last post. I think you got that, it's just I seem to be being constantly taken seriously these days, and I wouldn't want people think I actually am a pedophile. :thumbsup:

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!

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