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would have been cool if this HAD been in KOTOR...

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The idea isn't all that out there. Baldur's Gate 2 did something very similer. If you romanced the character Ariel (think it was her name) and you also happened to have another male character with you (the one that was always rhyming and calling you Raven) she would fall in love with both you and this other character. Your actions during this love triangle would result in her either staying with you or leaving you for him.


BTW the winged elf Ariel, or whatever her name was, was voiced by the same actress who voiced Bastila. Ironic too as I hated the Ariel character and her annoying voice and whining while I liked the character Bastilla and had no prob with her voice.

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probably because bastilla's voice fit her...


I think that "charging up her cargo ramp" should be allowed if it's tastefully done. Like seeing them in their starkers in bed or somthing. or you could just go the fable way and stare at a blank screen while hearing giggles and grunts from the speakers.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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(Still spamming, I know.) In the... scene.... in Fable, I've heard that your wife will sometimes say "oh, morty..." I say "I've heard" because the one time I bothered with that scene I muted it five seconds in. Talk about weird stuff in games. :)

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