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I'm restarting TSL and very much looking forward to doing so might I add, but... I was wondering if anyone could offer me some suggested attributes to optimize my character. What in your opinion is necessary and what... well, isn't? :p


Thanks for your time.


Well if you are going to be a guardian, put all attributes to 10 and make strength to 14, dex to 14, and constitution to 14, then do what you want to the other attributes. If you will be a counslar, your most importiant attributes are wisdom dex, and constitution. If you are going to be a sentinal then but your points in strength(if close range) or dex(if long range). Then put other points in intelligence, and charisma. For the skills max out your persuade and treat injury. For feats use two wepon fighting first, then power attack then critical strike(for guardians.)

Well if you are going to be a guardian, put all attributes to 10 and make strength to 14, dex to 14, and constitution to 14, then do what you want to the other attributes. If you will be a counslar, your most importiant attributes are wisdom dex, and constitution. If you are going to be a sentinal then but your points in strength(if close range) or dex(if long range). Then put other points in intelligence, and charisma. For the skills max out your persuade and treat injury. For feats use two wepon fighting first, then power attack then critical strike(for guardians.)


Reflex rolls don't seem to be as effective in KOTOR (maybe they're broken?) and also weaponmasters get Fierce Juyo form while senitals get the contention form which isn't good as all. You're better off using Form 3 than using contention


Well, i use a Guardian/Weapon Master Template with the stats:


STR: 16

DEX: 10

CON: 10

INT: 18

WIS: 8

CHA: 8


Since the Guardian/Weapon Master Build is a Saber Combat based combo, there is no need for high WIS or CHA


With INT at 18, you can max out the class skills of the Guardian and Weapon Master and get an additional skill. (i pick Repair for breaking down stuff)


You don't need security since mining the locks are just as effective. :-


In Kotor II, Single, Dual and Double Bladed Light Sabers aren't over-powered like in Kotor I, so, i use a Single Saber with Master Dueling for the Attack and Defense bonuses.


Before you say you will have terrible saving throws against Force Powers, the AI hardly uses them anyway, perhaps one or two of them will and with he bonuses for Light Side or Darkside, you shouldn't have a problem with killing enemies before they do too much damage to you. :p


The only Force powers i use with this build are the buffs that give more defences, Energy Resistance, healing, that sort of thing.


It would be more fun if they did a more Space Based RPG where you could do whatever you wanted....something kinda like Freelancer, where you can fly around in space, shooting things, but also being able to board ships and steal from them and stuff...that would be cool....but i highly doubt it will happen.


Well, I was specifically looking for a Jedi Sentinel build, hence the title. But then, I didn't really explain myself as well as I should have, did I.


Thank you anyway though!


I reecomend S Sentinel/Weaponmaster or Sentinel/Watchman. Here where my intial stats: CON: 14 STR:14 DEX:14 INT:12 CHA: 10 WIS: 10. A sentinel can be either Melee or ranged oreinted and can be molded into a guardian or consular-esque character. Mine tend to be similair to Guardains (which have barely any advantages over Sentinels in terms of combat efficiency), but with surperior skills and FP.


Wait did you say the sabers are over powered in Kotor compared to Kotor 2? What the heck are you smoking.


Kotor 2 allows you to make a saber that does 50+ damage, you can't do that in Kotor.


Also from what I can tell you is that Sabers with Master speed and valor doesn't take everyone down in one hit like in Kotor 2.


I just finished my second playthrough as a Sentinel/Watchman. My initial stats were:


STR 10

DEX 14

CON 14

INT 14

WIS 12

CHA 14


I was supposed to put 4 attribute points into DEX, but the game finished first. :ninja: So I ended up putting in +3 DEX and +4 CON. 18 CON allowed me to use the D Implants, thus upping my final DEX another +2 (along with all the other stats thanks to the D Universal Implant).


My ending undressed stats were:


STR 10

DEX 17

CON 24

INT 14

WIS 12

CHA 14


Vitality 460

Force 305

Defense 25

Fortitude 25

Reflex 21

Will 17


My CON without the double bonus on Lightside Mastery would have been 18, but I got a +3 CON bonus being a Lightside Mastery Sentinel and an additional +3 CON bonus being a Lightside Mastery Watchman.


My dressed character had:


STR 17

DEX 34

CON 32

INT 16

WIS 19

CHA 16


Vitality 576

Force 389

Defense 36

Fortitude 29

Reflex 30

Will 20


My equipment was:


Universal D-Package



Target Assessor

Attack Modifier/DEX +2

Bonus Feat: Precise Shot; Targeting 1


Automation Gloves

Demolitions/DEX +4; Repair +2


Matuki Adept Robe


Defense Bonus 1


Aratech Echo Belt

DEX +4/Stealth +10



Attack Modifier 4

Defense Bonus 1

Blaster Bolt Deflection +7

CON +3/DEX +4/STR +3/WIS +5/Regeneration 3


With Force Enlightenment (Master Speed + Master Valor; I had no Force Auras), my stats were:


STR 22

DEX 39

CON 37

INT 21

WIS 24

CHA 21


Vitality 634

Force 473

Defense 42

Fortitude 36

Reflex 37

Will 28


EDIT: I used the Melee Finess feat which allows your DEX to be used instead of strength for chance to hit. I am used to a DEX character from KotOR I and I tend to use the same for II. It's too bad that KotOR II forces you to use an extra feat to get DEX to apply when it was calculated automatically in KotOR I...

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