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The Problem With the Game

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I understand that tastes differ, but...geez. Like I've suddenly stepped in to the twilight zone. Obsidian-freaking-Boards and folks don't like BG?! :p


Surely you people understand that this undermines your credibility on a rpg board mightily.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Well than you don't like RPGs,exept for the Ks :p


BG2 had it's flaws but overall it kicks the ass of many RPGs launched in the past years :)

Everytime someone says they don't like baldur's gate or neverwinter nights....it's always:...you don't like RPG you don't understand...

I simply don't like D&D stuff ....

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I'd like too hear that too, feeling baffled.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I loved earth and beyond years ago....and I really got to love torment even though i didn't like it in the first place...

don't get me wrong the fallout games were good for their time but i simply think they are not that great to look at these days...

and lastly not everyone has the same taste...

90% of rpg games are D&D...and it would be nice to have other universes explored...

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No thery're not..D&D RPGs are not even a majority..there are a bunch of RPGs launched per year...very few being D&D :rolleyes:


And you do know that the Ks use the same system,right?


FO has great visuals...I'm starting to want to play 2d RPGs now :thumbsup:

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"No thery're not..D&D RPGs are not even a majority.."


Yes they are...


"And you do know that the Ks use the same system,right?"

My problem is not the system but the universe


"FO has great visuals...I'm starting to want to play 2d RPGs now "


I find FO visuals pretty ugly and characters are too small



I don't believe in consensus as far as games are concerned...what makes you love a game is what makes me hate it...

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Well PS:T suffers from the same problems as Fallout..you don't seem to care about top down 2d :thumbsup:


You should learn to look at the game behind the graphics :rolleyes:



You really don't seem to understand what I'm saying...

1.What is more important to me is the story...that's the main thing and i'm not a big fan of D&D

2.Yes I like good graphics...I don't like to look at my characters with lenses....

only a story that i really like can redeem bad graphics...

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"No thery're not..D&D RPGs are not even a majority.."


Yes they are...


Certainly not. European rpg-scene is a brim-full pot of games, none of them a D&D-clichequest. Same thing with Asian scene(not only Japan); there's both potential and content far surpressing the the odd few Bio-games, US chunks out sometimes.


"And you do know that the Ks use the same system,right?"

My problem is not the system but the universe


"FO has great visuals...I'm starting to want to play 2d RPGs now "


I find FO visuals pretty ugly and characters are too small


I don't believe in consensus as far as games are concerned...what makes you love a game is what makes me hate it...

You can't use old graphics as a reason for not playing older games. That just tells me, that stories don't really matter to you, if you can't enjoy them without modern graphics. Quite petty.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Well PS:T suffers from the same problems as Fallout..you don't seem to care about top down 2d :)


You should learn to look at the game behind the graphics >_<


Don't really care one way or another about the graphics. However, it would be nice to play the game without the bugs hitting you across the face (OE, put a frickin' windshield on the game next time!).


In regard to disliking BG II and liking KotOR, it's a matter of preference. I liked one game; I hated another. Is there something wrong with that? BG II didn't appeal to me. KotOR did. <shrugs> That would be akin to me telling you that you don't like vegatables because you don't like broccoli. It's a stupid generalization, as is the assertion that I must hate all RPGs because I hated BG II. :wacko:"

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"It's a stupid generalization, as is the assertion that I must hate all RPGs because I hated BG II."


Now where did Baley even remotely point that in his text? Huh?


Were not that shallow, thank you. You hating BG 2 shows a distinct lack of experience with rpgs in general. If you had provided valid reasons for disliking the game, instead of lame hate, I might have passed on and not commented. But. now... I just ignore you as a ignorant newbie.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Certainly not. European rpg-scene is a brim-full pot of games, none of them a D&D-clichequest. Same thing with Asian scene(not only Japan); there's both potential and content far surpressing the the odd few Bio-games, US chunks out sometimes.

Certainly yes...we can argue forever about that...most RPG are Based on D&D


You can't use old graphics as a reason for not playing older games. That just tells me, that stories don't really matter to you, if you can't enjoy them without modern graphics. Quite petty.


Like i said...If a game has a story I like...It can redeem the fact that don't like the graphics (ex:torment")...I don't see why graphics shouldn't be taken into account


Once again I can understand that you're a fan of baldur's gate...but telling people that they don't like an entire genre because they don't like the same game as you is simply missing the point...

there is not a right way or wrong way to be a rpg fan...I don't care if most people like baldur's gate,it didn't do anything to me...that doesn't make me someone who is not a rpg gamer that simply makes me someone who is a different type of rpg gamer...


don't look for a consensus,there can be none.and the world is a better place when people have different tastes...

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I prefered Kotor 1 to Kotor 2, but mostly because I cringed when I read the dialogue in the sequel. BIS dialogue was almost always better than Bioware dialogue. What happened when the writers went over to Obsidian? I'm not just talking about grammatical errors. Much of the writing was simply aweful.


Nevertheless, the backstory was much better in KotOR 2 and it was also the first release for Obsidian. So far, I'm happy to try NWN2 simply because I think KotOR 2 was a fine effort. It wasn't an A+, but it was a fun game and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Great fun.

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Certainly not. European rpg-scene is a brim-full pot of games, none of them a D&D-clichequest. Same thing with Asian scene(not only Japan); there's both potential and content far surpressing the the odd few Bio-games, US chunks out sometimes.

Certainly yes...we can argue forever about that...most RPG are Based on D&D


You can't use old graphics as a reason for not playing older games. That just tells me, that stories don't really matter to you, if you can't enjoy them without modern graphics. Quite petty.


Like i said...If a game has a story I like...It can redeem the fact that don't like the graphics (ex:torment")...I don't see why graphics shouldn't be taken into account


Once again I can understand that you're a fan of baldur's gate...but telling people that they don't like an entire genre because they don't like the same game as you is simply missing the point...

there is not a right way or wrong way to be a rpg fan...I don't care if most people like baldur's gate,it didn't do anything to me...that doesn't make me someone who is not a rpg gamer that simply makes me someone who is a different type of rpg gamer...


Goddamn my bad english skills.


Let's get these things straight:


"I'm a BG-fan": Wrong and I didn't say so.


"I think you hate the whole genre": Wrong, and I haven't written so.


"I've blamed you for not being a rpg-fan": F*cking wrong and you see it if you re-read may posts.


I pointed out that graphics seem to matter you more than story. And as stories, and gameplay, happen to be the main assets of older rpgs, you have a hard road to thread if you want to your arguments in an rpg forum to have any credibility. If you dismiss quality games as faultier than the new ones simply because their graphics are worse, you probably haven't played much. An therefore lack experience, which is vital. To me; you don't know what you're talking about.


And as for most rpg's being based on D&D; I want evidence.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Certainly not. European rpg-scene is a brim-full pot of games, none of them a D&D-clichequest. Same thing with Asian scene(not only Japan); there's both potential and content far surpressing the the odd few Bio-games, US chunks out sometimes.

Certainly yes...we can argue forever about that...most RPG are Based on D&D


You can't use old graphics as a reason for not playing older games. That just tells me, that stories don't really matter to you, if you can't enjoy them without modern graphics. Quite petty.


Like i said...If a game has a story I like...It can redeem the fact that don't like the graphics (ex:torment")...I don't see why graphics shouldn't be taken into account


Once again I can understand that you're a fan of baldur's gate...but telling people that they don't like an entire genre because they don't like the same game as you is simply missing the point...

there is not a right way or wrong way to be a rpg fan...I don't care if most people like baldur's gate,it didn't do anything to me...that doesn't make me someone who is not a rpg gamer that simply makes me someone who is a different type of rpg gamer...


Goddamn my bad english skills.


Let's get these things straight:


"I'm a BG-fan": Wrong and I didn't say so.


"I think you hate the whole genre": Wrong, and I haven't written so.


"I've blamed you for not being a rpg-fan": F*cking wrong and you see it if you re-read may posts.


I pointed out that graphics seem to matter you more than story. And as stories, and gameplay, happen to be the main assets of older rpgs, you have a hard road to thread if you want to your arguments in an rpg forum to have any credibility. If you dismiss quality games as faultier than the new ones simply because their graphics are worse, you probably haven't played much. An therefore lack experience, which is vital. To me; you don't know what you're talking about.


And as for most rpg's being based on D&D; I want evidence.


I can't be asked to answer your post....you take it way too personnal

I mentioned 3 millions times the fact that the story was the main thing for me but you're unhappy because I don't have the same taste as you...

(by the way it's a kotor forum not a rpg forum)...and as far as proving my credibility what??you want my cv too...CANT BE ASKED TO DEAL WITH DISCUSSIONS LIKE THAT...


at least arguing with Baley is FUN.

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