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Hey guys.


Scrapland is pretty similar to Freelancer, with a better story, and a more unique world. 


Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's sold all too well, as it's already been priceslashed to $20.  :p


I'd get it though, I have it, it's a lot of fun, and building your own ships is awesome.  :)



Shut up Jim. Freelancer is teh R0x0rs and Scrapland is pile of bukkake - the Kaftan Barlast variety!


Also in terms of sales, CrapLand tanked worse than an Iraqi Scud Launcher! biggrin.gif

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Hey guys.


Scrapland is pretty similar to Freelancer, with a better story, and a more unique world. 


Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's sold all too well, as it's already been priceslashed to $20.  :thumbsup:


I'd get it though, I have it, it's a lot of fun, and building your own ships is awesome.  :thumbsup:



Shut up Jim. Freelancer is teh R0x0rs and Scrapland is pile of bukkake - the Kaftan Barlast variety!


Also in terms of sales, CrapLand tanked worse than an Iraqi Scud Launcher! biggrin.gif





Good sales do not make a good game, bad sales do not make a bad game.

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Right now I am playing the freelancer Evolutions mod from pathfinder studios, it changes the following...


Ship speeds vary by class, possibly also by vessel.

Additional mountable equipment (all in several degrees of power and cost), including scanner, sheil capacitor, main power source, power booster, armor, different sheilds that vary in regeneration rate and type of protection.

Enemy ships sheild regenerate and use nanbots. Enemy AI is better, light fighters are really hard to hit!!

New systems added, new planets added, new jumpholes.

New ships, every one I've seen is freelancer themed.


see here


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Did they reduce the frequency of raider attacks on trade routes and stations? :blink:

'Cause, I'm the sort of loser who would really prefer to just fly from one system to another in a frighter full of oxygen and synth pastes...ahhh I love the smell of free trade in the morning...or toast...toast is pretty good too...

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I have played about half (I guess) of the game. I really like it so far. :rolleyes:

One thing I don't like is the look of Trent. Everyone (exept for that guy with beard) looks better than him!!! :rolleyes:

I really wish you could make your own character. (Maybe like in KotOR? :huh: )

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