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Go into the dircetory where u installed the game and open swkotor2.ini with a text editor like notebad. Scroll down to [Game Options] and try to find CurSithLord=[number]. Change that number to anything u wish (1-4) to see ur favorite Sith Lord :lol:

1=Darth Sion

2=Darth Nihilus


4=Your character!


I know you all say that but it looks an awfull lot like Visas (without mask), but the only confusing then would be the eyes, as Miraluka don't have them...


And they promised a Sith Witch and 2 Sith Lords...

Look at the intro legal screen for the Lords, then Visas was intended as the Witch...


What's cool is that when you play through the game the first time the menu sith lord changes once a new one is introduced, but not until then.


Just beat Atris yesterday and when I went to exit, lo and behold there was Kreia on the menu screen!


Wow, very cool... and I agree with the Atris thing... its definitely not Visas. Even if it werent for the eyes thing I dont think the resemblance is there :)


Funky outfit she has there though...


I wonder if they had have left it in... would the whole Darth Traya thing be a totally open/shut thing? or do you think us diehard LS'ers would have had a chance to turn Atris back? :) Because basically if you discount everything you know about the possible plot lines from cut scenes ect (and correct me if im wrong here), you never really know what happens to her.. you only get hints that she will complete her fall to the dark side (albeit fairly strong ones) from her cutscene with Kreia, and your character doesn't get a chance to talk to her after that point.


I wonder if she will appear in any future installment.... I would have to say no, even though I would like it if her character did re-appear... but really there is no room for any of the Jedi Council members from KOTOR2 to reappear in any meaningful role, because in KOTOR2 you had a chance to kill them all off if you went DS (I think? I haven't actually played it as a DS player myself). Just like Visas... :thumbsup:


- Dan


Well, it sort of seems like you can save Atris at the end if you're LS. You have several options of "what to do with Atris?" and one of them is "Atris, you can turn from the dark path", and then she basically agrees to go into exile like you did, and then tells you to save Telos. So it seems like she's returned at least to neutral-ness.


Also I'm not sure Atris ever really FULLY fell to the DS. She delved into Sith teachings in order to fight the Sith, and so obsessed with fighting the Sith that she fell without ever realized it. But the fact that she was always focused on fighting the Sith means that she never really seemed to reach the "BWAHAHAHAHA! Power for its own sake!" stage of full DS-ness


Atris was supposed to be Traya in the end... So then NO

But now that they changed it, it will be another Question party :thumbsup:


Question's the first NPC asks in K3:

Revan LS/DS Fe(male), Atris Dead/Alive, Remote/GO-TO won, Exile on Malachor/Exile after Revan

And maybe many more...


Does anyone know any clearer than I, what was the initial intention? Was the idea that you could either make Atris see the error in her ways and basically turn away from the dark side (in which case you get Kreia at the end), or if your DS you do something nasty and you get Atris at the end?

Atris = Darh Traya (original version), so what do you think???


Haha, yeah :):thumbsup:


Well, it sort of seems like you can save Atris at the end if you're LS. You have several options of "what to do with Atris?" and one of them is "Atris, you can turn from the dark path", and then she basically agrees to go into exile like you did, and then tells you to save Telos. So it seems like she's returned at least to neutral-ness.


Also I'm not sure Atris ever really FULLY fell to the DS. She delved into Sith teachings in order to fight the Sith, and so obsessed with fighting the Sith that she fell without ever realized it. But the fact that she was always focused on fighting the Sith means that she never really seemed to reach the "BWAHAHAHAHA! Power for its own sake!" stage of full DS-ness


Actually though... in light of Hey Steve's post, can someone remind me please, is the exiles last conversation with Atris before or after the Kreia/Atris cutscene?


I do remember now the LS option your talking about too there... I chose that option too in the end if I recall i think. I mean, it was a bit sus that her meditation room was all glowing red :) I suppose if I try and think about it all at face value I didn't think in the end her character actually fell to the dark side either if you did things the LS way, and you sort of get then impression that after the developers made all their "last minute" changes to the game, that they wanted to end her story that way... its just that all of the talk of the cut material is tainting the way I see everything :wub:


Does anyone know any clearer than I, what was the initial intention? Was the idea that you could either make Atris see the error in her ways and basically turn away from the dark side (in which case you get Kreia at the end), or if your DS you do something nasty and you get Atris at the end?


- Dan


Yep, they did.


They even have the conferentation with Kreia (cut from the game) totally with Atris' doing the voices (even alternatives)


Don't really have to mention that THAT is also not in the game...


They had Atris as Sion's master at a point

And Atris had about 4x the convo in the last Academy Fight than in the final version...

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