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UPDATE: I gave  the three henchmen portfolios to the Codexers. I also have garnered a few more play testers the lastc ouple of days.


There's your update! :p

Have you got a server running yet? :blink:




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UPDATE: I found out today that a ghast that murdered his wife, a dwarven bard who plays the flute, and a drow who has some surface elf blood in him and is half crazy are all 'pretty generic'. Well, the last one is pretty close since we know drow tend to hate surface elves.


Hmm.. Maybe if I make a half gorgon/half banana npc who plays the trumpet while being able to swim on land; it won't be so generic.


My apologizes, folks. LOL :o


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And, if you cna get those with opposing views to get along - not an easy task to say the least. Afterall, remember, one of the ch1 npcs is the ghast and he's not one to get along with the living for obvious reasons...


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"And he's gonna leave the party if I invite a female character?


Or not join at all if I already have one?


And what if I play a female character?"


Ahh.. the complexities of 'human' relations. :lol:


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"Um..so a female PC is gonna get one less henchman "


Not neccessary. Besdies, the firts part will be balanced for parties of 2-4. If you have 6 it should be pretty easy by designed. Except for a couple of really tough fights..



"Well I'm gonna role-play a character that kills everything sight"





'..on my second playtrough(if I like it )




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Ok. Time for sharing five magic items from the first part. Don't expect anything super powerful because of this. That said, to clarify something for those who haven't figured it out - Durnla IS a high magic world. Yeah, yeah. groan if you must; but that's just the way it is.


Anyways, without further ado...







1. Helm of the Desert



Description/Background: A very ugly helm used primarily by uncivilized warriors to survive the harshness of the desert.


Not to much is known about this helm except that it is often used by warriors who happen to live in the desert. Aiding to protect one from the heat as well as enhancing combat skills, this helm is highly desireable.


Restrictions: Only the most martial of classes can wear it, however.


Abilities/Powers: AC Bonus +2

Damage Resistance: Electrical Resist 5 / -

Damage Resistance: Fire Resist 5 / -

Skill Bonus: Discipline +2

Skill Bonus: Intimidate +2

Use Limitation: Class: Barbarian

Use Limitation: Class: Fighter




2. Deathsickle



Description/Background: Crafted long ago by a forgotten dark wizard who used the blood of a paladin to ensorcel the sickle. Now, the sickle strikes out in pain in unison with the soul of the unfortunate one. When one is weilding Deathsickle they find it very difficult to hide their prescence, and also feel very weak. A lot of power, however, comes with the weapon so many feel it is worth the sacrifices.


Restrictions: This sickle radiates evil, and only those who are evil would even think of weilding this foul weapon. In fcat, they're the only ones who can sinc eit doesn't allow itself to be used by others.


Abilities/Powers: Attack Bonus +2

Cast Spell: Slay Living (9) 1 Use/Day

Decreased Ability Score: Constitution -2

Decreased Skill Modifier: Hide -2

Decreased Skill Modifier: Move Silently -2

Immunity: Specific Spell Bestow Curse

Regeneration: Vampiric +2

Use Limitation: Alignment Group: Evil

Visual Effect: Evil



3. Stonemaster's Ring



Description/Background: By holding the ring in hand; one instantly knows what it is capable of. The power of it is not hard to be impressed by. Being able to cast two powerful spells, and feel healthier is always useful for those who feel they would ever be in mortal danger.


The ring was crafted by one who worked with stone. It marks the wearer as a 'Master of Stone' as well making them well respected by most dwarves who recognize the ring as well as others who love stonework in any form.


Cherish it forever.


Restrictions: There are no known restrictions on who may wear this ring.


Abilities/Powers: Ability Bonus: Constitution +2

AC Bonus +2

Cast Spell: Greater Stoneskin (11) 1 Use/Day

Cast Spell: Stonehold (11) 1 Use/Day



4. Honoured Guard



Description/Background: Honoured Guard were a pair of gloves crafted for those who showed great loyalty to the Witcheta Family. Only a handful were ever made, and this is one such pair.


In the hands of those who are honourable and keep their word; this pair of gloves can do incredible damage against enemies who prefer the ectasy of chaos. Also, wearing them makes one less likely to be ensorcelled by foul spells that may corrupt ones' believes and weaken their loyalty.


Restirctions: Only those who believe in keeping their word may wear these gloves.


Abilities/Powers: Attack Bonus +2

Damage Bonus vs. Alignment Group: Chaotic 1d8 Damage Bludgeoning

Saving Throw Bonus: Specific: Will +2

Skill Bonus: Concentration +2

Use Limitation: Alignment Group: Lawful



5. Haradora's Magnificance



Description/Background: A plain, blue robe; i ti sas assuming as those who tend to wear it.


Haradora was a monk who was full of herself. She believed that none could defeat her in single combat. How wrong she was when the young monk encountered Ku Frias of Juyrt on one of his pilgrimmages through the kingdom.


The arrogant one started bragging about how she was unbeatable she was to whom she thought was just a peasant. normally, Haradora would be wise enough to see through the common pulper appearance of Ku Frias; but this day she was just to into herself.


When the commoner challenged her to single combat to the death; she was first insulted at the audacity. That turned to rage where she vowed to wipe that smirk off his face. She even offered to allow the stranger to take the first swing.


Not being foolish, Ku Frias accepted the offer, and took the advantage in the confrontation and never lost it. The victorious monk took Haradora's robe as a prize. He burided her body in a grave on the side of the road with a cross with the following words etched on it: 'Only The Unwise Allow Their Opponent To Strike First'.


The robe was named by Ku Frias in memory of his victim so she would never be forgotten. Before his death some decades later, he gifted it to his Order's monestary. Over the few centuries since that time, the robe has somehow in all its grandeur all over the place to where it is found now..


Restrictions: Monks tend to get the most of this robe.


Abilities/Powers: AC Bonus +2

Light Bright (20m) Orange

Regeneration +1

Use Limitation: Class: Monk




There ya go... :p


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"I like the Honoured Guard ,tho I rarely play lawful characters"


That's ok. If you play chaotic characters; it cna be sued against you. :(



"Ooh..the helm is cool too


How ugly can it be?"


Very ugly. :wub:


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5. Haradora's Magnificance



Description/Background: A plain, blue robe; [it is as] assuming as those who tend to wear it.


            Haradora was a monk who was full of herself. She believed that none could defeat her in single combat. How wrong she was when the young monk encountered  Ku Frias of Juyrt on one of his pilgrimmages through the kingdom.


The arrogant one started bragging about how she was unbeatable she was to whom she thought was just a peasant. normally, Haradora would be wise enough to see through the common pulper appearance of Ku Frias; but this day [marked a apogee in her conceitedness to the point of hubris].


When the commoner challenged her to single combat to the death; she was first insulted at the audacity. That turned to rage where she vowed to wipe that smirk off his face. She even offered to allow the stranger to take the first swing.


Not being foolish, Ku Frias accepted the offer, and took the advantage in the confrontation and never lost it.  The  victorious monk took Haradora's robe as a prize. He burided her body in a grave on the side of the road with a cross with the following words etched on it: 'Only The Unwise Allow Their Opponent To Strike First'.


The robe was named by Ku Frias in memory of his victim so she would never be forgotten. Before his death some decades later, he gifted it to his Order's monestary. Over the few centuries since that time, the robe has somehow in all its grandeur [been seen] all over the place [at different times, until it is] found now [in Witcheta]...


Restrictions: Monks tend to get the most of this robe.


Abilities/Powers: AC Bonus +2

Light Bright (20m) Orange

Regeneration +1

Use Limitation: Class: Monk

I've added some corrections that seem to have slipped through your eagle-eyed perusal over the last few weeks ...




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Correcting Volourn's typography is like admonishing a monkey for for its penmanship.

True, it is a Sisyphean task, but I have already highlighted this particular item description previously, and I wanted to ensure Mr Volo had a record of the errors.


Maybe Volo is just an infinite number of monkeys and typewriters? :(




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