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"So how do minotaurs reproduce?"


Like they normally do... They take human woman.... It's just now it's possible for the rare female to be born who are, at this at the moment, unable to procreate with other males... but, they can mate (eww.. cna't believe we're discussing this) with human males which has the same high chance of producing male minotaurs...



"And what does a female one look like?"


To non-minotaurs, like any ugly male minotaur other than the blatant 'female' parts... :)


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PROGRESS: Not much this week until the weekend thanks to being forced to work every day soo..


Question: What information have I NOT shared would you be most interested in at this moment?


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PROGRESS: Not much this week until the weekend thanks to being forced to work every day soo..


Question: What information have I NOT shared would you be most interested in at this moment?

... When will it be finished? :p"



(Y'know, the whole series, from part I - XXCVII?)



Also, what were you doing here? ;)"




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"When will it be finished? "


Who series? Not for a long time... Like 2007 at the earliest...



"(Y'know, the whole series, from part I - XXCVII?)"


LOL It's 4 parts. (w00t)




"Also, what were you doing here?"




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Character Name: Kelvrin Jorns


Race: Human


Sex: Male


Age: 27


Class: Fighter


Personality: Kelvrin is seemingly a typical fighter type. He isn't stupid; but he's not going to win any intellectual awards though he is pretty good when it comes to battle plans. Kelvrin prefers gold to any other payment for his services. He is not one to befriend others easy; but once he does he is loyal... unless that loyalty would assuredly cost him his life. Kelvrin loves to spend time exchanging war stories, and has the scars to prove his battle experience. The man does not speak much of his youth as he feels its none of anyone's business.


Combat Style: Since he begun his mercenary career as an actual solider in an army, his combat style is long sword and shield; but he can also use the longbow as well as a spear when the situation warrants it. Kelvrin's actual style is one of hit the enemy before he hits you, and if you cna't block the attack with your shield. Nothing facny; but it has gotten the job done. If in an adventuring party; Kelvrin will do his best to cut off any advance on the weaker members by the opposition. The warrior loves to knock his opponents down.


Skills of Note: Warrior of some experience. This is what he is most skilled at since that's what he has been doing for years. Knowledge of famous past battles which he loves to share, swimming, and armoursmithing is also some talents he has picked up.


Hometown: The town of New Mooks is where he hails from. This was built over top Old Mooks after it was ravaged by multiple wars. Many dungeons are scattered throughout the area which is where Kelvrin first started adventuring in after he left the army.


Goals: To retire rich, and to become the most reknown warrior in the history of Durnla. A very tall order, indeed.


Description: Jorns is in his mid twenties. He has dirty blond hair with brown eyes. He, of course, is in good shape though he has many scars, eahc of which, have many tales of their own to tell.


Noteworthy Equipment: Only his weaponary as well as his half plate armour would be noticed by others.


Background: Kelvrin Jorns is a man of many battles; but one of few words. His past speaks of a harsh mercenary life as evidenced by his joining up with armies simply for payment. He has even joined one side for a battle, and then a few years later do battle and kill those who he had been comrades with just a few short years ago. Kelvrin does not enjoy that part of his career choice; but he feels that everyone is simply trying to survive. He believes he is simply making sure he is one of the world's 'winners'. Not much is known about his life in New Mooks; but is believed that his parents were killed in the wipe out of Old Mooks so he never knew them. His Aunt Betha raised him, and raised him to be a hard worker which he has not dissapointed her in that aspect of his life.

After almost a decade fighting in armies, Kelvrin decided to take to the life of an adventurer. He has now join up with a group led by a priestess of Trinity who wnats to explore the mysteries of the 'haunted' Witcheta Mansions. As a man of action, Kelvrin doesn't believe in such things as he has witnessed enough horrors in battle that he doesn't feel the need to make up such things to get jollies. Still, in a world of magic and the supernatural, even the ever skepetical Kelvrin cna't completely rule the haunting out. Still, all that matters to him, is the gold and treasures he will be paid for his services.





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Aye. What is coolest about him though is that compared to the other npcs in ch1; he is the most 'normal' with only the elf being the closest to him in that regard. The henchmen can't all be freaks. :D


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Aye. What is coolest about him though is that compared to the other npcs in ch1; he is the most 'normal' with only the elf being the closest to him in that regard. The henchmen can't all be freaks. :D

Yeah, a "freak" is so clich




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Character Name: Wryly


Race: Wererat (formerly human)


Sex: Male


Age: 41 (20 years since becoming a wererat)


Class: Rogue


Personality: He's crazy. It's that simple. His transfomation into a wererat is even more unnatural than normal if that is possible, and has completely warped his view of the world. Narcissistic, selfish, and prone to violence is what Wryly is about. Even after 20 years, he is still confused and being trapped in the wine cellar of a mansion is not exactly a calming environment. Wryly can be easily manipulated by those who are adequately skilled in the art of charm.


Combat Style: In the present, Wryly just plainly attacks those who anger him (which is very easy to do) with physical attacks. He also has a small force of rats willing to defend him to the death.


Skills of Note: Identifying wine and ale (20 years of living in a wine cellar aids in this), controlling rats, and acting crazy.


Hometown: Vioroson


Goals: Escape the mansion, make friends, to survive, and cause as much pain to others as he feels.


Description: In rat form, he looks like a rat. In hybrid form (the form he always seems to be in), he looks much like a bipedal rat with human like facial features, claws, and sharp teeth. In human form, the creature looks like a 20 something human male with blue eyes, and brown hair. He's also very skinny; but quick as can be.


Noteworthy Equipment: Raw meat seemingly human in origin...


Background: Wryly was born, and raised in Vioroson. His parents were servants to the Witchetas who had always dominated the City Council. When Wryly turned 18, he continued on his parents' foosteps and became a messenger in between the Witchetas in the city and the Witchetas who lived in the mansion many miles to the north. His employers' love dhis work as he was always swift, and never failed in his mission. Wryly loved the work as he admired the Witcheta Family's skill, power, and was charmed by their ability to rule over others inspite of any inner family problems.

Sadly, all this changed just before his 22nd birthday when he delivered his last message. When he arrived at the mansion, the front gates were opened so he left himself end. What he saw was disgusting - body parts all over the place, dead silence, and warped creatures threatening to eat him. The young man panicked and tried to escape; but found the doors he just entered locked somehow. He fled into the cellar, and stayed there. Unfortunately, a week later he went asleep human, and woke up a wererat. Ever since that fateful day, Wryly has slowly lost his mind and is now a pitiful creature who is a dnager to all including himself..





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Yes, the option just isn't included yet. He's one of two henchmen who are alreayd in the mod; but not yet activated a shenchmen. That's because unlike other henchmen they won't level up during the module.


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Yes, the option just isn't included yet. He's one of two henchmen who are alreayd in the mod; but not yet activated a shenchmen. That's because unlike other henchmen they won't level up during the module.

Is there any nice wine left in the cellar? :shifty:




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Character Name: Baxroxa the Mighty Strong


Race: Minotaur


Sex: Female


Age: Unknown


Class: Barbarian


Personality: This minotaur, in spite of being a rare female, is as brutal and violent as the majority (if not all) minotaurs are. She loves to use her axe to cut those who oppose her in half. Baxroxa also loves puzzles, mazes, and riddles. While not the brightest creature; she has somewhat a knack of figuring these things out. For some reason, she is very loyal to the Witchetas - a rare trait amongst her unique race.


Combat Style: Simple. Very simple. Baxroxa's strategy is to take her over-sized axe and either aim for the head, neck, or waist of her next victim. "Charge!" followed by a growl is all one gets to hear. The minotaur is fond of throwing axes as well just to annoy before the real carnage begins.


Skills of Note: Wood chopping, flesh chopping, and puzzles. She also rarely gets lost if ever.


Hometown: Some forgotten maze created by a mad wizard. How she managed to escape it is unknown...


Goals: Practice her axe swinging (preferably on live targets), puzzle solving, protecting the Witchetas, and avoiding her past at all costs.


Description: Baxroxa looks like a minotaur - only female. Looking into her eyes, however, she is shows more intelligence than than the average one. The only other distinctive physical feature are her yellow eyes.


Noteworthy Equipment: An axe. A giant axe. A giant axe which has seen lots of use in combat.


Background: Baxroxa was born in some long forgotten maze and was enslaved by some mad wizard she refers to only as 'Grek'. Due to her being a rare female; she was destined to being a raiser of minotaur children and not being able to fight as much as she wanted to. Eventually, Baxroxa managed to escape her prison. It seemed a little too easy to her being able to manage an escape from such a seemingly powerful wizard so she is worried that she was allowed to escape in some sort of test which Grek was wont to do.

The minotaur traveled for a bit until eventually met up with Toos Witcheta. The two came to blows with the human warrior coming out on top yet he spared the she minotaur out of being impressed with her ferocity, and intelligence. In turn, Baxroxa pledged fealty to both Toos and his family. She's been working for them ever since.

Now trapped in the mansion, there is nothing the minotaur can do but continue on with her duty to her masters, and avoid the doom the new occupants of the place offer all those who enter it.

Baxroxa is a creature trapped due to her past and her race. Perhaps she is doomed to a an existence of near mindless slaughter and obediance or is destined for hightened greatness. No one can know for sure what the future holds...





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"Noteworthy Equipment: An axe. A giant axe. A giant axe which has seen lots of use in combat."

... a giant, battle-scarred, dried-blood-smeared-on-the-handle, vorpal massacre-loving, serrated, painfully sharp axe of many incisions ... :thumbsup:




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Heh. Even better. Anyways, what else would would be interesting to share?... I've think I've covered alot - if not too much - already. :D


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"And get your DM client server fixed."


It works. Just not for you. :( For soem reason. :(



"guess an idea of when the next version will be ready,"


A month I hope at the latest if spell and rule changes go smoothly..



"any tantalising tidbits from part 2 ..."


I'm sure I cna whip something up...


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Witcheta Chronicles 2: Family Feud



This little tid bit includes a small area overview of a palce where you emet old acquaintances from chapter 1, a new npc, new item from a legendary lord, and a new dangerous monster...





Spoilers From Chapter 1 may be found below...













You first encountered King Hax'or'is'or and a small group of his followers in chapter 1. At that time he offered you gold in exchange for the heads of any Witchetas you came across. Whether you agreed to it, or not; your interactions with Clan Sharpsting is far over. In this chapter, you shall have the oppurtunity to visit the clan's holdings beneath the sands of the Great Desert.. Did you join in the stingers' bloodlust or did you send their king to his grave? Either way, Clan Sharpsting's twisted tunnels of neverending sand hold many surprises - one of which may very well be your death. Learn your limits of your ability to suffer pain as well as learn the real reason why King Hax'or'is'or wanted the heads and their true connection to the Witcheta legacy...



2. Character Name: Tarnin the Hunted


Race: Human


Sex: Male


Age: 27


Class: Ranger


Personality: Very much a lone, Tarnin much prefers the company of animals to humans, elves, or the other 'sentient' races. However, despite his discomfort around others; he is always courteous and respectful. The man never raises his voice in anger even when furious with someone. Tarnin loves to pass the time admiring nature. In spite of his many skills, the human seems to be unsure of himself at times not knowing how to act. This is likely due to the fact that he was raised by nature itself.


Combat Style: Tarnin loves to use his long bow to snipe at enemies before they even reach him. However, he is very much capable of defending himself in melee combat, and his skill of weilding a heavy flail allows him to knock enemies right off their feet makes this much easier. Tarnin's close companion, a brown bear nicknamed 'Snatcher of Berries' initimidates most of the more aggressive creatures found in the forest to thinking that attacking the ranger or his 'pet' is a very poor idea.


Skills of Note: Swimming, making campfires, talking to animals, tracking, and archery are just some of the many skills that Tarnin has taught himself.


Hometown: Gradrian Woods.


Goals: To protect the forest, defend the animals, and live as peaceful a life as possible.


Description: The human is nearly 6' tall, and 175lbs. He is very muscular in spite. Tarnin has a mustache that is rather well groomed for one who tends to avoid 'civilized' areas. His dark eyes are always showing the eyes of a thinking man, and the smile is one of friendliness.


Noteworthy Equipment: His weapons,and greenleaf armour are his main equipment of note. He carries hardly anything else since he prefers to travel light, and can scavenge or hunt for food when neccessary.


Background: Tarnin was born in the city of Vioroson to what is believed a noble lass and a commoner's son. Her family dissaporved of such a relationship and ordered, in a very cruel way, that his father be executed for besmirching the family name. On top of that, Tarnin's grandparent's secrete ordered the newborn to be sent far away so they wouldn't be stuck with such a reminder. Sadly, those who were to take the little boy were slaughtered by bandits who cruelly left the baby to die.

Luckily for Tarnin, a peculiar female bear who he ended up only knowing as 'Mother' took a liking on him and raised her as her own cub. Throughout the years she showed him the way of nature's gift. Sadly, she was eventually brought down by a hunter's group. He was gone at the time so he doens't know exactly what happened or who was truly responsible. For a time, Tarnin went mad and started attacking any hunter who dared entered 'his' forest. So much so that for the next few years the ranger got the ominous name of the 'Ravager' and was spoken off in whispered tales between hunters. The odd thing was that despite his new found aggresiveness, Tarnin rarely killed anyone and only in self defense; but rumours being what they are tend to grow - facts or not.

One of his victims was one Greg Witcheta, a young bard who had decided to travel the lands. After Tarnin dropped on him, Greg didn't panick like most did nor did he threatened the animal boy with violence. More curious than anything, the two of them soon became friends. Tarnin taught Greg the way of nature while the bard showed the ranger that while civilization could often be so cruel to those they don't understand that it actually had a wonderful side of light, and caring. Tarninhas yet to enter a civilized palce let alone his birth place; but one day he hopes to conquer this fear of his to finally meet those that likely abandoned him. This haunte dhim forever as he remembers so very little; if anything at all. His cloest friend other than Greg is his bear companion 'Snatcher of Berries' who is the son of 'Mother'.

In a world of death, evil, and destruction what is a ranger who is still unsure of himself to do?



3. Rurrik's Axe



Description/Background: A large golden axe so keen that it can cut off one's finger who just taps the edge.

So named for the crafter, and original weilder of the weapon. Rurrik was first a Lord and then High Lord of the Holderhiem Kingdom. In fact, he was the only one who ever had that title as he had named his grandson the first king before passing away at a very old age.

During his long life, Rurrik showed himself to be a brave and true leader who could accomplish much by leading his people through actions and not just simple words. A brave soul, he would be honoured as the great king he was even with the lack of the actual title.

Rurrik's Axe is the greatest material symbol of his power. Blessed by Mother Graystone, the High Lord crafted this artifact weapon himsefl over the course of two long years. Emblazend with his life blood, divinity of a goddess, and the sweat of hard work; the axe is a sumbol of masterpiece and was held by all dwarves of Holderheim Kingdome as the apex of dwarven craftsmanship. Afterwards, Rurrik tried to continue his beloved crafting; but could never find it in his heart to continue since he knew nothing he worked on could ever hope to match the magnificance of Shining (his name, at the time, for the axe.

When Lord Rurrik died, the axe was buried with him as his grandson and new king realzied nobody not even him would be worthy of wielding the weapon. Sadly, the weapon would be lost and forgotten by all but the most knowledgable of dwarven scholars when the stronghold itself would fall for unknown reasons many years ago.

There are mythical tales that one day a dwarf will find the Shining, and use it to bring a new glorious day to the ancient and most beloved lost kingdom of Holderheim. Others scoff at such wishful thinking and believe that the axe is best served in its current resting place wherever that may be.


Restrictions: Only the most lawful of dwarves may weild this weapon. And, only those dwarves who recieve the blessing of Lord Rurrik himself making it nearly impossible for the weapon to be ever weilded again even if found.


Abilities/Powers: Cast Spell: Bless Weapon (10) 1 Use/Day

Cast Spell: Divine Favor (5) 1 Use/Day

Cast Spell: True Strike (5) 1 Use/Day

Damage Bonus vs. Alignment Group: Chaotic 6 Damage Bludgeoning

Enhancement Bonus +3


Saving Throw Bonus: Universal +3

Use Limitation: Alignment Group: Lawful

Use Limitation: Racial Type: Dwarf



4. Monster: Ghost Dwarf Monk (Chaotic Neutral)

Type: Undead, Ghost (Undead 6, Monk 6)

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 18, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 14, Chr 10

Hit Dice: 6d12 + 6d8 + 42 (184hp)

Initiave: +4 (dex)

Speed: Monk Speed

AC: 29 (+10 natural, +4 dex, +1 tumble, +2 armour skin feat, +2 special race bonus)

Attacks: Fist (+16/+13/+10)

Damage: 1d8+6 (+1d4 cold)

Special Qualities: Undead properties,Regeneration, Ghostly Dodge (constant improved invisibility), Damage Reduction (+2/25)

Saves: Fort +13, Reflex +11, Will +13

Skills: Disc +14, Concentration +11, +10 hide, +10 listen, +10 move silently, +10 spot, +5 taunt, and +9 tumble

Feats: Knockdown, Improved Knockdown, Weapon Focus (fist), Weapon Specialization (fist), Toughness, Blinding Speed, Still Mind, Evasion, Dodge, Deflect Arrows, Cleave, Bullheaded, Blindfight, Alertness.

Spells: Confusion (3/day), Blindness/Deafness (2/day), and Bane (1/day) all cast at 12th level ability.

Challenge Rating: 11

Description: Blueish ghostly figures in the shape of dwarves. Their physical appearance is so far removed from the actual world that parts of their bodies actually seem to be constantly invisible.

Background: Ghost Dwarf Monks are all that are remaining of the Holderheim Dwarves. They were the last of the dwarven defenders to fall, and this apparantly is their ever lasting punishment. Over the centuries, these dwarven ghosts have gone mad and will attack anything or anyone they see except fellow dwarves unless they are attacked first. The Holderheim monks were all a part of a highly organized pact in honour of Mother Graystone known as 'Earthen Fists' and guarded the stronghold from any threat from the depths of the Underdark such as mindflayers, derro, dorw, and the rare deep dragons that occasionally attempted a raid on the dwarven fortress. Sadly, they do the same now; but their purpose has been twisted into not only defense of the stronghold but the torture and harassment of any who dare to step foot on such hollowed ground.



There ya go.



P.S. If you anything speciifc to ask about chapter 2; but be forewarned that any answer may consist of chapter 1 spoilers...


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Great stuff!


I particularly like the ghost monks ... those monks are always a handful ... "Blue Glowies" have reached Witcheta! (w00t)


And of course the Gold axe sounds phenomenal ... only for lawful dwarves, eh? Like a Dwarven Defender, perhaps? I wonder where Mr Dwarven Ghostie is ...? >_<




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