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I do not know if this has been discussed before, but the chronicles of the KotOR story that is displayed at LEC, does not seem to match the stort as it is presented in TSL.


Take a look at this:


JEDI MASTER KREIA, Revan's old mentor, is still haunted by guilt, wondering whether it was her teaching that resulted in Revan's fall to the dark side, and begins to search for him. Sensing his last location, she travels to Malachor V, but is unable to shield her emotions, and is completely consumed by the dark side of the Force. She is lost to the Jedi, spending the next several years on Malachor V, learning its secrets, and eventually becoming The master of the Sith academy there. Guided by Kreia's influence, Sith assassins once again begin to emerge silently from Malachor V and strike at isolated Jedi across the Republic, capturing some Jedi to turn to the dark side, and slaying those that resist. Taken to the dark side world of Malachor V to be fed to the planet's dark energies, these Jedi husks create even more assassins and DARK JEDI, feeding the planet's hunger.


And this:


Coming to the realization that they are being targeted by a hidden and insidious adversary, the Jedi Order scatter, going to ground in an attempt to draw out the attackers. To all intents and purposes, the Jedi Order disbands, and renounces the Old Republic. One of the Order, JEDI MASTER ATRIS, gives in to her frustration and the collapse of the Jedi Order, and begins to delve into Sith holocrons to attempt to determine the nature of the threat facing the Jedi. Attempting to summon the remaining Jedi she has kept contact with, Atris attempts to call a Jedi Conclave under the strict agreement of secrecy on a Midrim world. She struggles to comprehend her actions as the Conclave is interrupted when every single Jedi attending vanishes without a trace. It is later discovered that all of them were savagely culled by Dark Side Sith Assassins under the command of DARTH NIHILUS. Unknown to the rest of the Jedi, Atris secretly leaked knowledge of the Jedi attending the Conclave in the hopes that the enemy would reveal themselves. However, the results were worse than Atris could have possibly imagined.


I was under the impression that Nihilus devoured the Miraluka world.


Anyone care to explain or flesh this out a bit?

I do not know if this has been discussed before, but the chronicles of the KotOR story that is displayed at LEC, does not seem to match the stort as it is presented in TSL.


Anyone care to explain or flesh this out a bit?


Those "Chronicles" completely contradicts and wrecks the story of the first game as well. I'm willing to bet that the person who wrote them has not played either of the games. I wouldn't pay much heed to what they say, regarding the KotOR series.


They may provide some interesting backstory to previous events for people like me who has not read any novels/books or seen more of StarWars than the movies and a handful of games. Though it's of course possible that they are as accurate about that EU background info as they are about the game story. ;)


There is interesting backstory and history on there, though. The Exar Kun and Qel-Droma, among others, chronicles are quite enjoyable to read.


They really give you an idea of the depth that the Star Wars universe has to offer.


I wouldn't get too worked up about seeming inconsistencies from the chronicles. I believe they are told more from a future historian's point of view rather than an eyewitness account. Told from a historian's viewpoint it reflects the nature of the events, and a certain perception of those events, rather than a perfect description. In this case, the flavor and generalities are what is important, not the accuracy of individual events. This also allows you to develop some level of freedom with your character (for instance in Kotor I you could be male or female, light or dark, it doesn't matter to the chronicles). Inconsistencies? Maybe, but fairly trivial when taken in this context.


Atually the part with Kriea does make sense. She does say that she was expelled because she was blamed for Revan's fall. Because of that she could have gone to Malachor V, trying to find the real reason behind Ravan's fall to prove it wasn't her fault, that she was "right". She does talk alot about Jedi who fall to the Darkside as being true to themselves. Revan's fall could definately be the betrayal that started her down the Darth Traya path, as well as the Jedi Council betraying her because they wanted someone to blame for Revan.


We do learn in KotOR II that Revan used the planet to break Jedi and turn them to the darkside.


The only part with Atris that is wrong is the part about the Jedi conclave, and that is if it is specifically alluding to Katar. Which it probably is since the other Jedi Masters thought she died on Katar, so one could assume she might have been the one behind it and would be expected to be there.

I wouldn't get too worked up about seeming inconsistencies from the chronicles.  I believe they are told more from a future historian's point of view rather than an eyewitness account.  Told from a historian's viewpoint it reflects the nature of the events, and a certain perception of those events, rather than a perfect description.  In this case, the flavor and generalities are what is important, not the accuracy of individual events.  This also allows you to develop some level of freedom with your character (for instance in Kotor I you could be male or female, light or dark, it doesn't matter to the chronicles).  Inconsistencies?  Maybe, but fairly trivial when taken in this context.



I think those Chronicles were written while they were creating Kotor 2. Are they official? I dont think so. So many factors based on the player's choice can effect the story. I agree with you with a historian point of view, those chronicles are view for only the perception of the event.

Actually anything prior to Kotor 1 is very interesting to read. I would be even more curious to learn more contents about the ancient Lords of the Sith.

Attempting to summon the remaining Jedi she has kept contact with, Atris attempts to call a Jedi Conclave under the strict agreement of secrecy on a Midrim world. She struggles to comprehend her actions as the Conclave is interrupted when every single Jedi attending vanishes without a trace. It is later discovered that all of them were savagely culled by Dark Side Sith Assassins under the command of DARTH NIHILUS. Unknown to the rest of the Jedi, Atris secretly leaked knowledge of the Jedi attending the Conclave in the hopes that the enemy would reveal themselves. However, the results were worse than Atris could have possibly imagined.[/i]


These stories were written before the cut, with the original story in mind.

If you go through the cut dialogue you will see Atris DID tell Nihilus about Katarr and that all the deads there should be happening to draw the Sith out and kill them.

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