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New Pope


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(The world is about due for a new cataclysmic crisis; China annexes Taiwan and a few other places, like Nepal and Afganistan,


And possibly Russia... :(


Don't forget, like Judaism, GUILT is the major motivator in Catholicism.


...and Eastern Orthodoxy...


The last thing THE AUTHORITY wants is to let in some naby-pamby like the liberal Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Cantebury trying to modernise the Church to make it relevant and cause a(nother) schism. A black pope -- hah!  :lol:


I really thought the new one would ay least be hispanic...no German Pope is going to save the Church in South America. Catholisism is running out of places to screw up in...

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(The world is about due for a new cataclysmic crisis; China annexes Taiwan and a few other places, like Nepal and Afganistan,

And possibly Russia... :(

Yeah, forgot about that potential. Then again, Napoleon and Hitler have proved that Russia ain't the best country to invade ...

Don't forget, like Judaism, GUILT is the major motivator in Catholicism.

...and Eastern Orthodoxy...


The last thing THE AUTHORITY wants is to let in some naby-pamby like the liberal Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Cantebury trying to modernise the Church to make it relevant and cause a(nother) schism. A black pope -- hah!  :(


I really thought the new one would ay least be hispanic...no German Pope is going to save the Church in South America. Catholisism is running out of places to screw up in...

Yep, I thought they'd go Hispanic or Italian, then a moderniser next. If I didn't know better I'd say they're running scared. (I would kill to read the secrets in the Vatican library. :lol: )


Check out the link on my previous post: it's a variable URL, so it won't work in the normal manner, but it helps illustrate my point about the coming schisms.




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It was better back in ye olde days when they had two Popes.



More blessing to go around that way. :)

Greek Pope

Coptic Pope




I was tring to find the quote from the Pope (Probably Eugene III) who said "Kill them all, God will know his own" in response to a question from the military attacking a city with Catholics as well as heretics, and instead found this link: "Tuez-les tous; Dieu reconnaitra les siens." from the Abbot of Citeaux. He wasn't a Pope later, either.




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I want my very own private Popie...

Ask and ye shall receive.


(As it might be deleted soon, I have transcribed the contents, below. I can't understand why anyone would be offended enough to request this censorship, looks like Orwell's scarily prescient ... :)" )


A Pope in the Discordian religion refers to every single man, woman, and child on earth. There is an offical =POPE= card on page 00036 in the Principia Discordia that may be reproduced and distributed freely to anyone and everyone. Popehood, however, is not granted through possession of this card - it is merely to inform people that they are a genuine and authorized Pope of Discordia. While the powers of a Pope were not necessarily enumerated in the Principia, we are given some idea from a note under the card which states, "A =POPE= is someone who is not under the authority of the authorities."


Some Discordians have also taken it upon themselves to further elaborate upon the powers of a Pope. On the back of some Pope cards, the following message can be found:


"The rights of a =POPE= include but are not necessarily limited to:


To invoke infallibility at any time, including retroactively.

To completely rework the Erisian church.

To baptise, bury, and marry (with the permission of the deceased in the latter two cases).

To ex-communicate, de-ex-communicate, re-ex-communicate, and de-re-ex-communicate (no backsies!) both his-/her-/it-/them-/your-/our-/His-/Her-/It-/Them-/Your-/Our-self/selves and others (if any).

To perform all rites and functions deemed inappropriate for a Pope of Discordia."

This understanding of the notion of Pope has far reaching consequences. For example, the introduction to Principia Discordia says:


"Only a Pope may canonize a Saint. <...> So you can ordain yourself - and anyone or anything else - a Saint."

A female version, with the word Mome substituted for Pope, has also been promulgated.




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I want my very own private Popie...

Ask and ye shall receive.


(As it might be deleted soon, I have transcribed the contents, below. I can't understand why anyone would be offended enough to request this censorship, looks like Orwell's scarily prescient ... :p" )


A Pope in the Discordian religion refers to every single man, woman, and child on earth. There is an offical =POPE= card on page 00036 in the Principia Discordia that may be reproduced and distributed freely to anyone and everyone. Popehood, however, is not granted through possession of this card - it is merely to inform people that they are a genuine and authorized Pope of Discordia. While the powers of a Pope were not necessarily enumerated in the Principia, we are given some idea from a note under the card which states, "A =POPE= is someone who is not under the authority of the authorities."


Some Discordians have also taken it upon themselves to further elaborate upon the powers of a Pope. On the back of some Pope cards, the following message can be found:


"The rights of a =POPE= include but are not necessarily limited to:


To invoke infallibility at any time, including retroactively.

To completely rework the Erisian church.

To baptise, bury, and marry (with the permission of the deceased in the latter two cases).

To ex-communicate, de-ex-communicate, re-ex-communicate, and de-re-ex-communicate (no backsies!) both his-/her-/it-/them-/your-/our-/His-/Her-/It-/Them-/Your-/Our-self/selves and others (if any).

To perform all rites and functions deemed inappropriate for a Pope of Discordia."

This understanding of the notion of Pope has far reaching consequences. For example, the introduction to Principia Discordia says:


"Only a Pope may canonize a Saint. <...> So you can ordain yourself - and anyone or anything else - a Saint."

A female version, with the word Mome substituted for Pope, has also been promulgated.



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Ahhh, and I thought my chance of elevation to Sainthood had long passed me by. :thumbsup:



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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